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August 15th, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Road Update “He’s A Magic Clam

00:00 - Intro to backstage
00:42 - Onstage performance
02:52 - Boatyard restaurant

August 15th 2021….Annapolis MD….had the most AMAZING lunch with the Amazing Dawgs (minus dear Paul) today at a seafood place down by the water called The Boatyard Bar and Grille. Speaking of clams, if anyone can find any footage of last nights show in Alexandria VA, your dear Uncle Larry blew the solo in “Straight On” so badly that the entire earth shifted on it’s axis for about 7-8 seconds. If anyone can find it PLEASE post it.

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Venmo tip jar is @Tom-Bukovac-1

August 13th, 2021

Homeskoolin Rehearsal Update….”Paul Has A Slight Gear Problem”

00:00 - Tour of the studio

Tuesday August 12….in the midst of another inhumanely hot and humid Nashville day, we were fortunate to gather in a place where the air conditioning was working fine and the fridge was loaded for bear with rolling rock and space dust.

Even after all this time working with her, i gotta tell you folks it is absolutely surreal to kick off a tune and then all the sudden you hear THAT voice in your headphones.

Not so arguably the greatest female rock singer of all time.

I may have mentioned it before, but let it be known that Ann is an extremely cool sweet person with absolutely ZERO of the baggage or ego driven insecure diva horseshit that plagues many "artists".

As an eternal sideman, you gotta be careful who you choose to stand behind in this life…it’s a great feeling when you are supporting someone who you totally believe in as an artist and more importantly as a person. Cheers to you miss Ann!

August 10th, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Loop Only For You To Practice To

00:00 - Track to play along

Ya know guys, when my solo record comes out very soon, theres gonna be TWO VERSIONS of it….one is the actual record, and the other one is gonna be the same songs but with my solos taken off so you can play along. In honor of that, here is the loop only from tonights broadcast you can jam to. This was two tracks of my red Firebird and one track of me on my 66 P bass.

Homeskoolin merch available at
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Venmo tip jar is @Tom-Bukovac-1

August 10th, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Monday Night Bonus…”Buzz Saw Blues”

00:00 - Badass Blues loop jam

One of my favorite guitar tones of all time is the super bright razzy blown speaker distortion effect. Such as the direct sounding buzz saw tone on "Black Dog" by Jimmy Page.

Getting pretty close here with an old Roger Mayer Voodoo-1 through an old AC30. Another old pedal that gives up that tone in spades is the old Multivox Big Jam Distortion…although sadly i dont own one. Hope you guys enjoy!

August 10th, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Session Update Part 2, “Acoustic Fever”

00:00 - Acoustic track playing

For the truly bored who wanna get a long winded look at the life of a session man….here is part 2 my friends.

Homeskoolin merch available at
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Venmo tip jar is @Tom-Bukovac-1

August 9th, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Session Update Part 1 “Acoustic Fever”

00:00 - Acoustic track playing

Monday August 9th 2021…Soultrain Studios in Berry Hill.
Working on a project with an extremely talented Aussie fella named Wes Dean.

Wes sang, played some great acoustic and blew me away with some absolutely wicked Bob Dylan/Neil Young style harmonica playing….(which is one thing we are SORELY lacking here in the Nashville session scene in my opinion).
Corky Courtelyou producing and engineering.
Kyle Blunt Pro Tools operator.
I played electric and a bit of acoustic as you see here.
The legendary Freddie Eltringham on drums.
Adam Beard on an olive drab P bass.
Charlie Lowell on keys.

I know it sucks when you can’t hear the context of the track that I am playing along with, but unfortunately thats all I can give you guys without pissing off the artist I am working for.

The guitar I'm playing is a 1937 Gibson Advanced Jumbo that I just recently purchased from Gruhn Guitars. I had to sell about five guitars to even remotely afford it but thats just fine with me....the thing is truly not of this earth.

Homeskoolin merch available at
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Venmo tip jar is @Tom-Bukovac-1

thanks for watching the show guys

August 8th, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Volume 109, Tom Bukovac, “Mr. Blackfinger”

00:00 - Amazing mixed jam
04:21 - Hello, friends!
04:40 - Open strings / Deblocking chords
07:20 - EHX Blackfinger

A brief chat on chords and a look at one of the most overlooked effects in pedal history…..

Todays sound courtesy of a 1960 Stratocaster and a 64 Vox AC40 top boost. Reverb courtesy of a Boss RV-6.

Homeskoolin merch available at
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Venmo tip jar is @Tom-Bukovac-1

August 6th, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Special Edition…”How Not To Use A Wang Bar”

00:00 - Good morning Home Skoolers
00:21 - Barracuda request from friend
01:07 - Memory vs charting
02:21 - Chug and multiple musicians
03:38 - Quick story of pre-song exploration
03:59 - Heart - Barracuda lesson / Intro
04:34 - Cowboy G6 / Tuning by 5ths
05:11 - Barracuda - next phrase
05:30 - Lick debate
06:05 - "Don't count it, I just feel it"
06:31 - Next section / 2 guitar harmony
07:22 - Lovely stop / Bull joke reference
07:59 - Back to the turnaround / Harmonic lick
08:30 - Subtle wangulation and mayonnaise
09:24 - 2nd Verse
09:40 - Trill lick or "you're fired"
10:08 - B section 2nd time
10:29 - Bridge
10:53 - Creepy underneath stuff
11:08 - Solo
12:12 - Roger Fisher respect
12:49 - Ending / Psychedelic
13:45 - Cool effect with 4ths

A brief early morning dissertation on how i play “Barracuda” and not abusing holes. Hope you enjoy.

August 2nd, 2021

Homeskoolin Quick PSA

00:00 - Beautiful mellow playing

Hello friends, its me, Uncle Larry just checkin in real quick. Just wanted to let you all know about a little gig i am doing tomorrow night if you happen to be bored in Nashville.

My dear old friend Rachel Loy is hosting a variety show at 3rd and Lindsley called “The Shit List” which features a cache of local artists, each getting up and doing a couple tunes with Rachel’s swanky house band….one of these artists being none other than your very own Starship Trooper, Little Tommy from NEO.

The thing starts at 8pm but ill be one of the later performers in the show…come have a beer with your old buddy. Tonight's tones courtesy of a ‘67 jetglo Rick 360-12 plugged straight into a black Pro Reverb.

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Venmo tip jar is @Tom-Bukovac-1

July 29th, 2021

Homeskoolin Bonus, “Donelson Bowl

00:00 - Bowling Alley

For all the Nashville dads out there looking for a GREAT WAY to kill an afternoon in the air conditioning…..Donelson Bowl….Nashville’s coolest bowling alley since 1960….and it remains mostly unchanged since. One of this town’s best kept secrets.

Daniel "Paco" Herrera appears courtesy of Polymer Records.

Homeskoolin merch available at
Paypal tip jar is
Venmo tip jar is @Tom-Bukovac-1