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May 6th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 306, Tom Bukovac, “In Stereo” Album Review” (well, first half anyway)

00:00 - Sliding and a pickin'
00:20 - Good morning / "In Stereo" record deep dive setup
01:27 - Coffee and not giving a fuck
02:45 - Folgers Classic Roast is the Gildan of coffee
03:33 - Beer snobs / Being picky
04:04 - "In Stereo" talk
05:10 - Tracks listing order, dissection
06:05 - Track sequencing

Uncle Larry goes through the first few tracks of the new album with you ….

If you haven’t heard the record yet you should save this video to watch later…seriously

here is the link to buy the record

Unrelated, if any of you guys are looking for a bangin 56 les paul tv special I have one here for sale. A friend brought it over…he wants 15k plus domestic US shipping for it

It’s a damn nice guitar

Old Grovers clearly put on a million years ago, original keys not included

Refretted with slightly larger than original sized frets

Comes in a 70s Gibson les paul case

Nice comfortable weight

Beautiful fairly worn original TV finish with no overspray and no repairs whatsoever

Big chunky kick ass neck

It’s already got a music city bridge on it

all original parts otherwise

This guitar plays great, sounds great, looks great

Email me for photos at

May 4th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “The Most Pimp Gibson Amp Of All Time”

00:00 - Robots, bikes, Schwinn, Brett Papa
03:18 - '60 Gibson GA-83S
06:13 - Playing the GA-83S
07:28 - Back in the day (Ebo)
08:05 - Switching center speaker off / Leslie

If you can stick around through the opening “collage” you can cast thine orbs upon the rarest unicorn of an amp that ever rolled out of Kalamazoo

The 1960 Gibson GA-83S stereo tube amp

6BQ5 (EL-84) power tubes
5 speakers
one 12” and four 8”
stereo “vib-trem”…which is like nature’s univibe….

Uncle Larry has been actively hunting one of these exotic beasts for probably 15 years…previous to this one, he has only seen one in real life in his 55 years on this planet

This was undoubtedly Gibson’s alltime flagship amplifier and certainly their most indulgent design statement in the history of the Gibson amp line-up…they probably made less than 100 of these total …and I’m pretty sure they were all built in 1960

Magical times back in these days…the crazy things that these brilliant engineers were doing with vacuum tubes at companies like magnatone, fender, marshall, valco, danelectro and vox…

Gibson and Gretsch both pushed in all their chips banking that stereo was gonna be the wave of the future…but the future had other plans.

May 3rd, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 305, Tom Bukovac, “That Confounded Bridge”

00:00 - Rockin' some chords
02:20 - Far out pickin' pattern
03:08 - Yo'! / Gibson Maestro GA-45
04:07 - Song form (very important) / "Fixing a broken song"
08:15 - Lesson: "The Middle Eight"
09:43 - Best bridges of all time: 38 Special - Caught Up In You
12:00 - Back half of the bridge / Low harmony
12:33 - Working with Donnie & Johnny Van Zant
13:11 - Bridge is even better #2: Badfinger - Baby Blue
14:50 - Best bridge of all: Uncle Kracker - Drift Away (Reggie Young)
16:53 - Good bridge: Aerosmith - Living On The Edge

Uncle Larry gives ya a little look into the world of song form….and a magical device that the British call “the middle eight”

Oh, and the click bait thumbnail has absolutely NOTHING to do with this video but I just thought some of you motorheads out there might dig takin a gander at the 71 396 Camaro I owned for a while back before my dear boys were born

If you like these silly videos then maybe something in the tip jar…

If you hate them, then don’t…

My PayPal is

My Venmo is @Tom-Bukovac-1

May 3rd, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “He Bought What??”

00:00 - Unboxing video ('97 Fender Telecaster - Made in Japan (MIJ))
04:23 - Reveal / Tuning
06:00 - Playing
08:08 - Setup and acoustically
08:43 - '66 Fender Telecaster
09:04 - '66 Tele plugged in
10:08 - MIJ Tele plugged in
11:30 - '66 Tele
12:20 - MIJ Tele
12:57 - Highly recommend '90's MIJ Fender

I guaranTEE you that none of you guys saw this coming….

May 2nd, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 304, Tom Bukovac, “The European Way”

00:00 - Picking at the Blues
07:55 - Flimsy pick? / Morning beer / Playing
09:43 - What a 335! / "The Click" and Larry Carlton on Steeley Dan record
10:43 - Ted Williams & Mark McGuire story ("Bat burn")
11:51 - Brett Papas and video work
12:10 - Lesson: Loose and from the wrist
13:43 - "Bat burner" Ted Williams
14:29 - '60 Gibson ES-335 / Thin, fast, controllable neck
15:38 - The Easybeats - Friday On My Mind interpretation
16:30 - House with the pool / Inner Clevelander
17:29 - May have to sell '57 Goldtop
18:35 - Lesson: Cool lick that makes your bass player give you a look

Uncle Larry pulls out of San Pedro late one night and shakes it on down into overdrive…

This one is chock full of licks you can steal…brought to you by none other than Peter Blacklarge.

