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January 22nd, 2022

Marshall shows you how to make a simple paper airplane

00:00 - Paper airplane folding

9 year old Marshall B’s first take of showing how to make a simple paper airplane.

January 21st, 2022

Homeskoolin Daily Double, “Sentimental Case”

00:00 - Blues playing
00:40 - Hey, guys / 1979 Gibson Les Paul Deluxe
01:07 - Christmas story

A little stroll down memory lane aimed mostly at the real diehard Homeskoolers out there….a rare daily double. Can you tell sessions have been a little slow lately? Hahaaa

January 21st, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Quickie, “Don’t Quit Your Day Job”

00:00 - Acoustic playing and singing

See? I told ya i can’t sing for shit…but you know me, i’m totally shameless.

My son Marshall gets soooo embarrassed when i start singing real loud in the grocery store or in the car line when i drop him and his brother off at school.

I just keep telling them, boys, anyone can be inhibited and shy, but it takes REAL guts to be an idiot.

This one goes out to you Drew.

January 20th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Quickie “Willoughby Hillbilly”

00:00 - Old Country Western playing

Some people think hillbillies only come from the south…

January 19th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Extra Credit, “Two Chord Symphony”

00:00 - Insane guitar playing

Hello friends….just a little clip of Larry testing the load bearing capacity of this wonderful old 58 es-225 that he is considering purchasing…..

On that note, if anyone out there in the Greater Nashville area (or somewhere reasonably close) had any interest in owning Larry’s embarrassingly clean and painfully original 65 Vibrolux Reverb (with the coveted factory Jensen 10’s praise Him) he would most assuredly use that money (3500) to buy this old plunk (slightly more than 3500)…..

Contained within tonites programming is a not so brief illustration of some harmonic and rhythmic possibilities a person could consider while going back and forth between two boring old chords over and over.

P-90’s for life….fuck off Gilbert

Thanks for watching the show guys

January 18th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Footage…”Straight In”

00:00 - Rocking out

I have only found a few things in this life that are more exciting than the feeling of plugging a great guitar straight into a raunchy little amp that’s turned up loud enough to potentially bother the neighbors…it is simply electrifying.

Just got home from a fun session and felt like playing a little more tonite. Wish you could hear what this little combo sounded like in the room…good stuff.

This is a recently acquired 58 les paul junior into my trusty old gretsch 6161 combo amp I’ve had forever.

January 18th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ “I Always Pictured You Wearing Pants Pt. 7”

00:00 - Amazing guitar picking

Some explorations of movable chord shapes on a snowy day from your totally insane old uncle.

The ‘38 Martin bone in this video likes to go for long walks.

Thanks for watching the show friends

Trip The Witch merch, like CD's. posters and comfy ass t-shirts:

Tom Bukovac Plexi Soul digital download:

Tom Bukovac Plexi Soul CD's (yes, actual CD's that you can play in your 2005 Camry):

Homeskoolin’ merch like t-shirts, kick ass coffee mugs:

If you want to donate something to the guy in this video using Paypal use this address:

If you want to donate something to the guy in this video using Venmo use this address:

January 17th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Volume 123, Tom Bukovac, “The Element Of Surprise”

00:00 - Funky, blues mixed jamming
01:06 - Shredding it
01:56 - Hello, class!
02:23 - Snowy Nashville
03:30 - Rick Reith thanks
04:26 - Duesenberg guitar contest
05:25 - Opening tuning and figuring it out
05:56 - Duesenberg Starplayer (Limited Edition)
06:26 - Trip The Witch / / Plexi Soul
07:45 - Viewer Comment Bin (VCB) / Least favorites form of music
09:42 - The best guitar you've ever played?
12:10 - Being a "YouTuber"
14:22 - Element of surprise / Unpredictable playing
16:00 - Paul Davids video (YouTube Link) / "Fuck-off Gilbert"
17:00 - A friend passing

A brief chat on all kinda shit…and here's all the links you need people....

Trip The Witch merch, like CD's. posters and comfy ass t-shirts:

Tom Bukovac Plexi Soul digital download:

Tom Bukovac Plexi Soul CD's (yes, actual CD's that you can play in your 2005 Camry):

Homeskoolin’ merch like t-shirts, kick ass coffee mugs:

If you want to donate something to the guy in this video using Paypal use this address:

If you want to donate something to the guy in this video using Venmo use this address: @Tom-Bukovac-1

January 15th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ “Song For The Dokta”

00:00 - Sad day tunes

Sorry i haven’t been around much lately folks….been having a bit of a rough go.

I lost a very close friend last Tuesday night…i found him dead in his house …. suspected heart attack….and to top it all off? all this happened on his 55th birthday.

The Dokta…. known to most of the world as Richard L Reith….known to my two sweet boys as “Uncle Rick”.

I have known the kid since i was 16….

we lived together in shit hole rental houses back in our early nashville days when we were both broke desperately trying to get our careers going…..later on we co-owned 2nd Gear music store here in nashville together for 3 years.

Sarah and I finally told the boys tonite that he is gone….they took it hard.
Fuckin’ horrible.

He was an ace of a guy…very intelligent, good at fixing and building stuff…strong as an ox.

remember the vid a while back where i had a friend out in my garage helping me rebuild from the flood? That was him.

He was always there when you needed him. A front house sound man and road manager by trade….he worked with all kinds of artists….including Eric Johnson, which is a gig he particularly loved. he loved old Genesis and Zappa as much as i did. He rarely drank, but he smoked weed powerful enough to kill most normal men all goddamn day long. Dammit i’m gonna miss him. See ya down the road my man

January 2nd, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Extra Credit “Obsession Man”

00:00 - Tennessee blues playing

Happy Sunday folks….just a brief exploration on my trusty old Doozy Multi-Bender….football bets are going reasonably well today so far…let’s hope the packers and vikings score 43 points or more tonite in the 11 degree weather they are playing in.

Appreciate those who watch/donate/say nice things….it means a lot to larry that you tune in….
I had a guy tell me that im looking haggered lately.
He gave me some “sage advice” saying i need sleep.

What’s that old saying, “walk a mile in another man’s shoes or shut the fuck up and stop trying to give life advice to a 53 year dude from cleveland who is forged in iron by deep inner pain and decades of back alley knife fights.”….i can’t quite remember but it’s something like that.

Paypal tip jar is

Plexi Soul and Trip The Witch albums available at

Homeskoolin merch available at