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April 3rd, 2020

Corona Lessons Volume 17, Tom Bukovac, "Touch"

00:00 - Corolling Rock lessons / Traditional Country playing
02:42 - Howya all doing
03:33 - How to play real Country
04:00 - "Touch" is everything
06:03 - Ways to play a note
07:40 - Play softer and bloom / overload

I may not have time tomorrow to post another video friends, so here's what we call an "early delivery". Check out the music of the fella I mentioned here Jedd Hughes if you don't already know about him....amazing player.

April 3rd, 2020

Corona Lessons Volume 16, Tom Bukovac “Harmonyâ€

00:00 - Slow tempo playing
01:41 - Hello, everybody / Thanks
02:12 - Knowing the fretboard
03:28 - Thirds and Fourths
04:20 - Old Vince Gill song
05:04 - Tuning
05:30 - Dave Stewart wedding gift / Blackbird
05:54 - Fifths
06:27 - Beatles - "And Your Birds Can Sing"
07:01 - Joe Walsh story

Pretty self explanatory here kids...

April 2nd, 2020

Corona Lessons Volume 15, Tom Bukovac, The Bends

00:00 - Jazzy Blues playing
02:30 - Hello guys / Contest
03:15 - Sixths
05:19 - Chet Atkins is a basdass
05:41 - Pre-bends lesson
08:15 - Blues bending lesson

Deep bendy thoughts...straight outta Cleveland.

April 1st, 2020

Corona Lessons Volume 14, Tom Bukovac, "Viewer Homework Contest"

00:00 - Beautiful, slow playing
02:40 - Intro / Coffee
03:12 - Practicing? / Contest
04:50 - Sessions and Covid

Well it's been two've had plenty of time to work on this shit...let's see whatcha got. I'll pick one winner in a week or so....PLEASE DO NOT GET PISSED AT ME IF I DON'T PICK YOU....i already have enough people that hate me.

March 31st, 2020

Corona Lessons Volume 13, Tom Bukovac, “Session Man”

00:00 - Nasty blues playing
03:03 - Interruption / Intro
03:37 - PRS "Cleveland" story
04:55 - Sessions and playing
05:35 - Freedom in playing / "Red Light Fever"
07:32 - Aggressive vs safe playing
07:45 - Steely Dan story / Rehearse / Explore
10:52 - Session musicians and experiences
13:18 - Skillset needed to be session musician

A trip through the triumphs and the horrors of the worlds second oldest occupation.

March 30th, 2020

Corona Lessons Volume 12, Tom Bukovac, "The Two Sides Of Practicing"

00:00 - 2 chord riffing
01:57 - Hello / Reader questions
02:24 - Videos referred to as Tom Time
02:50 - Fellow session player: How to approach practicing?
05:00 - Listening to how the instruments work together
05:55 - Practicing by really studying good, old songs
09:03 - Muscular part of learning / Dexterity
10:05 - View the fretboard horizontally
11:15 - Know the notes blindfolded / Know real stuff

Yet another tangent...this one inspired by a question I received about how to practice...this one goes out to you dude.

March 30th, 2020

Corona Lessons Volume 11, Tom Bukovac, “Burnin’ For Youâ€

00:00 - Shredding
00:46 - Speed
01:23 - Clean picking / Loose arm
02:49 - Exercises

The most polarizing guitar subject of all...alternate speed picking. Although my musical tastes and interests have taken quite a long journey since my brief flirtation with the shred culture back in the mid to late 80s, I have no regrets about the picking technique i developed during those years. I just sort of stumbled on to this technique on my own when I was a kid. Here’s a couple tips/exercises to show you how I do it. Please note that I always use the shoulder of the pick when i do this.

March 29th, 2020

Corona Lessons Volume 10, Tom Bukovac PHRASING!!!

00:00 - Hello, everybody!
00:27 - One reader comment to respond to
00:55 - The most important thing in music / Phrasing
02:35 - 100 guitar players play this... / Voice
03:47 - Automatic vibrato vs. conscious
04:34 - Different types of vibrato
06:12 - Amazing Nashville guitarists?

The key to all music is one thing people....phrasing. I apologize but for some unknown technical reason this video doesn't quite start at the beginning when you first turn it on.

March 28th, 2020

Corona Lessons Volume 9, Tom Bukovac, "Ripples"

00:00 - Genesis - Ripples

Prog rock day on Corona Lessons...and my first special guest on the show, Sarah Buxton. Doing our version of an old number called "Ripples" off the 1976 Genesis album "Trick of the Tail". An homage to those magical days of yore when all music wasn't written in 4 bar loops of the same four chords over and over. Sarah has an amazing band called Skyline Motel with her songwriting partners Kate York, Ian Fitchuk and Daniel Tashian. Their EP "After Dark" was just released a couple days ago on all the streaming bullshit...REALLY cool songs...and your buddy helped out on the record playing some guitar. This one goes out to my old buddy Tommy Mcdonald...the only guy I know who loves old Genesis as much as I do.

March 27th, 2020

Corona Lessons Volume 8, Tom Bukovac. Summer Blues

00:00 - Hey everybody
00:30 - Using your thumb to play bass notes
03:30 - Demonstration of using thumb
05:03 - Not bending
05:40 - Using pick and fingers

A couple slightly unusual techniques here for you all to possibly a shameless declaration about my utter distaste for what most normal people consider "nice weather". I come by it honestly folks....there was no person on this planet that absolutely LOATHED being hot more than my dear departed mum Norma Irene Bukovac. She would gladly sit inside in the air conditioning during any outdoor summer family event of my childhood. This one goes out to all those ugly transformative years between" total bar band hack" and "professional session man" she never said one discouraging word. She was truly somethin' special.