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October 13th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam…featuring Tom Bukovac…”Low Neck Sweater”

00:00 - Amazing jam on the Strat

The next installment in the ocean green Strat series …naturally

A little jazz blues direct from the mind of a converted yankee

October 12th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Saturday Night Bonus Jam “Slant 6”

00:00 - Pickin' those strings to a loop

Remember friends, if you don’t get called for fouls you ain’t playin basketball.

October 10th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 348, Tom Bukovac, “The Age Of Guitar”

00:00 - Old Folk, Country type songs
04:27 - Hello, friends!
05:22 - Age of guitar / Jedd Hughes channeling Grady Martin
06:48 - Worst gig of life (Underdog) / Unprepared nervousness, shakiness
09:06 - No more experiemental gigs (phones)
10:37 - Rare cut
11:06 - Stage neurosis
11:33 - Great book - Fender the Sound Heard Around the World (book)
12:15 - Update / Grammy nomination for Album Engineering
13:00 - Smokestack (Paul Moak studio)
13:57 - '53 Blackguard Fender Telecaster / Compensated saddles / Lost saddles
15:45 - Lesson: Cool lick (Key A: V back to the I) / Playing and singing
19:42 - Lesson: Cool chords
20:50 - In studio drumming

Uncle Larry catches us up on his last week of internet delinquency

Let’s say a few prayers for the folks down in Florida ok friends?

October 9th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Collector’s Edition Bagels”

00:00 - Promotion for collector CD

Uncle Larry just signed 1000 new collector edition CD’s

they will be available any minute now at this site:

Thank you guys for supporting the channel and our music

October 7th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Civil War Boogie”

00:00 - Patriotic loopin' and singin'
04:23 - PSA: Randall Bramlett & Riverside Revival / Underdog
05:45 - Gecko and music on the turntable

A quick PSA (preceded by some caterwaulin hillbilly from Cleveland)

…with apologies to Ry Cooder

October 7th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 347, Tom Bukovac, “Water Damage”

00:00 - Heavy strumming
02:17 - Hello, friends!
03:00 - Heartbroke message to those in the disaster
04:47 - Morgan Wallen work / How the sessions work
06:21 - Getting a demo copied live
08:36 - 2019 Martin acoustic
10:01 - Budget brand stuff?
11:10 - Thanks to the small, mighty community

Words can’t describe how much my heart goes out to anyone out there who is dealing with this colossal flooding nightmare …what a fucking mess.

October 7th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus, “Neck Set Saturday”

00:00 - Greg Voros intro about neck setting
02:46 - Telecaster lookover

A little hodge podge fun to get you through a rainy Saturday afternoon

Firstly, the first Homeskoolin’ video in the history of the channel that I had absolutely nothing to do with ….but I think is fuggin awesome.
Greg Voros and Nathan Golliher performing the impossible on a ‘47 Martin

A neck set so good you don’t even need glue…wow

Followed by a look at this sweet old 53 blackguard that recently floated across Uncle Larry’s transom

And then lastly a few string bends that the kids who invented the term “boomer bends” can stick directly up their ass pipe…

Have a great weekend friends

October 2nd, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus, “Day Four”

00:00 - In the studio gear mess
01:20 - '53 Fender Blackguard Telecaster
02:35 - Collision Devices - Black Hold Symmetry / Ebo E-Verb

You studio guys out there know what a mess can be created after 4 days of recording

If you suffer from Agearophobia you might want to skip this video

October 2nd, 2024

Homeskoolin' Bonus "Led Boots"

00:00 - Tom Boots '55 Gibson Les Paul Jr.
03:16 - Hello friends / '55 Gibson Les Paul Jr.
04:00 - In tune with Music City Bridge Studfinder
04:18 - Cars / Low E string and Tweed Deluxe
05:47 - Comparison with Gibson SG Special P90
07:00 - Gibson SG Special
07:52 - '55 Gibson Les Paul Special
08:25 - Thomas Boots Jr. / Thunky and chunky / On 10 and The Who - Pinball Wizard

Uncle Larry shows the class a piece of Nebraska history.
R.I.P. Thomas Boots

September 25th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 346, Tom Bukovac, “18 Strings And A Dozen Roses”

00:00 - Feeding back through the doubleneck
02:45 - What's up
05:23 - Thanks for playing / Greco
05:51 - Greco Doubleneck / Sympathetic ring
06:37 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / New house / WiFi
09:26 - Blackbird Studios and Lauren Watkins
09:53 - New guitars
10:14 - Nice chord progressions
10:48 - Fuckstick, dickweed comment with a throat punch / Confrontation via keyboard warriors / Restraint in playing
14:55 - Finding a good balance and not jacking on guitar all day
17:03 - NGD (New Guitar Day) '54 Les Paul Jr. with Gibson GA5 amp / '53 Fender Blackguard
18:29 - Richard Smith - Fender the Sound Heard Around the World (book)
20:57 - Paul Simon / Writing the book of the shit I could never say

Unclectric Larryland

I’ve been told that the new Gwen Stefani record is out friends…it’s chock full of Cleveland guitars…let me know if it’s any good