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October 5th, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Volume 113, Tom Bukovac, “Planet TD1

00:00 - Bedtime quiet playing
02:41 - What's up, guys / Intro
03:15 - Trip The Witch - Planet TD-1 explanation
03:41 - Planet TD-1 lesson (Key G minor)
06:00 - Further explanation / Plasma Pedal
07:10 - Bending in general
08:17 - Gilmour playing / P90s
08:50 - Jam riff / loop lesson / Chord explanations
13:09 - "Boomer" bending / Shake it off
14:03 - Putting power into bending / Push fingers together
14:51 - Hillbilly outro playing
15:44 - Link Wray - Rumble playing

A not so brief discussion about bending and a couple tunes you can learn if you’re muy bored.

Thank you guys so much for the flood of positive feedback about the Trip The Witch record….it means the world to Dean and myself.

Stay tuned for a my solo record which is coming VERY soon….in two formats…one with my annoying solos, and one with space for YOUR annoying solos.

You guys are awesome, thanks for the continued support….and to the 11 people who religiously watch every video i put up and still thumbs down it, suck a dick.

Homeskoolin’ merch available at
Paypal tip jar is
Venmo tip jar is @Tom-Bukovac-1

October 4th, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam, Tom Bukovac, “I Always Pictured You Wearing Pants” part 3

00:00 - Beautiful mixture of playing

A brief foray into the complete and total unknown…with some previous techniques discussed in earlier episodes hidden throughout.

Homeskoolin merch available at
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September 22nd, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Edition Riff Giveaway, “Stream Of Unconsciousness”

00:00 - Soulful blues playing

Remember class…if you don’t get called for fouls, you ain’t playin’ basketball.

Fall is almost here….and I am SOOOOOO happy about it.

Today’s puzzle, a ‘58 Les Paul though an old bar whore ‘64 electric instruments Super Reverb my buddy Brett found me.

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September 21st, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Volume 112, Tom and Guthrie, “Velvet Hammers”

00:00 - Dressed To Kill Myself playing
02:26 - Hello, friends! / Thanks
03:18 - Guthrie Trapp intro
04:02 - Dressed To Kill Myself lesson / Chords
05:34 - B-Section
06:19 - Beatiful solo playing
07:30 - Uncle Larry's Garage Sale / Gibson '65 335
08:20 - Guthrie Trapp playing

Hello class…in today's presentation…a walk through the chords of the Trip The Witch song “Dressed To Kill Myself”.

Also , a couple videos of my dear old friend Guthrie Trapp absolutely destroying my ‘38 OOO-18 and my ‘37 AJ.

Also, the lovely ‘65 Gibson 335 in the video is available in this episode of Uncle Larry’s garage sale. This guitar is ABSOLUTELY ready to be someone’s main squeeze….beautiful refret and it plays like absolute butter, dead in tune. Nice fuckin guitar in the original case. Has some Bigsby holes and original tuners reinstalled after some others were on it…best part about this guitar is it has the “tweener” nut width…it’s not the classic wide pre ‘65 1 11/16” nut width, but it’s not that super skinny late 60’s feel either…its a “tweener”

9500 plus shipping

Email me at if you need it

Stay tuned for super comfy Trip The Witch t shirts!

September 15th, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Volume 111, Tom Bukovac, “Wagons In Space”

00:00 - Space Wagon playing
01:53 - Hey, Homeskoolers!
02:43 - TTW thanks
03:51 - "Prog Jam" song
04:08 - Martin acoustic
04:20 - Space Wagon lesson / Chords
06:26 - Melody / Sarah Buxton
07:12 - Tricky verse part
08:58 - Building the song
09:44 - Playing the song
11:17 - Studio mess, campout

Hello class!!! Its your weird old uncle….tonites lesson teaches you how to play "Space Wagon" from the Trip The Witch record that came out recently. This track is probably my personal fave on the album, although its a bit of a wall flower at first glance.

Today was day one of a four day Morgan Wallen record at Blackbird studios in Nashville….its nice to be able to camp out for a few days and get weird…bring out the weird toys.

I’m actually totally serious about eventually making the move to all combo amps….the big head/cabinet scenario has served me well for many years, but I always like to keep evolving and trying new things.

Thanks so much for the kind words about the TTW album, Dean and I really appreciate it.

September 3rd, 2021

Homeskoolin’ TTW Update

00:00 - Acoustic intro playing
00:41 - Howya doing / Trip The Witch
02:34 - Dean DeLeo - Sour Girl lesson

Hello friends…it’s just Larry bringing you the latest on guitar world’s exclusive premier of the first single released from the Trip The Witch album….a collaboration between myself and Dean Deleo. This is the only song on the album that has vocals. The entire album will be released on Sept 10…only available on streaming at this point sadly…all vinyl production facilities are WAAAAAAAY backed up at the moment, well into next year. Anyway, here it is….

I also included an old vid Dean sent explaining the CORRECT way to play “Sour Girl”… of my alltime fave Stone Temple Pilots numbers.

Enjoy lads!

August 31st, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam “The Roadrunner”

00:00 - Picking blues mix jam
06:56 - '53 Fender Telecaster

Hey Homeskoolers, hope all is well….just stuck in the house on a rainy day with a funky old blackguard Tele and my dear son Leo who came in to show me his crumpled up treasure map.

Rest in peace my dear old friend Tim Akers.

For those concerned, the Trip The Witch single will be featured on an exclusive with Guitar World tomorrow (Wednesday) and released in CD Baby (basically all digital platforms) Friday!

August 29th, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Volume 110, Tom Bukovac, “Unclelectric Larryland”

00:00 - Bad ass intro jam / Come On
02:00 - Hello, class!
02:58 - Stressful morning / Leo (son) sick
03:25 - Cover tune / Jimi doing Earl
04:42 - '60 Strat / Tuned down to Eb
05:07 - The Gear Page / Thin Lipped Cups
05:52 - Trip the Witch / Jon Anderson
07:30 - Viewer Comment Bin / Football
07:52 - Best 5 guitar amplifiers
09:01 - Direct box
09:42 - Bus story and sense of humor
10:52 - Roland BeeBaa Fuzz
11:31 - Top 5 Worst Guitar Inventions / Thanks
12:45 - EHX Frequency Analyzer

A brief chat on many things, including hurricanes, tunings, pedals, and people who are NOT fun to hang out with at parties.

Homeskoolin merch available at
Paypal tip jar is
Venmo tip jar is @Tom-Bukovac-1

August 27th, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Update, “Travelin’ Session Man”

00:00 - Back to sessions

Just a quick hello to all you Homeskoolers out there…its been a while, but things are getting back to “normal”….and more importantly FALL IS COMING….Praise the Baby Jesus….

August 21st, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Road Update “Double Down

00:00 - Tour bus stories

Hello my dear Homeskoolers, just a quick update from day 11 of a 14 day run with Ann Wilson and the Amazing Dawgs. Admittedly, everyone is a little punch drunk and emotionally wrung out after our dear bass player Tony, who we all love to pieces, had a “temporary departure” from sanity on the casino floor in Atlantic City.

Quote of the tour so far, from the resident wise old owl Ebo….”Atlantic City was built on Tony Lucido’s”

Thank God everything ended peacefully.

Thanks for watching the show guys….
Your pal Uncle Larry

Homeskoolin merch available at
Paypal tip jar is
Venmo tip jar is @Tom-Bukovac-1