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March 12th, 2023

Homeskoolin' Volume 198, Tom Bukovac "Ember Red Destruction Machine"

00:00 - Boogie with some Rolling slide guitar
02:20 - Just Larry / No NFL / CD Collection / 80,000 Subscribers
03:39 - Michael Rhodes funeral
05:20 - Guthrie and album completion
05:55 - New Morgan Wallen record
07:00 - Favorite question: Every band or artist everyone likes except you?
08:38 - BTPA Cables - really cool
09:25 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / CDs / David and David
10:58 - Reaching far for an audience / YouTube is the only Social Media outlet worth a shit
12:00 - Newfoundland customs agent story
13:42 - '66 Gibson Firebird, non-reverse, P90, destruction machine
14:22 - 3rd & Lindsley remix DVD coming out


Uncle Larry gets busy with a tweed big box Tremolux with the channels jumped by a high quality BTPA cable.

and totally unrelated....great example of what I'm always talking about in terms of getting on a cool part and STAYING WITH IT...if you ever deviate from it there better be a DAMN GOOD reason.

March 12th, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Sunday Bonus, “Thrill To The Crisp Clean Sound Of The Compact Disc”

00:00 - Tour of collection of CD albums


Larry shows the results of a little Sunday afternoon light organizing.

I encourage all of you out there with young children to keep a small boom box cd player in the bathroom so your kids can listen to records while they take their baths before bed.

It’s been a crucial part of the music learning experience for my boys.
I have noticed that they seem to listen more intently than usual when they are chillin’ in the tub.
If you haven’t tried it with your kid, give it a shot….ol’ Larry wouldn’t steer ya wrong people.



March 10th, 2023

Homeskoolin' Bonus "Blues In A Squeaky Chair"

00:00 - Puttin' out some special tunes

Uncle Larry tries to foul as many players as possible on the basketball court....otherwise known as a typical Friday.

March 10th, 2023

Homeskoolin' Vintage Long Form Session B Roll "Flower Power"

00:00 - Sessions: The work into forming a song


Taking you waaaaaay back to the chilly cold February of 2023....Larry was holed up for a few days in a home studio out by the airport to produce a few tracks for his dear old buddy Bobby "Gateweed" Gatewood from Cleveland Ohio. Bobby and Uncle Larry have been friends since the late 80's when Bobby originally hired Uncle Larry to play bass in his cover band called Calabash.

Every few years or so Bobby slips away from his cushy life as the mayor of Put-In-Bay Ohio and cruises down to Nashtown to make a record with the Nashville cats.

We are working at the legendary Headroom Studio in Donelson here and the engineer you are seeing here in this video is my dear old pal Rick "Sweet Ricky D" Delima. Rick's sweet wife Stacy helped out on the project as well with some lyrics and backing vox...and some delicious lunches.

Tasty live drums being provided by another fellow Clevelander, sweet Shawn of the sweetest human beings to ever inhabit this planet.

Bobby originally brought this tune in as an uptempo boogie woogie kinda thing...but i thought the sentiment of the song and the introspective lyric "all i was trying to do was find me" might possibly be better served by a wistful longing 60's hippie vibe, with some janglin' stoner we proceeded down that path.

Then later on, after some group lyric re-writing and the addition of David "Bird Dog" Dorn's B-3 and bunch of tasty Haight-Ashbury guitars and some folky holllowbody bass, this track turned out fantastic.

When it's finished and mixed i will play it for ya.

totally unrelated:

Here's an old song from one of Bobby's earlier records (2007) that i produced when we were all very much younger...."Did We Try?"
This track has some bad ass cats on it....Joe Vitale on drums, Will Owsley on rhythm guitar. David Santos on bass, Mark T Jordan on keys, Troy Johnson on backing vox, Larry on lead.

If you like these videos, feel free to hit the tip jar
Paypal is
Venmo is @Tom-Bukovac-1

March 8th, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Larry At Work”

00:00 - Session playing


A sweet little tune from today’s session where Uncle overdubbed electrics on 7 songs at a home studio in Nashville…good songs and sweet people…and a nice Japanese themed lunch.

