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July 20th, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 55, Tom Bukovac, “12 Strings & 12 Packs”

00:00 - Intro country tune
02:55 - Hello, class!
04:05 - Viewer Comment Bin (VCB)
04:11 - Create tablature
05:25 - Steve Vai technique
06:18 - Thumb bass notes
07:58 - Pretentious studio guys
08:38 - Prince - Conditions of the Heart
09:34 - Bukovac / Deleo
10:27 - Kind words / Thanks
11:14 - Country jam lesson

A not so brief ramble on a smorgasbord of musical thoughts from an NEO escapee.

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T shirts and mugs available at

July 16th, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 54, Tom Bukovac, “Just Cream Please”

00:00 - Intro jam
02:54 - Hello, class!
05:18 - '78 Mesa Boogie Mark II amp
06:13 - Paul Reed Smith guitar
06:42 - Paul Reed Smith story
07:46 - View Comment Bin / Punk overhyped
09:35 - Slide guitar playing / Derek Trucks
10:56 - Thomas Joseph Bukovac hype / Slovenian
11:51 - Intro jam lesson / playing

A brief foray into walkin’ blues and an apology to eastlake north high school.

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T shirts and mugs available at

July 15th, 2020

Homeskoolin Volume 53, Tom Bukovac, “And All We Have To Do Is Sing Along”

00:00 - Intro jam
02:36 - Hello, class!
05:56 - Viewer Comment Bin / Uncle Larry origin
06:58 - COTCS - Church of the Cosmic Skulls
07:44 - Favorite thing to watch / Playing
09:11 - Chord stretch
09:41 - R&B loop jam
10:56 - Rock and Roll drum intro

A brief look into R and B in A...homeskoolin merch available at

July 12th, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 52, Tom Bukovac, “Wilderness Man”

00:00 - Intro space loop jam
03:19 - Hello, class! / Family trip
04:34 - Viewer Comment Bin / Thanks
05:35 - Backing tracks
08:09 - Chess
09:04 - Get over bad days
10:35 - 3 Chord jam / Major 7 lesson

A brief chat on old the glory days of entertainment.

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July 10th, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 51, Tom Bukovac, “Smoky Mountain Blues"

00:00 - Smoky Mountain Blues

Just a little tune I have been mucking about with over the last 4 or 5 days up here in the Smoky Mountains on a nice little family vacay. Think of it as an addendum to Tom Sawyer....and don’t you fret because class will resume as usual VERY soon, your pal, Little Tommy

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July 4th, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 50, Tom Bukovac, “Uncle Sam Larry”

00:00 - Intro tricky loop jam
01:15 - Hello, class!
03:38 - Viewer Comment Bin / Front burner
04:02 - The word "hype" / Find stuff on your own
07:10 - Thumbs down / Deep feelings
08:17 - Guitar seat / 1 false move from being laid out for days
09:06 - Newer music you like? Church of the Cosmic Skulls
11:11 - Crazy loop lesson

Some brief advice regarding hype, the great killer of joy in music.

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July 2nd, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 49, Tom Bukovac “But Seriously Folks”

00:00 - Intro Joe Walsh jam
01:12 - Hello, class!
01:38 - Joe Walsh tribute
02:14 - Loop / Synth piano and bass
02:58 - Life's Been Good talk
04:11 - Joe Walsh Tour accident
05:13 - "YouTuber" / Revv amp present
07:12 - Joe Walsh - Life's Been Good lesson

A brief chat on the genius of Joe Walsh.

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June 30th, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 48, Tom Bukovac, “Cord Of Life”

00:00 - Omnichord intro
00:06 - Welcome
02:03 - Garage studio / Brad Paisley story
03:33 - Repeated question / Looper pedal
04:40 - Looper pedal lesson (Do You Feel Like We Do)
05:47 - Attempt 2 (Bass guitar)

A brief illustration on how to use a looper pedal...and some other rambling

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June 28th, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 47, Tom Bukovac, “Here Comes The Sunn”

00:00 - Intro Lennon jam
02:24 - Hello, class!
04:57 - Perfect song, perfect moment

06:40 - Viewer Comment Bin / Beer drinking
07:34 - Getting lost in work / Tracking
08:34 - Play a lot of styles / Chameleon
10:00 - John Lennon - Mind Games lesson
12:08 - Sunn amps

A brief discussion on a fabulous post Beatle achievement.

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T shirts and mugs available at

June 27th, 2020

Homeskoolin Volume 46, Tom Bukovac, “Workin’ Man”

00:00 - Look into a session

On location in Nashville number 12, at the end of two really fun days of recording with Johnny Reid at his amazing studio. Killer band....Bryan Sutton on acoustic, Freddie Eltringham on skins, Jimmie Lee Sloas on bass, Paul Franklin on steel, Tim Lauer on keys, Corky on the console. I am plunking on a '37 Martin OOO-28.

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T shirts and mugs available at