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January 2nd, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Volume 84, Tom Bukovac, “I Always Pictured You Wearing Pants Pt 4

00:00 - 70s intro jam
03:05 - Hello, class!
04:34 - VCB / Stretching chords
05:35 - Warm up / Pain in the arm
06:12 - String height / Low action
07:12 - Relic guitars? / Lacquer
08:51 - Farmland t-shirt
09:28 - Todd Rundgren joke
09:56 - Trip the Witch breakdown
10:24 - Crazy chord progression lesson

Just a chill little composition to kick off the new year from your dearest uncle. Thanks for all the sweet comments about this show being a bright spot of an otherwise bleak truly means the world. Hang in there guys and keep on practicing.

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T shirts and mugs available at

December 30th, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 83, Tom Bukovac, Trip The Witch

00:00 - Beautiful intro jam
01:53 - Hello, class! / Duesenberg Session Man Guitar
05:03 - "Trip the Witch"
05:59 - Leslie West loss
06:49 - Christmas Depression
07:57 - Chords with harmonics / Low voicings
09:55 - Steve Morse rabbit hole

Hello class, to find the the Steve Morse video I've been obsessing over, just search for "Steve Morse band live in 1984 Part 4" sorry I'm too computer illiterate to know how to actually "post a link"...i honestly don't even know what i was thinking... beyond that, this video shows unveiling of the new Duesenberg Session Man guitar, and a brief discussion on poly chords and Christmas depression for young folks in their 20's and 30's

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T shirts and mugs available at

December 6th, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 82, Tom Bukovac, “Ph-ph-ph-ph-phases”

00:00 - Slow jazzy intro
00:24 - Hello, class!
01:16 - Phase shifters
02:54 - MXR Phase 90 demo
03:30 - Musitronics - Mu-Tron
04:00 - All-time greatest phaser riff
05:18 - EVH - MXR Phase 90
05:46 - Genesis tune lesson
10:42 - Nashville auto mechanics?
11:27 - Tweed Bassman

A brief rant on one of America’s great past time....phase shiftin’!!!

Happy Sunday

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T shirts and mugs available at

December 5th, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 81, Tom Bukovac, “Up The Neck”

00:00 - Rock intro lick jam
03:09 - Hello, class!
05:20 - VCB / Wintertime guitar storage
07:54 - Miracle pedalboard sound
08:43 - Session effects switching
11:09 - Bad Company - Shooting Star / Dark sound lesson
12:48 - Back and forth between chords / Adding thumb bass note

A brief chat on tone, a rarely seen in nature bent note finger tap, and a look at “putting out fires” on your pedalboard.

Oh...and thanks to all the class members who came to Uncle Larry’s defense yesterday in the VCB when our old joyless buddy Mr. Fizz flat out insulted my dear wife. Fizzy was promptly “pinned to the wall of mockery” (as your dear classmate Danny pointed out) and subsequently fizzed out somethin’ terrible.

Love to all...happy Saturday lads

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T shirts and mugs available at

November 23rd, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 80, Tom Bukovac, “The Spy”

00:00 - Reggae intro jam
02:23 - Hello, class!
04:29 - VCB / Eagles vs Browns
04:53 - Football trivia
05:19 - Gibson 335
05:27 - Heavy drinking, beneath you
06:10 - Get free - Orbiting
07:49 - Mastering a guitar - impossible
09:09 - Upstrokes? / Lesson
10:28 - Crazy, tough, reggae lick lesson / bouncing fingers
12:08 - Brian Setzer chord lesson
13:11 - "Outside" on last chord lesson

A not-so-brief discussion on everything from football to reggae...

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T shirts and mugs available at

November 22nd, 2020

Homeskoolin’ , The Saturday Night Fever Isolated Loop you can jam over

00:00 - The gear
01:07 - Recorded loop

A little football sunday bonus for the class...have fun on this one. Some tricky twists and turns. Its like skiing on the big boy slopes.
This song is titled “I Always Pictured You Wearing Pants Part 3”

Homeskoolin merch available at
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November 18th, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 79, Tom Bukovac, “Life Is Just A Fantasy”

00:00 - Light Intro loop jam
02:19 - Hello, class!
03:07 - Bukovac Duesenberg guitar
03:48 - Viewer Comment Bin / 1st guitar?
05:38 - Supporting Farmland
06:08 - Cooking / Cleaning?
07:19 - Gear trading
08:08 - Jeff Senn Strat - The One
08:55 - "Noble Badass" / Staying positive
10:03 - Influences on other projects?
12:30 - Ringing notes, cascade lesson

A brief chat on “cascading” guitar playing.

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T shirts and mugs available at

November 15th, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 78, “Uncle Larry’s Slight Return”

00:00 - Intro up-tempo blues jam
01:55 - Hello, class!
02:49 - ' 69 Gibson Les Paul
03:47 - Thank you for gear
04:14 - VCB / Position of guitar on lap
05:30 - American Politics discussions?
06:30 - Shoulder of pick
07:05 - Appreciation as you get older / Jerry Lee Lewis song
08:36 - Bob Seger - Rick Veato
10:42 - Compliments to the Session Man / Little arpeggiating lesson
12:14 - Totally exposed / Iron Man / Heated battle
14:04 - Lesson: Crazy blues lick

Heres a little tune called "I Always Pictured You Wearing Pants (part two)"
Glad to be back...happy Sunday to all.
Go to Farmland!!!

PayPal tip jar is
T shirts and mugs available at

November 3rd, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 77, Tom Bukovac, “Elexshun Day Blues”

00:00 - Intro space blues jam
02:52 - Hello, class!
03:47 - '64 Gibson SG (335)
04:12 - VCB / Dave Stewart
05:07 - High end bar food diet
06:11 - Requirements to buy a guitar?
07:43 - Mind blowing music lately
10:20 - Bridge vs. Neck pickup
11:47 - Lesson: Advanced left-hand muting
14:50 - Lesson: Shifting time signature

A brief chat on time signatures and left hand muting. Remember the cool limited run of 75 Uncle Larry prints that Ziggy O’Leary did? Well they are all sold out but he still has the original one...a hand painted 24X30 canvas. If you want it contact him at I think the price is 700 framed and shipped

Thanks for supporting the show guys

PayPal tip jar is
T shirts and mugs available at

October 23rd, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 76, Tom Bukovac, “Common Tones For The Common Man”

00:00 - Light loop intro jam
02:47 - Hello, class!
03:25 - Band name / Anonymity at risk
06:13 - Viewer Comment Bin / Ultimate tone?
09:55 - Connecting chords lesson

This is just a little tune i made up titled "I Always Pictured You Wearing Pants"

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T shirts and mugs available at
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