March 20th, 2020

00:00 - Lesson
My attempt at lifting the spirits of my fellow man up a bit in this fucking crazy time of world crisis....stupid virus....and furthermore....
Even though i basically stay home and play the guitar all day anyway, I'm not comfortable with the fact that now i HAVE to stay home and play the guitar all day.
I hear all of you who suggested that I do "Skype" lessons or something...unfortunately this is the best I can do....until i learn what "Skype" means...
and also, for anyone that might be thinking to themselves "man, Tom Bukovac sure has been putting up a lot of youtube videos lately...who does he think he is...some kinda celebrity??" ....keep in mind that i participate in ABSOLUTELY ZERO social media of any kind. I have very strong beliefs that social media is the downfall of all mankind....
although it can be argued that youtube itself is a form of social media, i feel like it gets a pass because it can actually be "educational" ....and because it can actually be "cool"...and unlike the other forms of social media, it isn't a "total waste of time" solely invented to "feed the ego" while simultaneously robbing the world of any of the "beautiful mystery" it once had....
wow, lookie first RANT...