July 15th, 2024

00:00 - Making that guitar hum along
03:10 - Howya doing? / Blake Shelton
04:10 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Moving and cleaning crew
05:18 - Beers starts to hinder playing? (6 beers)
06:03 - Classical?
06:40 - J.D. Vance
07:07 - "Lightning in a Bottle?" / Sometimes magic happens while creating / Demo is always better
09:29 - Missing kitchen, missing garage / Changing something that's good
10:06 - "Wall of amps"
10:24 - AC/DC Marshall cabinets on stage
11:44 - Fuckin' kick ass cleaning company
12:06 - "The Fumble"
13:33 - The landscape of life ("Old man going through changes" - "Divorce", "Flood", "Death of Best Friend", "Rebirth")
Uncle Larry covers some events of the day and brings back a painful memory that still haunts Clevelanders to this day....can you imagine living with the fact that YOU are the guy who is associated with an event known by any sports fan in America simply as "The Fumble"....
Even Scott Norwood feels sorry for the poor guy....
The truth is that Earnest Byner's career game that day was the only reason that his team was even in the position of potentially winning that game in the first place...but nobody remembers that part.
...and dig this backline friends…damn...
The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Foxey L...
music is so much cooler now