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January 9th, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Volume 184, “Moving In Mono”

00:00 - Reflective playing
04:50 - Morph into Sting - Bring on the Night / Howya doing?
06:00 - The greatest cover songs of all time
07:00 - Lesson: Bring on the Night / Vince Gill
08:20 - NFL cards
09:46 - '54 Esquire from Greg Voros / Playing / Top hat flying off
13:53 - Thanks
14:55 - Lesson: Harmonics
15:42 - Unknown riff from the '80s
16:36 - Lesson: Cars - Since I Held You / Solo
19:41 - The Cars solos story / Band person vs live improv / Test of time

Uncle Larry takes a ride on a slightly out of tune chopped 54 esquire and reflects on some childhood guitar store memories.....and childhood memories of watching Letterman.

Even the thumbnail pic shows Larry in a very "reflective type" mood.

In truth, sometimes (like tonight for example) i don't even bother to tune the guitar before i do these vids....because i usually spend all day at my "day job" caring WAY too much about when i get home at night, and it's just me all alone with my deep Cleveland thoughts it can be very stimulating for me to be a bit out of tune.
It's very freeing, sonically speaking, it's kinda like the emotional equivalent of walking around the house in your underwear.

I hope you guys don't mind.

There is one guy that watches the show that can't help but make a comment every time he hears five seconds of something out of tune on my totally unedited free form stream of conscious videos.  I think he's one of those unfortunate dudes who has to tune/edit/pocket shitty vocals on pro tools all day for bad local bands.

He probably also has a hard time enjoying led zeppelin and beatles records.

I've noticed that some people seem to feel really special when they can point out things that are "out of tune"....sometimes i think they think they are the only people that can "hear" it.

At any rate, thanks for watching guys

If you feel led:
the PayPal tip jar is always there...lurking...

so is that venmo one...

January 8th, 2023

Homeskoolin’ “When You’re Feeling Small… “

00:00 - The Cars - Candy-O

Happy Sunday

January 6th, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Collage, “Riverside Revival”

00:00 - Guitar emersion
04:08 - Playing the '58

Yes, the planning is still in it’s infantile stages…but i can tell you that there is nothing short of “a movement” underfoot here in the windy streets of Nashville Tennessee.

There is an amazing new venue in east nashville that is built in a totally renovated old church called “Riverside Revival”.

It is being run by some dear friends and kindred musical spirits.
Among them Nick “The Chef” Govrik….my old band mate from Trigger Hippy.

There is definitely gonna be some crazy guitar related action taking place in this building in the not so distant future.

There is even talk of a full on “Nashville Guitar Immersion” program where select people can buy a first class ticket to the full hang and inside behind the scenes access to the community of players here.

We are not sure exactly what it is gonna be yet, but you can trust me on this one thing….Nicky G knows how to throw a fuckin bad ass party.

There is no doubt that whatever ends up happening is gonna be deeeee-luxe.

There is talk of a gig in late February to kick things off and get people acquainted with the venue….a gig with myself, Guthrie Trapp, Jack Ruch, dearest Jedd Hughes and some other guests….and we will working in some master class guitar repair workshops with Greg Voros and Gruhn Guitars.

Stay tuned for further details friends.

January 5th, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Blues For Sweet Dougie Brown”

00:00 - Space blues

Takin’ a late night trip on a mid 60's jazzy that my old buddy the hornswaggler let me borrow ages ago…. just a little groove for all you insomniacs to possibly drift off to sleep by...

thank you guys for supporting the channel…we are up to damn near 75k prescribers...can you even believe it?

Paypal pool donation is
Venmo pool donation is @Tom-Bukovac-1

paypool haha

and special thanks to David Price for the cool rare Mexican variant of the 1978 topps Brian Sipe card

how awesome is this?

