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March 8th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Volume 132, “Hard Lessons And Hard Hats

00:00 - Wisdom from real musicians / Best advice
00:20 - Bryan Sutton - 1. Listening.  2. Less notes.
01:24 - Jerry Roe - 1. "It's just music, don't worry about it." - Jerry Reed  2. Ask about money first.
02:36 - Dave Cohen - Don't play 3rds.
03:40 - Paul Franklin - Bring your pencil and plan your escape.
04:38 - Ben Burgess - 1. Lyrics are everything.  2. Learn your shapes.
06:31 - Joey Moi - 1. Read a chart.  2. Don't spook the band.
08:00 - Reading a chart / Nickelback
09:12 - Talent in Nashville
10:00 - Little Tommy Bukovac - Everything you play should frame the vocal
13:13 - Clarify the money

As the late afternoon session rolls into the night session, post dinner, that’s usually when the REAL deep talks start happening.

It pains me to think about the combined total hours of studio experience the seven people interviewed in this video have accumulated in their lifetimes….hope there is something here you Homeskoolers can use.
Thanks for watching guys

From left to right:
Joey Moi: producer
Ben Burgess: artist
Dave Cohen: keyboards
Jerry Roe: drums
Paul Franklin: pedal steel
Bryan Sutton: acoustic guitar
Yours Truly: electric guitar
Jimmie Lee Sloas played bass today on this session but he is not in this video

Filmed at Blackbird studio D

March 8th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ “Uncle Larry Needs Your Help Part 2”

00:00 - Looking for Derek from Vice Grip Garage

Guys….please help here….can you please blow up Derek’s channel Vice Grip Garage for me…and invite him AND his children to come down to the studio today and hang with us….we are HUGE FANS and we will roll out the red carpet for him.

Derek if you want to come to the studio the address is
2806 Azalea Place
Nashville TN

We are in room D with the artist Ben Burgess

March 7th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus…”Studio Rat”

00:00 - Playing on a session

At various points in my life i have actually considered just having a pair of headphones surgically attached to my head…but alas i never go through with it.

There was a funny little chat on the session today about which Nashville studio guys are known for having the loudest headphones historically…there are a couple guys who’s names ALWAYS gets mentioned in that conversation.

I ain’t gonna lie, I like my phones pretty bangin’, but i have been around some cats who have their phones so fucking loud you can’t even get near them, let alone put them over your ears.

It’s truly a wonder that i am not totally deaf after basically having headphones on for eight hours a day for about 25 years.

The tune i was playing in this clip is just a little “sea shanty” feel in D….6/8 time signature. That’s my old ‘38 Bone I’m floggin’ on.

Today was a double at Sound Emporium A for a guy named Corey Smith, i think he’s from Georgia but he is part of the Texas country scene…

The engineer was Chad Carlson
Producer was Erik Dylan
Me and Rob Mcnelley on guitars
“The Craig” Young on bass
Nir Z on drums
Jenee Fleenor on fiddle
Andy Sheridan on keys

Paypal tip jar is

Thanks for watching the show folks

Apparently ol’ Scank has received a BUNCH of orders today for the little Uncle Larry tweed deluxe amps that were featured in yesterday’s video.

you guys are awesome…

So, name the author of this famous quote: “did you ever notice that all Larry’s 'dear' friends are selling something?”

March 6th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “My Clone Sleeps Alone”

00:00 - Play through of a clone of a Fender Tweed Deluxe.

After original Fender Tweed Deluxes reached 8-10k i finally decided to give up hunting one and have my buddy Mike Scaggs make me this killer clone. He did a wonderful job and the amp sounds amazing…you can clearly hear in this clip how bad ass this thing sounds. If any of you guys out there are hunting a cool hand built amp at an EXTREMELY reasonable price look no further. I have known this guy for almost 30 years and he is about as trustworthy of a person as you will ever meet on this planet. Check out old Scank and his amps at

March 3rd, 2022

Uncle Larry’s Garage Sale Volume 1

00:00 - Garage sale / Hayman Bass / Boss RPQ-10 EQ / Rockman / Steel Guitar

A few weirdo odds and ends some of you true weirdo guys out there might be into…i was about to put this stuff on Reverb but i decided to offer it to you Homeskoolers first so there would be no fees.