Hope you enjoy these videos friends.

May 1st, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 303, Tom Bukovac, “Father And Son”

00:00 - Putting the chords back in music
03:21 - Good morning, Homeskoolers'! / Gretsch 6120 White Falcon
03:45 - "Listen to that amp"
05:00 - Thanks for Guthrie record
06:00 - Scars of the face and stories / "His name is Robert Paulson" (Fight Club)
09:00 - Kids' lesson / Keeping kids from seeing what they shouldn't see
11:41 - Lesson: Tough guy chords / Cheesy 3rds / Tough guy E [0 2 2 4 0 0] / Connector E [4 x 2 4 x x]
15:30 - Going through the Guthrie record

Uncle Larry talks about every man’s worst fear…trying to shield their children from the horrors that come through ALL the screens…the screens are EVERYWHERE and they are relentless

Link for new record

if you guys are getting something out of these videos, the PayPal tip jar is always open...
so is the venmo one

and totally unrelated, if you want to take an unfortunate look at what REAL crazy actually looks like, dig some of this...every day it's something different with this guy....he comes after me, tim pierce, guthrie, rhett shull etc..... crazy is all around us everywhere...i'm so used to it i barely notice it anymore, but this guy has a particularly big mouth and he is extra annoying.

oy...just be careful putting yourself out there people..if you can't handle weirdos you should seriously consider another line of work.

May 1 Tom Bukovac CHALLENGED by GRAND...

on a much brighter note, here is a fuckin cool track from an amazing album that came out 20 years ago that sadly no one ever heard....this record was way ahead of its time
Soul Back

April 30th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ PSA “MIDNITE TONITE!!”

00:00 - Tom Bukovac & Guthrie Trapp record release

Rock and roll lads

April 29th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 302, Tom Bukovac “Boilin’ Frogs”

00:00 - Cruising in the Monte
00:45 - Playing some uplifting tunes with a loop
04:10 - Hello, friends! / Thomas Joseph Bukovac / East Lake Public School shout out / Boys update
06:39 - SPAM calls
07:10 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Pete Townshend or Rose
07:41 - Hardest thing you had to do on a session? / Sessioneering, being a prostitute, and picky
12:06 - Trippy effect / In the face of negativity and insight into lashing out / Focus on the positive
14:39 - The Gear Page thread twist into personal attacks / Darkness in the world and focusing on the positive
19:06 - Saying something fucked up / Teddy Boy
20:15 - Lesson: Burning fast lick / Gibson Maestro

I remember my dear old friend Tony Lucido talking a while back about how all the stress and pressure of this modern world just keeps getting ratcheted up higher and higher….

I remember him saying “we are all just boiling frogs man”….

Hahaaa…so can anyone out there relate to that???

…if truer words have ever been spoken I’d sure as hell like to hear them…

Stay strong friends…a lot of this shit is actually not our fault.

not to sound TOO cliche….but like I always tell my boys….you just gotta zoom out and try to get some perspective about where your own personal problems fall inside the BIG picture of real problems….

and you GOTTA TRY to focus on the positive

April 27th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Got Drums?” GoDrums by

00:00 - Music Will Drum Kit
03:10 - Playing and dancing

The coolest portable drum kit ever made….GoDrum my Musicwill has been kicking ass for years encouraging music programs in schools....and the guy that founded it…Dave Wish, is a force of positive nature.

Please check into it and get involved bringing one of these amazing kits into YOUR kid’s school music program …..

If you have any questions please contact Dave at

I can already tell you as a father of two young boys…kids absolutely LOVE to mess around with this is a total no brainer.

Special thank you to my dear friend Chris “Stix” Mchugh (producer of the Plexi Soul record” and his sweet gal Laila for participating in this video).

April 26th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 301, Tom Bukovac “Stairway To Cleveland”

00:00 - Putting some magic into the echo
05:57 - Hello, friends! / "Zombie Channel" / Update, producing, thanks, house with pool
09:09 - Guthrie record
10:02 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Go on the road again? / NFL
12:09 - Uncle Larry's Garage Sale / '62 neck Telecaster
13:10 - Clean '65 Princeton Reverb / 2 of each of everything
14:27 - Thanks and a little insight and advice / Blocking some people like Teddy Boy

Uncle Larry busts back onto the YouTube scene with a vengeance after a hiatus of sorts.

Heres the link to the Guthrie record that comes out May 1st

...and how fucking awesome is this?

Shopping in Stores in 1971: Retro Vid...