January 5th, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Volume 183, Tom Bukovac, “But I Never Sarrr Them Winging”

00:00 - Tranquil playing
02:39 - Hello, friends! / Gildan
03:30 - Stuffed toy
04:53 - Real estate agent
08:15 - Whackiness and friends
10:00 - The ole garage
10:47 - Pool and swimming
11:47 - Encompassing life
12:45 - Spontaneous fucking around videos
13:36 - Yards
15:30 - Find gear what works for you
16:25 - Various guitars vs. one / George Gruhn
17:53 - Billy Gibbons
19:16 - Gear doesn't matter
20:45 - Good guitar player can play anything
21:20 - Perfect pitch and great musician
21:45 - Jimi Hendrix thoughts / Little playing
23:43 - Lesson: Tritone substitution

Rant away Larry…rant away....

oh, and here's a song everyone should know

January 5th, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “The Luxe Collective”

00:00 - Looking for a house

Overall, Uncle Larry is a very content soul. He has worked very hard, and has been very fortunate to achieve pretty much everything he ever set out to do in this life.

He is one of those guys that is difficult to buy gifts for, because he seemingly already has everything he wants.

However, there is ONE THING, and ONE THING ONLY that he feels like he is missing in this life. A house with a pool.

Larry literally doesn’t even know how to swim, and personally speaking, he cares very little about pools. However, he has two young boys that LOVE to swim.

And Lord knows that trying to kill a 120 degree saturday in nashville with 2 young boys and no pool TOTALLY SUCKS BALLS.

I clearly understand that the Homeskoolin channel was originally packaged as a free guitar lesson channel…but over the years we have certainly branched out to a VAST ARRAY of non music related subjects. And today’s subject?

If anyone out there is looking for literally the best realtor in Nashville, well here she is. I have been through soooo many realtors in my life…when i found Lisa years ago the search was immediately over. She is the COOLEST…absolutely no bullshit, gets the job done right.

Please try her, you will not regret it

Lisa Landyn
The Luxe Collective

Tell her uncle larry sent you…

Plus…I just thought it would be fun to look at a house for sale on the Homeskoolin’ channel.


January 4th, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Volume 182, Tom Bukovac, “The Great Gear Chase”

00:00 - Mixing it up from rockin to
03:05 - Hello, friends! / Thanks / Vince Gill
04:49 - Bills game and cardiac arrest on field
05:39 - Billy Gibbons story
07:12 - Quora junk mail
08:00 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Gordon Mote
08:44 - Camaraderie in sessions
11:25 - Paul McCartney
12:45 - New Year's Resolution
13:08 - Kick head back
13:37 - Remastering 3rd & Lindley
14:27 - Fingertip tone / Different sound with different person with same gear
22:25 - Lesson: Pick straight eighth notes and play melody with fingers

Uncle Larry is wearing a hole in his soap box again…firing off maybe even more hot takes than usual.

Tell me this isn't the cutest damned thing you ever saw....what a sweet sweet boy...god it KILLS me.

Thanks for watching and supporting the show guys

Paypal tip jar is
Venmo tip jar is @Tom-Bukovac-1

January 2nd, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “The Human Tuner”

00:00 - Gordon Mote & Kris Donegan interviews
04:20 - Gordon's amazing, perfect pitch demonstration

Some shenanigans from todays session at Backstage Studio

Starring (in no particular order):
Gordon Mote
Kris Donegan
Steve Mackey
Elvie Shane
Todd Lombardo
Freddie Eltringham

January 1st, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Bonus….”Kid Stuff”

00:00 - Don't shoot your eye out

The boy can play AND shoot

And also, my 7 year old Leo wanted me to share this wacky telekinesis video he made today with you guys…as you can tell he is REALLLLY looking for likes and subscribers

And trust me…you are NOT gonna wanna miss this hot new channel that just launched it’s first episode today!

Red Ryder

December 30th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam “New Year’s Lullaby”

00:00 - Playing like there ain't no tomorrow

Thank you dear Homeskoolers…

Let us have a toast to 2023!!!