OF COURSE you guys know that all i care about is making as much money as possible from this channel, as Silviu pointed out a long time ago. By the way, have you guys seen the extremely nice comments Silviu has been leaving in the VCB lately?

Email me at if you want any of this stuff….PLEASE dont ask me to send any of this stuff out of the Continental US of A…im sorry but I’m too old to be dealing with international shipping….i went to Switzerland once …fucking beautiful place…zero trash and litter on the side of the road…classy as hell…but still, i ain’t shipping this shit there.

Thanks guys

March 2nd, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam, “The Bird Returns To The Place It Originally Returned To

00:00 - Rockin' the Firebird

A little Cleveland raunch for all you Homeskoolers out there.

I call this one “Give Me All Your Hot Blooded Blue Mornings For You”

Thank you for watching the show.

March 2nd, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus, Larry’s First “Unboxing” Vieo

00:00 - Some 12-string playing
01:17 - Studio jokes
02:06 - Hagstrom 12 String
02:34 - Jazz show
03:34 - Most important guy - engineer
04:05 - Old school Country band fantasy
05:00 - Unboxing football cards

Hey guys, thanks for watching the show…standby, below i will be posting cool links to other youtube channels that are endorsed by Larry

"The Way Back Sessions ...hosted by dear Adam Carter....great artful shit showcasing the Phoenix music scene....Adam is an amazing creative dude and he really cares about's a video he did with Sarah recently

I dig this guy too...I think he is a fellow Homeskooler, but I like what he's doing here

This guy Jun626 has been on youtube for years...amazing shit...he REALLY figures these old rock tunes out's a video of him playing "Achilles Last Stand" note for fucking note that i have been watching since my earliest days of being on youtube

March 1st, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Volume 131, Tom Bukovac, “Hello?….hello???…hello????…hello????”

00:00 - Spacey, trippy playing
00:50 - Hello, friends! / 501chorusecho? / Roland Chorus Echo (RE-501)
14:00 - Opening it up

s this thing on???

Uncle Larry waxes rhapsodic about capstans and pinch rollers, and explores some of Japan’s proudest moments in great detail.

Not a SINGLE ONE of you out there realized that there were TWO volume 128’s of the Homeskoolin series…. even more proof that Larry needs a secretary…..secret-a-larry

Thank you guys for the kind words and kind donations….you guys really know how to make a gal feel welcome and loved.

Larry appreciates it

February 28th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Volume 130, Tom Bukovac, “Involuntary Wah Face”

00:00 - Jamming some unexpected changes with wah
02:15 - Hello, class!
03:55 - VCB / ES-335 and other guitars
04:20 - '60 Gibson ES-335
04:55 - Keeping guitars around / Naming guitars / Great guitars
06:54 - Best guitar pedal ever made?
09:26 - Guess this song
10:24 - Makes me want to quit / Mistakes
12:07 - Pet Peeves (mini pedals, guitar locks, amps, old guitars)
17:00 - Def Leppard - "Bringin' Home the Heartbreak" analysis

It has been scientifically proven that no person on earth can play a wah without simultaneously moving their mouth.

Larry rambles on here about basically everything except Russia invading the Ukraine

Thank you guys for your continued partronage of the show. If you guys truly are learning something from watching a man self destruct before your very eyes, then please by all means, throw a little something in the tip jar. If you’re not and you think the show is complete bollocks then don’t.

Paypal is
Venmo is @Tom-Bukovac-1
There is also a shit ton of various Homeskoolin’ merch available at

February 27th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Sunday Night Bonus Jam, “Lead Leopard

00:00 - Def Leppard - "Bringin' On the Heartbreak"

Ya’ know friends, they don’t write ‘em like they used to…takin you back to 1981 with another Mutt Lange creation that stands the test of time.

I have always heard that the AMAZING backing vocals on this track were all actually performed by Mutt himself (uncredited on the album liner notes of course)….

I’m not on the instagram…but i wanted to tell you guys that you should check out what Dean Deleo is doing on there recently. He has been putting up videos where he goes through the Trip The Witch record track by track and shows you some of the instruments he used and some of the parts he played on the record.

Basically a much higher quality much more tasteful and professional version of what I did a few weeks back when i had the C19….and i went through the tracks blabbering on about how hungover i was.

Thanks for watching the show kids