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January 28th, 2025

Homeskoolin’ Volume 396, Tom Bukovac, “Drones Over Nashville”

00:00 - Cover song with imitating Pop drums
03:00 - Hello, friends! / Cold Tuesday morning
03:29 - Lesson: Pop drums and strumming
04:14 - Lesson: Roy Orbison strumming
05:39 - Gibson "Banner Head" J-45 / Bridge story / Joe Glaser
07:00 - Peterson Strobe Tuner
08:27 - Flattening the G / Tuning compromises
09:39 - Droning / Jazzy Donald Fagan / Rolling in his grave (Vince Lombardi)
11:45 - Thanks for Silvertone video / 7 days a week work
13:35 - Gibson "Banner Head" J-45

Uncle Larry beat boxes one of the popular rhythms of the day, and even hearkens back to the days of Roy Orbison .

Special thanks to Adam Chowning and the boys at Glaser for saving this sweet old J-45 that’s had an even harder life than I have .

January 27th, 2025

Homeskoolin’ Bonus…”Blues-In-Case”

00:00 - Rockin' on some different equipment

Uncle Larry wants to say thank you to the boys at Music City Vintage in Nashville TN for hookin’ a brother up with a fair deal on an EXTREMELY tidy ‘65 Silvertone 1448 with the straightest neck a man could ever ask for…AND a .00005 watt tube amp built right into the case!

Raise your hand if your first guitar was one of these….

We need to start a new trend of building small modeling amps into modern guitar cases with an iPhone type speaker you can barely hear…that would be fuckin’ cool

January 27th, 2025

Homeskoolin’ Volume 395, Tom Bukovac, “The Dregs Of Winter”

00:00 - Jimi-esque Blues
04:13 - Rod Stewart? Hey, friends!
05:22 - Hey, friends part 2 / NFL / Taylor Swift / Josh Allen
07:18 - Lesson: Quick pickin lick
07:54 - Goldtop Gibson Les Paul neck pickup
08:36 - Watching NFL
09:35 - Bluesy playing / Whispering guitar / Tweed Deluxe
10:56 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Hiwatt, Sound City, Orange amps / Big Daddy Don Garlits
12:43 - Sustain, not feedback
13:07 - Good guitar through crappy amp or visa versa?
14:34 - Cliche chords and dissing guitar players for using them
14:45 - Lesson: Funk voicing
15:58 - Fun work week...
16:15 - "Guilty" on dissing common guitar voicings... / Be more decisive on your choices
17:55 - Back to Fun work week / Music business / "Old car in Country video"
20:25 - "When will you be happy with your guitar collection?" / Buying, selling guitars to get what you want
22:10 - Lesson: Picking and skipping strings
22:38 - Gibson ES-150 / ES-350 Charlie Christian
23:49 - Passion - going through life without passion
26:23 - "Cool pedal?"
27:24 - Fender Precision Bass color suggestions

Uncle Larry tries to give some comforting words about the dead zone we are now entering ….now that the season is officially over.

Brace yourself friends…for the dregs of winter

it probably should be noted that in approximately 1100 videos spanning the last five years, I have never once asked you to “like” or “hit that subscribe button”….

however, if you guys ARE in fact learning some shit from these videos and you are in fact getting some real entertainment and actual enjoyment out of them, it’s never a bad idea to hit the ol' tip jar…donations are my love always helps and it is always EXTREMELY appreciated

PayPal is
Venmo is @Tom-Bukovac-1

here's that old hippie refin bass....i forgot it didn't have a guard...been a long time since i've seen this.

January 25th, 2025

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam “Untitled”

00:00 - Plucking into an amazing melody with bass

Some Saturday morning driving music for the class...i just put this up so i didn't forget it...

just gimme a studio, some coffee with half and half, a good engineer, some synths, a drummer and a cool singer….see ya in a few hours

January 24th, 2025

Homeskoolin’ Volume 394, Tom Bukovac, “Electric Mistress Sunset”

00:00 - Mellow playing
04:58 - What's Up? / Fun project Dan Auerbach / Miles Kane
08:07 - NFL games
09:00 - What pedal is this? / 70s Electro-Harmonix Electric Mistress
10:30 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Most versatile pickup? / Most versatile guitar?
12:44 - Gretsch Harmon Booster Playboy aka Jen Fuzz
14:13 - Stalker video guy
15:01 - Gangster movies / Martin Scorsese
15:32 - Lesson: Coolest chord min9 / Gm9 [x 10 8 10 10 x] -> Dm9 [x 5 3 5 5 x] -> Cm9 [x 3 1 3 3 x]
18:19 - Lesson: Em9 [0 2 5 0 3 2] variants
21:05 - '63 Fender Telecaster

Uncle Larry returns to YouTube to discuss one of his favorite chords, one of his favorite guitars, and one of his favorite old pedals with you…

Thumb nail photo taken by Uncle Larry tonite on his way home from work.

if you feel led to donate to the channel...
my paypal is
my venmo is @Tom-Bukovac-1

January 19th, 2025

Homeskoolin’ Volume 393, Tom Bukovac, “Bird Believer Fever"

00:00 - Hello, friends! (creepy version) / NFL
02:30 - Thanks, Motor Trend
03:41 - '65 Gibson Firebird I
06:30 - Offset post bridge by Nick Drushel
09:00 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin)
09:55 - Dave Chappelle
10:23 - Lucky to have a Burst / Hard working
14:23 - Alex Harvey
15:13 - "Top 3 bands you'd watch live?" / The Cars
16:40 - "Jethro Dull"
17:11 - Strymon Brigadier
18:00 - Betting with viewers / NFL
18:55 - "Take pickguard off of Burst?"
20:02 - D'Addario NYXL / Chevrolet Monte Carlo for sale
20:49 - Peterson StoboFlip
24:54 - Tuning / Playing

this bit of comedic genius had me in tears this morning....

January 18th, 2025

Homeskoolin Bonus Jam, "Hippie Rock"

00:00 - Practice

Leo Bukovac shows off his 'lectric drums and his bad ass 9 year old pocket...while Uncle Larry caterwauls along .

January 18th, 2025

Homeskoolin’ Bonus…”Our Legacy”

00:00 - After hours dropbox

It should be our goal to leave this world in better condition than we found it in friends…

Besides my children and my help designing the music city bridge, this may be I consider my greatest contribution to mankind hahahaaa

January 17th, 2025

Homeskoolin’ Volume 392, Tom Bukovac, “Burst Believer Fever”

00:00 - Hello, friends (creepy version) / Running out of gas
03:00 - Teaching the song "Signs"
04:25 - Mailbox Burst / History of the Burst
13:00 - Alex Harvey Band - Faith Healer
13:57 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Thanks for videos
14:58 - Homeskoolin' family
15:55 - Lady Madonna improve
16:20 - Alfred Hitchcock intro
17:30 - Losing weight / Richard Simmons
18:55 - Hockey
19:20 - Jeff Beck mods
20:19 - Tom Bukovac vs Charlie Davidson vs Devin Falco
22:20 - Gibson Burst
28:33 - Playing

Uncle Larry restrings 8 6785 (Jenny Jenny…who can I turn to?) whilst slaving over a hot slab of recent VCB after a long day at the session mill.

here is a fascinating video you have probably already seen...but if you haven't, you're welcome

January 17th, 2025

Homeskoolin’ Volume 391, Tom Bukovac, “Cable TV Special”

00:00 - '58 Gibson Les Paul Special / No refret restring

Uncle Larry prepares for another day at the mill and waxes rhapsodic about the early days of television.