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July 16th, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Boston Memories”

00:00 - Rehearsal for Jim Irsay in Boston, MA - Pink Floyd cover
02:22 - J. Geils Band cover - Musta Got Lost
02:45 - Huddle in rehearsal
03:20 - Playing Kenny Wayne Shepherd's guitar / Huddling

Well kids, I played a super fun show at "The Gaaahhden" in Boston last night with the Jim Irsay band.

Go ahead and say what you want about Irsay being a money grubbing billionaire (like you guys always do anytime I mention his name)......but he put on an absolutely free concert for the entire city of Boston that probably cost him millions solely out of the goodness of his heart..

Thanks to all the many Homeskoolers who came out and showed their comfy HS t shirts.

Just some random rehearsal clips, starring...
Duke Levine, Kevin Cronin, Kenny Aronoff, Kenny Wayne Shepard, Mike Mills, Ebo, Carmella Ramsey , Mike Wanchic, Danny Nucci, Michael Ramos and many others

July 7th, 2023

Homeskoolin' Volume 228, Tom Bukovac, "The Sad Fate Of Frozen Meat"

00:00 - Strumming and intro / Memories
02:00 - Coming sessions / Kid Rock / Irsay gig
03:30 - Many thanks
04:09 - Storm came through lost power and the generator
05:30 - Taylor acoustic
06:00 - Listening to music with boys / "Devil Went Down to Georgia"
06:48 - Loopers broke / Cat Stevens got to be the coolest guy
09:00 - Pete Townshend song writing / "You Better You Bet"
09:50 - Lesson: Chord sheet to "You Better You Bet"
10:10 - "You Better You Bet" playing
13:56 - Lesson: Chords progressions
18:00 - Many thanks again

Uncle Larry returns to the Homeskoolin' program after a long hiatus during which time he was in exhaustive "solo dad when kids are out of school" mode.

Please check out

Lots of fun stuff on there...tons of photos, links, etc etc
AND... you can buy the digital download of the birthday concert!

July 3rd, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Firth Of Fourth Of July”

00:00 - Keyboard song

Happy 4th friends!!

July 1st, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Leo & Daddy Saturday Night Piano Jam”

00:00 - Being a good dad

Remember how many times you heard this jam on football Sunday back in the day? The best commercial theme ever.

The boys dig it, so 7 year old Leo added it to his trick bag

The power of the 4min6 chord

June 30th, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Goes To Gruhns Volume 3

00:00 - Intro
04:30 - Not point to video, but fine instruments
06:00 - Human interest story (Corey at 13yrs. and a strat)
13:45 - Greg and "metal" guitar
16:00 - Pet peeves / Stairway to Heaven
17:00 - Girl names for guitars
20:30 - Craigslist "Killer" / "Rare" / "Axe" / "Quiver"
23:35 - Newbie just learns and doesn't know they really don't know
29:00 - Pulling the strings out of tune and blaming it on guitar / White knuckle
34:00 - Songs not being played the way someone else plays it (Stone Temple Pilots, AC/DC)
38:50 - Pole pieces the same direction
40:00 - 3 humbuckers / Gibsons, 335, Les Pauls
62:00 - Ugliest guitar? / Most beautiful guitar?
75:00 - George enters
80:00 - Cheapest star / Guitar as art


UNLESS of course you happen to be one of THOSE guys….

oh, you know the ones i mean…the ones that love to complain about not being able to hear every single word of dialogue perfectly clearly in a totally free video….after 50 years of working with power tools with no hearing protection.

I simply cannot deal with any more of the dumb ass “biggest guitar store in North America and they can’t afford a microphone?” comments

Please keep in mind that these are extremely loose casual conversations that are recorded with a simple iPhone….just a few dudes who have spent their entire lives in the old guitar racket sharing a few laughs, and a couple brews (courtesy of dear Wayne Baswell) and the occasional “hot take” on a particularly touchy subject

Greg “Old World” Voros
Eric “Ebo” Borash
Corey Terrell
George Gruhn
Geoffrey from Atlanta

and a very special thanks to sweet Tosa from Atlanta for holding her arms up for over an hour straight filming this video. (Try that sometime folks…after 15 minutes it starts becoming a real problem)

Like all Homeskoolin’ products…this video is meant to be taken in good fun.
it is not meant to offend anyone…

please people, if any of the views expressed here-in don’t align with your own….please do not take it personally.