The singer?
Melissa Erin

The song? “Be The Sparrow”

The engineer? Chris “Gearhead” Condon

The bass player/producer? Phil Anthony

March 8th, 2023

Homeskoolin' Volume 197, Tom Bukovac, "Disraeli Beers"

00:00 - Vocal leading song
00:00 - Harmony H1260 Sovereign converted by James Burkett comparison
01:10 - Original Harmony Sovereign
02:22 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / L6-S (not pissing anyone off)
02:52 - James Burkett Harmony / Amazing picking
04:20 - Comment Bin / Ned Steinberger and planet waves capo / Phenomenon movie
05:30 - Manic Mechanic and Irsay gig / Billy Gibbons story
06:30 - Steve Farrone drummer / Session hire
07:00 - 1958 Flying Vs and Explorers
08:26 - Neil Peart / Stewart Copeland
09:53 - Ovation Breadwinner
10:42 - Ginger Baker and pissing people off / Cream
12:25 - Later school start time
12:54 - Stephen Stills rips into Billy Branch
13:25 - Show demographic
14:10 - Toast and vacuums (V15)
15:35 - IQ and voice leading / Smart people
16:43 - Richie Hayward and Little Feat
17:00 - Fender Mustang ugly?
17:25 - Lesson: Hard picking scale
18:30 - Gear doesn't matter?

I tried to post this this morning before work, but the upload failed...but here we go, 8 hours later...

March 8th, 2023

Homeskoolin' Volume 196, Tom Bukovac, "Top Line"

00:00 - Mellow strumming
03:00 - Hello, folks! / Sessions unusual starts
03:50 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Posters vs prints (Ziggy) / Lisa Real Estate thanks
05:30 - Strumming / Duesenberg Lap Steel / Irsay gig
07:53 - VCB / Favorite drummers?
10:15 - Coolest looking guitar?  Rickenbacker 4001
11:25 - Ugliest guitar?  Gibson L6-S
12:30 - How did you do in school?
13:55 - Knife edge of rhythm and lead
16:08 - Example: "Sweet Caroline" (vocal melody, chords, fills, etc.)
17:50 - Example: "Tuesday's Gone" (digging it out of the chords)
18:45 - Example: "Radar Love" (Golden Earring - guitar, vocal, etc.)
19:41 - Lesson: Rhythm lick (Key G, chugging), picking out those notes / Claw technique


Uncle Larry gets off in the VCB weeds desperately looking for his 9 iron.

If you want one of these signed 200th episode prints go to

If you want a truly bad ass realtor contact Lisa Land at the Luxe Collective in Nashville.

If you want to relieve some of the massive burning guilt that has built up inside you from learning and stealing SO MANY of my licks and ideas for free, then i suggest you visit the Homeskoolin' PayPal tip jar at
Venmo is @Tom-Bukovac-1

If you want some soft comfy high quality Homeskoolin' merch go here:

March 6th, 2023

Homeskoolin' Bonus "Monday's Gone"

00:00 - Lynryd Skynyrd - Tuesday's Gone / Showing to respect to a passing of a great

R.I.P. Gary

If you guys want one of these 200 signed prints go to

March 5th, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Bonus, “In Memoriam”

00:00 - Outer world playing
00:50 - Hello, friends!
01:45 - Passing of a great musician Michael Rhodes / Stories

Well, all the bass players in the world just went up one rung…..goodbye Mick

March 4th, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Double Down”

00:00 - Little behind the scenes with some great players


Vegas baby…if anyone is bored today in Vegas come to the free show downtown….starts at noon.

We got Billy Gibbons, Vince Gill, Kevin Cronin, Kenny Wayne, Kenny Aronoff, Mikey Mills, Jimmy Irsay, Mikey Wanchic, Billy Branch on the harp, and some other crabby old guy who’s name I can’t remember.

We had to move the show time up because of approaching inclement weather.

Millsy and I have a lot of fun over on stage right….never stop laughing…or drinking. He’s a lovely guy and i appreciate the fact that he always puts up with me and my little camera.