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September 9th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Life Is Surreal Pt . 211”

00:00 - Rehearsal for show

Just when i thought things couldn’t get any weirder…now there are dancers!!

See y’all tomorrow at Lucas Oil Field in Indy for the big Jimmy Irsay exhibition gig. 60,000 plus tickets already spoken for…

Should be crazy

Mikey Mills
Kenny Wayne Sheperd
Jimmy Irsay
John Hiatt
Ann Wilson
Mike Wanchic
Buddy Guy
Kenny Aronoff
Billy Branch
Carmella Ramsey
Danny Nucci
Michael Ramos

The singers
The dancers

September 6th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam “75 Out The Door”

00:00 - Awesome groovy jam

Your old buddy Larry got a little bit lucky in a pawn shop down on Charlotte Pike the other day…he happened to notice this sweet old early 70’s Alvarez Model 5001 just hangin there on the wall lookin’ all pretty…

He was smitten by the golden glow that emanated from it …and he couldn't help but notice how effortlessly it seemed to outclass all the ice cold pointy headstock neighbors that surrounded it

Well he picked it up, and sure enough, just as he suspected, it played and sounded every bit as cool as it looked….nice low action and more saddle than a man could ever need… apparently they had just put the thing out the fella said…

Well, ol’ Larry walked out with it for 75 bucks tax and all…WITH a gig bag


September 6th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Volume 162, Tom Bukovac, “You Guys In A Band??”

00:00 - Beautiful playing
01:43 - Hello, lads and lasses / Back home / Thanks
02:29 - Acoustic guitar Martin D-28
03:00 - Maton acoustic guitar
04:45 - Amazing Dawgs, bandmates, and being in a band
08:40 - Gambling / Spam and YouTube filters
09:54 - Bonus footage

Television's own Uncle Larry, absolutely exuberant about finally being home and being reunited with his trusty old '38 bone…waxes rhapsodic about that one thing we have ALL thought about since we were little kids….what it's like to really be in a band.

(and now, shift to "first person")

Now that touring is finally calming down and fall is on the way (praise God) it's time to put some focus on some projects that i started on a while back, such as this little instrumental EP that dear Guthrie Trapp and myself are putting together…it's so much’s a little snippet from one of the three tracks we already have "in the can"....gonna go back in soon and do some more.

Also, I couldn’t help but add in a few other crazy things at the end of this vid...a dumb meme that cracks me up... " I AM THE JUAN PERCENT"....oh and my alltime favorite thing that my sweet little boy Leo ever drew for his dear old dad….a totally random partial list he made at school one day of some of our favorite songs we like to jam in the car…precious keepsake.

"you got another thing comin"
"black sabbath"
"hot rod lincoln"
"iron man"
"rock and roll music"
"yellow submarine"
"starship trooper"
"hard day's nite"
"breakin' the law"
"don't stand so close to me"
"behind my camel" (instrumental by the police off zenyatta mondatta)
and one more i could never read

Thanks again for supporting the channel folks….i am doing everything legally allowed to show you guys whatever i can…absolutely free of charge of course. Why am i doing it? Because music has been really good to me in this life, and i feel like it’s the right thing to do to give it all back to a bunch of total strangers...

i hope you guys know how much i sincerely appreciate the little community we have built here …. ya’ know, except for a few kids in the back of the room that get a little too excited at times (like Brock what a tool) we got something very real going here….i for one do not take it for granted.

Rock on cats

September 4th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Dust Storm”

00:00 - Soundcheck

As a wild rain and dust storm rolls in right before our gig tonite in Laughlin NV…you get a little slice of the usual backstage/soundcheck madness that accompanies the Amazing Dawgs gigs.

Dear Rob Olsen of Maton guitars was kind enough to furnish us with this lovely Maton Messiah acoustic guitar to use on this tour….definitely a step up from what we WERE doing….the pickup sounds wonderful.

More than anything, this captures the gigantic soul of our dear band photographer Criss Cain, who is kind enough to stand in for Ann and sing for her at soundchecks….one of the coolest, most genuine people i have ever known.

September 4th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Desert Vignette”

00:00 - Montage of pics from tour

Today is one of those days…you know the ones…those days when you question your entire existence? Take me home….country roads….to the place….i belong….

September 2nd, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam “Pioneer Square Dance”

00:00 - Nice, deep rooted  playing

Cooked this little thing up for you guys in about 45 minutes today and was lucky to actually play it right.

Had a good time checkin out the shops in Seattle yesterday….spirits were high…so were prices.

All i found worth having shipped home was a half functioning 60s ampeg super echo twin like frampton used to use…but had a blast riding the light rail and lookin around.
Nice folks


September 1st, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Pike’s Peak”

00:00 - Deep melodic plucking
02:08 - Hello, class! / Seattle hello
02:44 - Coasta Mesa, CA show / Pat Benatar & Neil Geraldo (Timeless Guitars)
03:50 - BC Rich Eagle / Neil brings guitar out
04:39 - Puyallop, WA show
05:18 - Lesson: Chord voicing concept

Larry….he just woke up in a weird hotel…but thank The Lord he’s got his cheapo martin to plunk on….

August 30th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam “OK Card Pt. 2”

00:00 - 1962 Gretsch playing

A brief foray on a cadillac green 62 country club….complete with some phantom bigsby.

PayPal tip jar is
Venmo tip jar is @Tom-Bukovac-1

August 29th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Monday Night Cool Lyrics Party”

00:00 - Ian Hunter - Irene Wilde
04:38 - Hello, class! / Ian Hunter, Mick Ronson, Irene Wilde discussion
05:32 - Lesson: Mick Ronson licks
06:41 - Lesson: B-section
07:06 - Lesson: Bridge
07:55 - Lesson: Solo appreciation

A look at one of my alltime favorite tunes. “Irene Wilde” by Ian Hunter off the 1980 live album “Welcome To The Club” featuring the genius lyrics of Ian Hunter and the absolutely perfect guitar playing of Mick Ronson.

If this video gets pulled for copyright reasons i totally get it…my only intentions are to turn you Homeskoolers on to a cool old song they may not have heard. "When I was just sixteen - I stood waiting for a dream - At barker street bus station every night When I tried to get it on - she just looked at me with scorn - my courage Turned to fear and I took flight

For those looks they seemed to say You ain't nuthin' - go away You're just some face in some crowd so I walked home and I vowed I'm gonna be somebody - someday

Her name was irene wilde - oh such beauty for a child When she started dating boys - I nearly died For I could not barely stand seeing anyone hold her hand I though I had to crawl away and hide In my mother's Sunday room I composed so many tunes They were all the same - just a frame - for her name, and just to say I'm gonna be somebody - someday

Wild as your name I soon left that country town I been around, I've seen some fame, seen some ups and I seen some downs Smile through your shock as you hear your name out loud It's that face in the crowd - i didn't dig it - i'm much too proud...

When I was just sixteen I stood waiting for a dream A barker street bus station non affair At the time it seemed so sad, but it didn't turn out bad If she hadn't turned me down I'd still be there You know I think most folks agree, a little put-down makes them see They ain't no chain - they're just a link and that's why she made me think I'm gonna be somebody - be somebody - be somebody - someday"

August 26th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “How To Put A String On A Guitar”

00:00 - How to string a guitar

Well kids, i said i was done with all this horseshit, but then THIS comment came in on the “boys in the back room” video.

“Show us how it’s done then. Lots of talk no walk”

Ok f**kface here ya go…