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September 24th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 345, Tom Bukovac, “Hitchhike From Saginaw”

00:00 - Plunking, looping, and soloing
06:10 - Hard to stop looper
06:19 - Fucking amazing Reggae
06:55 - "Everything's hard" / Amazing playing cont. / Blackbird Studios / Singing and playing Alex Harvey Band Cheek To Cheek
08:21 - Lesson: Simon and Garfunkel - America / Yes
09:40 - Lights out / Complaining about lighting in free videos
10:30 - Amp guessing game
12:07 - Tweed Deluxe / Thanks for gifts
13:00 - Marshall Plexi / Good people getting ahead
14:06 - Lesson: A little finger work
15:15 - Lesson: Harmonies - Steely Dan - Led Zeppelin
16:05 - Play that sound all night / New room vs kitchen
17:12 - Lesson: That guy got the lick wrong / Fast pull-offs
19:56 - PayPal thanks / Rental house? / Thanks for the help / Dave Grohl scandal mention / Dating apps and advice
24:25 - Listen to America by Simon and Garfunkel / Vocal Harmonies, counter-rhythms
25:45 - Yes - America (version)
25:53 - Lesson: Yes - America part / Creamy center of songs, sweet little moments
27:31 - "Slightly different than the original" / Doing covers
28:28 - Giveaway

Uncle Larry gets in the weeds after a long day of sessioneering with some stream of consciousness music and speech

September 23rd, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 344, Tom Bukovac, “Rock And Roll Mountain”

00:00 - Bringing out those tones
04:23 - Hi friends!
05:17 - More tones
05:54 - I Love Rock 'n' Roll
06:27 - Wings of Pegasus crusade
08:50 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / East Lake Ohio bar / Surfside Jack drawing
10:17 - Thanks / 5 minutes to sell guitar / "How long does it take to know if it has it or not?"
14:15 - Not my first PA head (Paul Kossoff)
14:41 - Break off toothpick / Rickenbacker
16:20 - Marshall Basketweave cab
16:49 - "Would you just use modeling gear?" / "Kemper, it's good enough"
19:00 - Drunk emails?
19:43 - Placid Blue Strat
20:22 - NFL games

Uncle Larry gets into some knee deep VCB on a fall Monday

September 22nd, 2024

Bachelor Cooking With Uncle Larry (Episode 3)

00:00 - Cooking chili

Bachelor step by step tutorial on how to make Uncle Larry’s award winning “Bachelor Chili” on a beautiful Sunday afternoon

Special thanks to Leo for assisting with camera work and commentary

September 22nd, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Sunday Bonus “Mapleglo Syrup….”

00:00 - '66 Rickenbacker 360 look over
04:00 - '66 Marshall Plexi amp head

for your Sunday pancakes friends…

Welcome to Larry’s house of guitar horrors…where we take in the neglected brutalized stray dogs of the old guitar world and spend waaaaaay too much time and money trying to turn them in to well behaved domesticated studio pets.

Special thanks to Phil Bennett and Greg Germino for placing this BEAUTIFULLY manicured turn key old plexi into my life.
I can already tell I’m gonna have a LOT of fun with that one….


…and a little word of encouragement for those of you out there who grew up with that legendary percussive plexi thunk that you can literally feel in your nutsack…that you can ONLY get out of an old Marshall or an old Hiwatt…it’s OK that you absolutely cannot stand modeling amps…neither can i……sssssshhhhhh

September 21st, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Short….”Well Done Please...”

00:00 - Day by the pool

At age 55, Uncle Larry is finally figuring out what Saturdays are for


September 20th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 343, Tom Bukovac, “Late Night Larry”

00:00 - Some quick pickin'
02:24 - Lesson: Simple pull-off lick
04:02 - Doc Watson hello
04:25 - The Cliffs / Boys
06:04 - '63 Gibson Southern Jumbo
08:00 - Rickenbacker / Marshall
09:15 - Thanks, Guthrie, Underdog
12:25 - Australian Robert Plant
14:00 - Working with friends today / Lucky to be alive and playing live music together / Perspective
17:28 - Someone lashing out...insecurity driven / Cool to be alive
19:42 - Beatles - You Know My Name
20:40 - Lesson: Cool lick
21:10 - Lesson: Dire Straits - Sultans of Swing strum

Uncle Larry reminds you of some stuff you probably already know, but maybe tend to forget from time to time.

