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March 29th, 2023

Homeskoolin' Volume 205, "The Notes Between The Notes"

00:00 - Little swanky Beatles guitar
01:51 - Hello all / Kenny Wayne swipe / Wednesdays
03:20 - Gibson SG / Nylon saddles
04:00 - Nashville shooting aftermath / Thank for kind words
05:05 - Beatles - Hey Bulldog / More than 12 notes scale / John Lennon sing in between notes
06:06 - Nashville guitar show total fail
07:20 - Comments on originality in music
08:45 - Owning a legendary guitar? / Billy Gibbons Pearly Gates and story
09:49 - Showing a video with good guitar playing? Doesn't exist
10:05 - Best comment?  Joe Namath DJ your party
11:04 - Talking about some pedals / Pete Cornish pedal
11:55 - Son Marshall getting into guitar playing / Buying prebuilt pedalboard


Uncle Larry gettin' all microtonal and shit.....

If anyone wants to call James Burkett and order one of his re-everythinged old Harmony Sovereigns here is his number...(334) 797-6388.

keep in mind he does these by hand one at a time, so you ain't gonna be getting one tomorrow....or this week....or....

and totally unrelated, but fucking MORE terrible news, check this of the ONLY places in Nashville that i actually go to....or used to....
heartbreaking.....Johnny is a sweet sweet guy and this was the ONLY cool card store in this town.

March 28th, 2023

Homeskoolin' Volume 204, Tom Bukovac, "A.I. Blues"

00:00 - Sweet, slow and dreamy tune
02:42 - Hello, Homeskoolers' / Sad school shooting in Nashville
03:38 - Cat Stevens - Trouble
04:36 - Harmony Soveriegn conversion guitar
05:50 - Originality, "reminds me of...", sounds like / All music is "stolen" vs. plagiarism vs. 100% original
10:00 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Pet peeves - "You're not wrong."
10:45 - Kemper, modeling, and loving amps
11:51 - Vinyl for Plexi Soul
12:30 - JHS and DigiTech Bad Monkey / Klon and lower gain setting
14:45 - ChatGPT and AI (Artificial Intelligence)
16:47 - "What session would you have loved to be present?" / Led Zeppelin - Black Dog / Dancing Days

Uncle Larry gets into the VCB and recent sad events in Nashville

March 27th, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Chart Boy”

00:00 - Sessions and charting


Many years ago when I used to record with johnnie and Donnie van zant, they used to call me “chart boy”….cuz I was always making charts of the songs…well the name kinda stuck.

Here I am charting one for the Struts…of course the band already knows the song, but the additional keyboard player, the engineers and myself can certainly use one.

March 23rd, 2023

Homeskoolin' Volume 203, Tom Bukovac, "School Of Rawk"

00:00 - Just showing some magical playing
01:30 - What's up cats / Divorce and precious car rides
02:30 - Funny or Die / Will Ferrell - Landlord
03:05 - Picks - Fender
03:38 - '63 Epiphone Olympic / Sons Marshall and Leo
04:20 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Episode 202 and dumb title
04:51 - Pick hiding thing
06:32 - Contradictory statements explanation and correction
07:45 - Sports and over-celebrating, showing-off
08:12 - Social media and getting gigs?
08:52 - Middle pickup Strat
09:07 - Talking shit of Guthrie
10:00 - Painful divorce fuck-off
10:14 - Watermelon with strings
10:25 - Joe Cocker story / Senior moment
10:49 - "Who would play you in a movie?"
11:00 - Spaghetti logo / "Vintage Guitar" magazine
12:03 - Thank you for sweet comments
12:13 - Lession: Loose wrist and rotation
13:38 - Bragging and sucking / Thanks


Uncle Larry gets heavy into the VCB

Paypal tip jar is

Venmo is @Tom-Bukovac-1

March 23rd, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Session Update “The Crested Wave”

00:00 - Session peak into gear of "The Struts"
01:56 - Bukovac rig
02:53 - Bass rig
03:08 - Drum kit
03:35 - Keys room
04:13 - Amp room / Smell
07:06 - Rehearsal with The Struts


