March 10th, 2023

00:00 - Sessions: The work into forming a song
Taking you waaaaaay back to the chilly cold February of 2023....Larry was holed up for a few days in a home studio out by the airport to produce a few tracks for his dear old buddy Bobby "Gateweed" Gatewood from Cleveland Ohio. Bobby and Uncle Larry have been friends since the late 80's when Bobby originally hired Uncle Larry to play bass in his cover band called Calabash.
Every few years or so Bobby slips away from his cushy life as the mayor of Put-In-Bay Ohio and cruises down to Nashtown to make a record with the Nashville cats.
We are working at the legendary Headroom Studio in Donelson here and the engineer you are seeing here in this video is my dear old pal Rick "Sweet Ricky D" Delima. Rick's sweet wife Stacy helped out on the project as well with some lyrics and backing vox...and some delicious lunches.
Tasty live drums being provided by another fellow Clevelander, sweet Shawn of the sweetest human beings to ever inhabit this planet.
Bobby originally brought this tune in as an uptempo boogie woogie kinda thing...but i thought the sentiment of the song and the introspective lyric "all i was trying to do was find me" might possibly be better served by a wistful longing 60's hippie vibe, with some janglin' stoner we proceeded down that path.
Then later on, after some group lyric re-writing and the addition of David "Bird Dog" Dorn's B-3 and bunch of tasty Haight-Ashbury guitars and some folky holllowbody bass, this track turned out fantastic.
When it's finished and mixed i will play it for ya.
totally unrelated:
Here's an old song from one of Bobby's earlier records (2007) that i produced when we were all very much younger...."Did We Try?"
This track has some bad ass cats on it....Joe Vitale on drums, Will Owsley on rhythm guitar. David Santos on bass, Mark T Jordan on keys, Troy Johnson on backing vox, Larry on lead.
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