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July 27th, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Evel Kneivel Redux “Ouch!â€

00:00 - Evel Kneivel Crash and Burn

Todays lesson kids? Wear a helmet!!!

July 27th, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Evel Kneivel Bonus

00:00 - The most daring jump a plastic man can have (Slo-Mo).

Well guys, when its 180 degrees outside and 100 pct humidity, you and your children have to find fun things to do INDOORS…..and let me tell you there is NOTHING LIKE the joy that an Evel Kneivel Stunt Cycle can bring.
Best 40 bucks a man can ever spend.

July 22nd, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Volume 108, Tom Bukovac, “Reverb Math”

00:00 - Slow ambient jam
02:17 - Hello, class!
04:37 - Baritone strings / Gauge
05:29 - Wrapping strings
06:28 - Jerry Jones Neptune Longhorn Baritone / A tuning
07:40 - Gibson Eb-2D Bass garage sale

Hello class, just a brief exploratory look at baritone guitars….keep in mind, EVERY guitar sounds cool when you tune it down low enough. Props to John Scott from Bluesman Vintage guitars in Nashville. You may want to contact him if you like lightweight guitars…the Strat he had with him yesterday was literally the lightest Strat i have ever felt in my entire life…5 pounds tops.

If you guys want either of the two instruments from Uncle Larrys Garage Sale just email me at

Buyer pays all shipping

Homeskoolin merch available at
Paypal tip jar is
Venmo tip jar is @Tom-Bukovac-1

July 19th, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Duesenberg Session Man Update

00:00 - Duesenberg guitars being made

Fellas, i just got this email from my dear old friend Nathan Fawley from Duesenberg guitars. Apparently the first 10 Session Man guitars are in stores this week and here is where they will be landing.

I don’t mean to sound all sappy or overly sentimental, but i can’t even tell you how good it feels to have a signature instrument that i can TRULY stand behind and believe in….with all the honesty in the world. made by a great company that i have been working with closely for 15 years. This is all very exciting to me….cannot wait to hear feedback about these guitars from all of you players….i mean i ALREADY KNOW they are fuckin’ bad ass, but i’m looking forward to hearing YOU guys say that hahaaaa.

Anyway heres a cut and paste of the email Nathan sent.

Tom We are proud to announce that we are shipping to these 10 stores this coming week with the NEW Session Man Tom Bukovac Alliance Guitar.

The Guitar Sanctuary **
McKinney, TX **
Guitar Center
Hollywood CA
Guitar Center
Dallas TX
Guitar Center
Nashville TX
Midwood Guitar Studio
Charlotte, NC
N' Stuff Music
Pittsburgh, PA
Palen Music
Springfield, MO
Rogue Guitar Shop
Albany, OR
Sound Pure
Durham, NC
Chicago Music Exchange
Chicago, IL


Nathan Fawley | President
Duesenberg *USA Guitars
PO BOX 857 Fullerton, CA. 92836
Phone: 714-580-1547
@iduesenberg • Instagram
Duesenberg Facebook

July 17th, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Saturday Night Bonus Jam

00:00 - Mesmerizing playing

Just a little late night Saturday viewer appreciation bonus track….to hopefully help enhance any buzz you may already be working on. Thanks for watching guys

Your pal

Uncle Larry

July 17th, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Volume 107, Tom Bukovac, “Penalty Kick Blues”

00:00 - Texan blues intro
01:14 - Hello, class!
01:48 - NAMM show
02:19 - Health concern addressed
02:50 - Viewer Comment Bin / Busy
03:04 - Mystery project
03:57 - Soccer
05:06 - Yola - Stand For Myself (acoustic intro)
05:56 - Ann Wilson gigs
06:50 - Effects loop vs. plugging into amp
07:54 - Albums coming out / Uncle Larry Album
09:08 - Gibson Firebird
09:27 - Mutant hybrid picking / 4ths / Thumb picking
10:23 - Chords and polychords
11:14 - Neck pickup soloing jam
11:30 - 100k pots / 'The heavens parted and God said...this is your Firebird'

Hey guys….if you’re looking for a SUPER COOL place to take your kids for an afternoon, you gotta take them to the Lane Motor Museum in Nashville. You’re not gonna see a bunch of old Chevelles and the ordinary old car stuff, this place is jam packed with rare and exotic vehicles from all over the world….its a nice quiet peaceful calming afternoon, kind of like a NAMM show right?
You might even see Uncle Larry and his two sweet boys there.

Homeskoolin merch available at
Paypal tip jar is
Venmo tip jar is @Tom-Bukovac-1

July 4th, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Bonus 4th of July Feedback

00:00 - Beautiful slow jam
05:53 - Duesenberg Blackbird
06:36 - Echoplex
07:07 - Gretsch 6161 Amp

Well guys….I have always said, music is the great healer….especially tape echo imploding through some red hot 7591s…

I am layin’ low today friends. Drove myself to the ER at 2:30am last night after waking up in EXCRUCIATING kidney stone level pain in my right side…

My right side has been hurting right below the rib cage for about the past week, but last night it went into full on "attack mode" and i thought it was a kidney stone or the old appendix was about to burst.

Anyhoo, they put me on a morphine IV and that certainly helped. It turns out whatever is going on with me has been perplexing to the two different docs i have been to. Two different abdmonial CTI scans show absolutely nothing abnormal…blood work is fine, liver is fine….gallbladder looks normal, no kidney stones, no appendicitis or pancreatitis….so what IS IT?

No one knows….ulcer is the most reasonable conclusion at this point…which kinda fits "the lifestyle" in the often stressful world of the Uncle Larry. Do NOT worry friends, Larry is just gonna take it easy, play some guitar, watch some movies and chill the fuck out. Hope you all have a great holiday…and please do NOT blow your fingers off tomorrow lads ferchrissakes

Homeskoolin merch available at
Paypal tip jar is
Venmo tip jar is @Tom-Bukovac-1

June 26th, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Updates From The Road, “Blues For Matt Mallet”

00:00 - PLaying intro (tapping / pull-offs)
00:55 - Hello / Update
03:33 - Outro playing
03:51 - Gibson Firebird / Duesenberg Session Man love

Hello my dear Homeskoolers….i feel like i don’t say it enough, but i greatly appreciate the honest heartfelt support of the channel.
Hope you guys know that.

Here’s another stream of consciousness ramble from a shady hotel somewhere real close to a Denny’s.

Fuck off Silviu

June 25th, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Updates From The Road, “Reptilian Space Dust”

00:00 - Behind the scenes
03:00 - Turtle

June 25 2021, Clearwater Florida….had a super fun show last night. Tony is looking for more instagram followers if you guys are up for it @tbonelucido

June 22nd, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Updates From The Road

00:00 - Intro
00:30 - Paul Moak and rig
02:00 - Uncle Larry's pedalboard and chart
02:19 - Sean Lane and kit
02:35 - Eric Borash tech / Uncle Larry's rig cont.

Tuesday June 22, 2021
First gig of Ann Wilson 4 gig “mini tour” of Florida.
Ft Myers….God its so hot….

The Amazing Dawgs
Uncle Larry
Tony Lucido on bass
Paul Moak on guitar and keys
Sean Lane on drums

Thank the Lord we are playing in an air conditioned theater…

Thanks for watching guys!

Homeskoolin merch available at
Paypal tip jar is