5500 for this 63 Gibson southern jumbo friends

Nice old guitar with no excuses and original hardshell case

Local pickup with cash VERY MUCH preferred

Claim it by emailing me at tombukovac@gmail com

September 20th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus, “You Had To Be There”

00:00 - Guthrie Trapp playing

This crummy iPhone vid captures about 1 percent of what it was REALLY like tonite at the Underdog

Guthrie and the boys kickin ass in front of a packed house

Great night, lots of really sweet people and big music fans

September 19th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 342, Tom Bukovac, “Play Your Ass Out”

00:00 - '70s rockin' and singing
02:44 - Turning the knobs on your guitar / Secret treble bleed
05:05 - Lesson: Making it sound British enough / Play softer / Bag of subtleties
08:00 - Lesson: Old school '60s sound
08:46 - Thank you to Nick Drushel / Frets on guitars
09:30 - No shortage of tone on the SG Special
10:08 - "What kind of fret wire"? / "What kind of action" / Action and setup
11:38 - SG vs. Les Paul (sustain and dead spots)
12:34 - Nylon saddles
13:13 - Fret jobs
16:25 - Rebinds
17:20 - Neck sets / Gruhn knowledge
21:16 - Sting - Bring on the Night - Piano solo by Kenny Kirkland

There’s a hilarious old bit of Nashville session folklore that I have heard since I first moved here…

It’s about a Japanese record producer who didn’t quite “know the lingo” getting really excited on a session and yelling “you play your ass out!!” to all the musicians hahaaaa

September 18th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus , “Silver Spoon”

00:00 - Day job in a session/producing

Session log:

Nashville TN

I thought you guys might like to watch the way a song develops over several takes…
from a project your Uncle Larry is producing on a gal from St. Louis named Jaime French.

aside from being an amazing singer, Jaime is well known in YouTube land for being a comedian…she is actually about to embark on her own comedy tour, and she’s making this record to help support it.

Her and her husband Nick are here in town for a few days while we worked on 4 songs over the last two days at one of my very favorite studios in this town….the Smoakstack in Berry Hill.

Yes that’s the same place where we did all the Ann Wilson stuff back in the day…in fact we had three of the original Amazing Dawgs assembled on today’s session.

Jaime and I put together a pretty swingin little crew for these sessions…

Zack Zinck engineering (you know how Larry ALWAYS says that the engineer is the most important guy in the band…and our boy Zack is VERY VERY good at his job…)

Stix Mchugh on the drums

Tony T Bone Lucido on the electric bass

Sweet Davey Cohen on the piano and synthesizers

Paul Moak on guitar and synth

Dearest Samuel was our invaluable session assistant (also known as the SECOND)

the assistant engineer is the SECOND most important guy in the band)
A good assistant can absolutely make or break a whole session friends…this is a fact

Anyway, crack yourself a beer and take a little ride down creation road…it’s a good song and she’s a damn good singer. Hope you enjoy watching “the process”

I swear friends, even after all these years I am still mystified by how it all works…as I have said many times before , the power of collaboration is my favorite thing in all of music

September 15th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Special Treat “The Coolest Guy On Earth”

00:00 - Dean DeLeo showing it properly

Well friends, I got clearance from corporate to show you these two EXTREMELY cool videos I have been sitting on for ages. I hope you enjoy as much as I have.

Learn how to play a couple of your favorite STP songs from the guy who actually played the parts on the record.

Dean literally is the coolest guy on the planet…such a sweet cat and so freakishly talented.

Rock on Homeskoolers