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March 23rd, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Guitar Show!!”

00:00 - Plucking and singing
00:22 - Hey friends! / Dealer day in Nashville

Check it out today and tomorrow friends

At the AG CENTER in Williamson county

March 21st, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 292, Tom Bukovac, “Fresh Out Da Bed”

00:00 - Testing out the Junior and letting it ring out
04:40 - Hello, Larry! / Fresh out the bed / Thanks for 100k subscribers / Buk-o-Vac / New mugs
06:00 - 4 years to the day - 100,000
06:30 - Ticketmaster situation for Weezer / Appreciation for Homeskoolers / Road trip?
08:03 - '57 Gibson Les Paul Junior
09:04 - Try that chord see how it sounds
09:20 - Packing material trick / Open the bottom of guitar box first
10:50 - Brett Papa work
11:01 - In tune chord [0 11 x 13 14 14]  (E69)
11:34 - "Whatcha been listening to?" / Sly and The Family Stone
13:07 - "Whatcha been watching, Larry?" / "What Went Wrong"

Uncle Larry explores the deepest crevasses of a 60 junior he just got….and gives ya a life hack that you might actually use.

new coffee cups!

and if you have never heard this total awesomeness, you're welcome...the funkiest, blackest shit EVER recorded by human beings on this planet if ya ask me...
dig the guitar/horn stabs in the the FUCK did they do that?

March 21st, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 291, Tom Bukovac, “Greenville Blues”

00:00 - Monte Carlo driving into setup video
02:15 - Studfinder didn't fit / 100,000 subscribers
03:20 - Weezer
08:52 - Gibson Les Paul Jr is in tune
10:07 - Nik Drusel and Music City Bridge what guitars will work

Uncle Larry throws a stud finder on a recently acquired 1960 LP Junior....

if you have questions about what bridge to get for your guitar, email Nick at

March 16th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Fisher Price My First Univibe”

00:00 - Uni-Vibe testing with son

So do you remember the first time YOU ever heard an old Univibe?

My dear 11 year old son Marshall got to play one for the first time today….I think he kinda liked it actually.

Vintage 1980 Fender T shirt that Marshall is wearing courtesy of Lupco Kotevski....long time Homeskooler...thank you for the care package brother.

Also thank you to Jon Siemens for the 1979 MXR catalog he sent.

March 15th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ “Hey Man Show Me A Cool Lick” (expanded edition)

00:00 - Interview with Bryan Sutton in session
02:13 - Show me a good lick
02:50 - Acoustic bliss
03:18 - Lesson: Jerry Reed-ish change
04:08 - Lesson: Decending lick
05:30 - Lesson: Dmin decension to G7 with sweep
06:50 - Lesson: Bluegrass vs Rock open chords picking
07:38 - Picks
10:35 - Lesson: Rhythm (important deep dive)
13:48 - Joey Moi interview
16:05 - Danny Dugmore appearance

Bryan Sutton
Joey Moi
Danny Dugmore

March 15th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Session Man Pt. 2”

00:00 - Recorded track for album coming out

Oceanway Studios…

Lauren Watkins “Settlin’ Things” in case you are really bored and want to match it to the record when it comes out.


March 14th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 290, Tom Bukovac, “The New Jazzmaster”

00:00 - Quiet blissful notes that form something else
02:25 - Hello, Homeskoolers'! / New chair
03:00 - Beer, thanks, Gwen, staying up for a minute
03:17 - Lesson: Michael McDonald - I Keep Forgettin' (Steve Lukather)
04:55 - Gwen Stephani / Learning all the time / Gear brought to session
07:03 - The sound of the Jaguar / Unique compared to Jazzmaster / "Jazzmaster harder to fit into track"
10:38 - Unbelievable tone of the Gibson Les Paul Special / Love John Cougar
12:45 - Using the Burst in conjunction with poinky guitar in session is great
14:18 - Old Gretsch guitars and their sound / No sustain in Gretsch for studio / ES-335 & P90 jangle for alternative

Uncle Larry gets pretty deep into the mindset of recording guitars….I apologize as this one may quite possibly bore the hell out of anyone who isn’t a studio rat.
Thanks for watchin’ anyway!

and....since we have a lot of new viewers coming along recently...
let me tell ya' how shit works around here...
first off, i NEVER ask anyone to subscribe or "smash that like button"....

if you do indeed learn some useful stuff from this channel and feel like it is indeed helping you as a player, all i ask is that you just throw a little something in the tip jar...especially since it's taxseason

you can make PayPal donations to this address:
You can make Venmo donations to this address:

but wait....THERE'S MERCH TOO!!!!

a person could potentially purchase a myriad of Homeskoolin' related merch..including several different extremely comfortable and nice feeling T-shirts and some beautifully constructed coffee mugs for those afflicted with thin lips...i pride myself on having the comfiest t shirts on scratchy bad fitting horseshit here people.. check it out at

AND....believe it or not....i have a new website actual proper website.

You can see all kinds of weird old photos there, you can also purchase a download of the live concert i did last December if you like.

A lot of these very same new viewers don't seem to know that Uncle Larry made a couple records that they could potentially listen to...
one is an instrumental solo record called "Plexi Soul" that is available here:

another is an instrumental collaboration with his dear friend Dean Deleo (originally from the Stone Temple Pilots organization) that is available here:

March 14th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus, “Hollaback Larry”

00:00 - Gwen Stefani interview

Gwen Stefani joins the Homeskoolin’ community.

March 13th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Bros Before Hoedowns”

00:00 - Playing like there is no tomorrow
03:43 - Hello, Homeskoolers'! / Sessions and scheduling (The Triple) / Gwen Stephani
05:35 - Thank you for setup videos
05:50 - Livestream
06:40 - Lesson: Mountain jam

Uncle Larry STILL tickin’ after 11 straight hours of intense sessioneering….

Why does he do it you ask?
Because he knows that one day he is gonna look back on these times as the REAL good old days and he knows that one day he is gonna really gonna miss the shit out of all this music and all these people.

End of day one of two solid days of Gwen Stefani sessions…a little tired, but absolutely thrilled to playing with such an amazing band in an amazing studio with an amazing artist.

March 13th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Calgary’s Own”

00:00 - A pre-listen to some created art
05:23 - Dave Cohen interview

A brief chat with with my dear friend Dave Cohen…keyboardist to the stars.

Here is a link to his album credits

and totally guys know how i sometimes talk about how after all these years of buying and selling thousands of "vintage" (we used to just call them "old") guitars, that i can literally tell just by looking at detailed photos when a guitar has THE MAGIC??
i promise you...i am rarely ever wrong about this.

if i lived in Oz i would buy this fuckin' thing in a SECOND....i swear to the Lord Almighty i have no affiliation whatsoever to the seller....i have no dog in this race i swear....but i just KNOW in my heart that this guitar right here is BANGIN'...and one of you Australian viewers out there should buy it immediately.


Dave Cohen