March 8th, 2022

00:00 - Wisdom from real musicians / Best advice
00:20 - Bryan Sutton - 1. Listening. 2. Less notes.
01:24 - Jerry Roe - 1. "It's just music, don't worry about it." - Jerry Reed 2. Ask about money first.
02:36 - Dave Cohen - Don't play 3rds.
03:40 - Paul Franklin - Bring your pencil and plan your escape.
04:38 - Ben Burgess - 1. Lyrics are everything. 2. Learn your shapes.
06:31 - Joey Moi - 1. Read a chart. 2. Don't spook the band.
08:00 - Reading a chart / Nickelback
09:12 - Talent in Nashville
10:00 - Little Tommy Bukovac - Everything you play should frame the vocal
13:13 - Clarify the money
As the late afternoon session rolls into the night session, post dinner, that’s usually when the REAL deep talks start happening.
It pains me to think about the combined total hours of studio experience the seven people interviewed in this video have accumulated in their lifetimes….hope there is something here you Homeskoolers can use.
Thanks for watching guys
From left to right:
Joey Moi: producer
Ben Burgess: artist
Dave Cohen: keyboards
Jerry Roe: drums
Paul Franklin: pedal steel
Bryan Sutton: acoustic guitar
Yours Truly: electric guitar
Jimmie Lee Sloas played bass today on this session but he is not in this video
Filmed at Blackbird studio D