June 30th, 2023

00:00 - Intro
04:30 - Not point to video, but fine instruments
06:00 - Human interest story (Corey at 13yrs. and a strat)
13:45 - Greg and "metal" guitar
16:00 - Pet peeves / Stairway to Heaven
17:00 - Girl names for guitars
20:30 - Craigslist "Killer" / "Rare" / "Axe" / "Quiver"
23:35 - Newbie just learns and doesn't know they really don't know
29:00 - Pulling the strings out of tune and blaming it on guitar / White knuckle
34:00 - Songs not being played the way someone else plays it (Stone Temple Pilots, AC/DC)
38:50 - Pole pieces the same direction
40:00 - 3 humbuckers / Gibsons, 335, Les Pauls
62:00 - Ugliest guitar? / Most beautiful guitar?
75:00 - George enters
80:00 - Cheapest star / Guitar as art
UNLESS of course you happen to be one of THOSE guys….
oh, you know the ones i mean…the ones that love to complain about not being able to hear every single word of dialogue perfectly clearly in a totally free video….after 50 years of working with power tools with no hearing protection.
I simply cannot deal with any more of the dumb ass “biggest guitar store in North America and they can’t afford a microphone?” comments
Please keep in mind that these are extremely loose casual conversations that are recorded with a simple iPhone….just a few dudes who have spent their entire lives in the old guitar racket sharing a few laughs, and a couple brews (courtesy of dear Wayne Baswell) and the occasional “hot take” on a particularly touchy subject
Greg “Old World” Voros
Eric “Ebo” Borash
Corey Terrell
George Gruhn
Geoffrey from Atlanta
and a very special thanks to sweet Tosa from Atlanta for holding her arms up for over an hour straight filming this video. (Try that sometime folks…after 15 minutes it starts becoming a real problem)
Like all Homeskoolin’ products…this video is meant to be taken in good fun.
it is not meant to offend anyone…
please people, if any of the views expressed here-in don’t align with your own….please do not take it personally.
I am pretty sure you guys would rather see some raw unedited real shit rather than some smoothed out corporate PC bullshit….am i right?
Besides there is already enough people out there who hate me for providing 600 free guitar lessons.
Thanks for watching kids…please visit this amazing store if you ever get to Nashville…it is really something special.
George has been the king of the vintage guitar mountain since 1970.
Editor’s note:
I meant to say “tremotone”, not “frequensator” when I was referring to a few of Gibson’s questionable moves during the golden age.