January 15th, 2022

00:00 - Sad day tunes
Sorry i haven’t been around much lately folks….been having a bit of a rough go.
I lost a very close friend last Tuesday night…i found him dead in his house …. suspected heart attack….and to top it all off? all this happened on his 55th birthday.
The Dokta…. known to most of the world as Richard L Reith….known to my two sweet boys as “Uncle Rick”.
I have known the kid since i was 16….
we lived together in shit hole rental houses back in our early nashville days when we were both broke desperately trying to get our careers going…..later on we co-owned 2nd Gear music store here in nashville together for 3 years.
Sarah and I finally told the boys tonite that he is gone….they took it hard.
Fuckin’ horrible.
He was an ace of a guy…very intelligent, good at fixing and building stuff…strong as an ox.
remember the vid a while back where i had a friend out in my garage helping me rebuild from the flood? That was him.
He was always there when you needed him. A front house sound man and road manager by trade….he worked with all kinds of artists….including Eric Johnson, which is a gig he particularly loved. he loved old Genesis and Zappa as much as i did. He rarely drank, but he smoked weed powerful enough to kill most normal men all goddamn day long. Dammit i’m gonna miss him. See ya down the road my man