I am pretty sure you guys would rather see some raw unedited real shit rather than some smoothed out corporate PC bullshit….am i right?

Besides there is already enough people out there who hate me for providing 600 free guitar lessons.

Thanks for watching kids…please visit this amazing store if you ever get to Nashville…it is really something special.
George has been the king of the vintage guitar mountain since 1970.

Editor’s note:
I meant to say “tremotone”, not “frequensator” when I was referring to a few of Gibson’s questionable moves during the golden age.

June 29th, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam, “Sequential Circus”

00:00 - Keyboard playing

There have indeed been some exciting changes in my little retro analog living room keyboard set up lately….
First off…
I am having an absolute BLAST with this new Mellotron Micro keyboard that just showed up.

My God, this thing is sooooo cool. It was basically love at first sight for me when I tried one of these for the first time on a session recently. It’s really all you need…I highly recommend these to anyone out there who digs Mellotrons…you can get these on EBay for about a grand.

And secondly, I traded my old mid 70’s round top Rhodes Suitcase 73 for a later square top Suitcase 73 model from 1980. I have always preferred the cleaner brighter sound of the later Rhodes models personally, although most players seem to prefer the older ones.

My pal David Crutcher (who you guys met on some of my earlier vids explaining the intricacies of the old Hammond B3) completely refurbished this Rhodes I just bought.
He rebuilt the action and voiced it. It feels WONDERFUL and the thing just sounds incredible. I couldn’t be happier with it.

The one that I traded him is up for grabs now if anyone out there is looking.
David can sell it to you as is (in need of some work) for somewhere in the 2K range, OR, you can have him refurbish it for you and make it primo…which I HIGHLY recommend for somewhere in the 3K range (which is still way under the insane prices people are asking for old Rhodes pianos on the internet).

If anyone is interested I can hook you up with him….just lemme know.

June 28th, 2023

“Hey Man Show Me A Cool Lick” (Volume 2)

00:00 - Brilliant congo-like snare lick

Starring Jordan Perlson


June 27th, 2023

Homeskoolin' Big News

00:00 - Acoustic strum with announcement

It's finally finished...

Go to the snazzy new website if you would like to partake ....

Special thanks to Ron Brice, David McLeod, Steve Marcantonio, and the fine folks at Cinematic Focus for making this all possible.


June 27th, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Session Update, “Division Street”

00:00 - Session and talk with Russ Pahl
02:55 - Tour of Omni
04:30 - Little keyboard playing

THE BIRTHDAY CONCERT VID IS OFFICIALLY LIVE ....go to if you wanna check it out!

Uncle Larry was busy as usual today kids….he did two sessions in two different studios that were waaaay across town from each other.

This little clip is from the morning session where I led a demo session (four songs in 3 hours) for my old buddy Dan Friszell at an old studio downtown called Omnisound on Division Street.

The band was
Russ Pahl: pedal steel
Evan Hutchings: drums
Mark Hill: bass
Jenee Fleenor: fiddle
John D Willis: acoustic
David Crutcher: keys
Uncle Larry: electronic guitar

When I say i “led” the session that means I wrote the charts and got twice as much dough as the rest of the guys for doing so. By the long-standing rules of the Nashville Musicians Union AFM branch 257, every session must have an assigned “leader”, who makes twice the dough of the other cats, in return for going through the trouble of making all the charts beforehand. Also, historically, whoever is the leader of the session gets to boss people around a little more than usual on that day, People kind of treat you like it's your birthday when you are the "session leader".

This video stars the legendary Russ Pahl, who has played pedal steel and guitar on A LOT of records…he has played with Vince Gill, Dan Auerbach and Bob Plant to name a few. Russ makes some really nice guitars under the brand name of “RP Guitars” (mostly Fender Tele and Strats with a few twists and turns) and he hand winds his own custom pickups. He is the living definition and pure embodiment of the phrase "tinkerer". Contact me for his email if you would like to investigate his work further.

And…if you can name the tune that i play on the piano at the end of this video, then I KNOW that you are a cool person

June 27th, 2023

“Hey Man Show Me A Cool Lick” (Volume 1)

00:00 - Lesson: Jerry Reed lick and more

Starring Nashville session legend John Willis.

A dear and cherished old pal of Uncle Larry.