March 22, 2023…east iris studio in Nashville

Julian “Mr. Raymond” Raymond
Eric “Ebo” Borash
The Struts

March 22nd, 2023

Homeskoolin' Volume 202, Tom Bukovac, "Act Like You've Been There Before"

00:00 - Sunny morning playing
02:15 - Hello fellow Rock 'n' Roll enthusiasts
02:45 - Joe Cocker and "Moon Dust"
05:00 - ' 62 Stratoblaster / Spaghetti logo
05:35 - Middle pickup in a Stratocaster
06:16 - Chess videos
06:30 - Bragging on click-bait videos / Do your thing rant
07:57 - The Struts / Rock 'n' Roll cats and magic
10:15 - Bragging about profession...never talk about it
11:53 - Contrary motion
12:10 - Tuning
12:27 - Playing: Working your way up and down the fretboard
14:18 - Lesson: Working your way up and down the fretboard
14:55 - Lesson: Chord that makes you seem you know what you are doing [x x 5 4 2 2]
15:52 - Guthrie Trapp and his playing

An early morning slab board and coffee infused rant from your weird old uncle.

March 21st, 2023

Homeskoolin' Bonus Jam "Mad Dogs And Clevelanders"

00:00 - Beatles - With A Little Help From My Friends (Joe Cocker / Tom Bukovac Rendition)
03:20 - All time favorite tunes / Howya going mate!
03:55 - "Mad Dog with Soul" (Joe Cocker documentary)
04:20 - The Struts (Session project)
05:00 - Watch Delta Lady from live performance of "Mad Dog with Soul"

Uncle Larry waxes rhapsodic about one of the greatest voices to ever step up to a microphone....and the great convergence of England and Tulsa.

March 17th, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “And You’re With??….”

00:00 - In the sessions fun


A quick session update from the final day of tracking for the record Guthrie and myself are making

Steve Mackey
Brandon Bell
Lester Estelle
Guthrie Trapp
Brook Sutton
Uncle Larry

Hey guys there are still a few of those 200 limited edition signed 200th episode prints left at

Check one out if you feel that feeling…



March 16th, 2023

Homeskoolin' Volume 201, Tom Bukovac, "Pedalmania!!"

00:00 - Some raunchy guitar
01:45 - Hi, friends! / Many videos and thanks
03:20 - Gear review demo / Pedal nuisance
05:30 - Empress - Compressor / Greer - Black Mountain / Eastside Music Supply - Brown Amplification Atom / Coppersound Killswitch
08:00 - Base sound (amp and reverb)
09:00 - Brown Amplification Atom
10:15 - Black Mountain Crunch Drive / Lightspeed
13:20 - Proud of this channel and Positive energy
13:55 - Roger Mayer Voodoo
14:30 - Compressor
17:10 - Killswitch

Uncle Larry makes an exception to his long standing rule of not doing gear demos on his the's Friday in my mind.

March 16th, 2023

Homeskoolin' VOLUME 200!!!! "A Special Treat"

00:00 - Intro 200th episode / Pacifico and wine
03:08 - Homeskoolin' thanks / Dann Huff as a producer
06:18 - Collaboration and dictatorship / No right way to finish line
12:24 - Moment knew when making big
15:45 - Dann's take on guitar tone
18:00 - Dann bought Tom's pedalboard
18:53 - No greatest tone / Leslie West story
21:00 - Van Halen (tuning)
23:15 - Midrange / Small guitar tones
27:00 - Cool Dann story (Van Halen)
30:50 - Bass content with guitars
34:00 - Most genious overdubbing
35:50 - Great guitar tones / Billy Gibbons stories and Guthrie Trapp
38:19 - Great tones continued / Billy Gibbons - Jesus Just Left Chicago
41:16 - Jimi Hendrix - Voodoo Chile
43:08 - 50% more distortion / Distortion and guitar
47:22 - Marshall Plexi tone / Foreigner - Hot Blooded / Greatest power chord Foreigner - Juke Box Hero
53:45 - Roxy Music - Love is the Drug solo
55:55 - That one note of Steely Dan
58:10 - Cooper Time Cube - 100 ft of garden hose (doubling effect) / Joe Walsh - Life's Been Good
63:10 - Steve Miller Band

One of my favorite humans on this planet

Sweet Dann Huff