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November 28th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Hot Holiday Pick

00:00 - Happy Thanksgiving to all

Follow Larry to the pay out window today friends

Oh and happy thanksgiving

You gotta buy that half down to 3 boys

Gonna be 30 pct vig but it’s a lock

November 27th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 365, Tom Bukovac, “Dual Gate Shifter Blues”

00:00 - Hello friends / Jenn Senn in Shell Pink / Changing strings
04:19 - Gibson Firebrand X talk / Pickups
05:02 - Cutting the strings
05:39 - Spanish tuning
07:41 - Strings D'Addario
08:40 - Stratocaster string wraps
09:03 - Pontiac GTO / Looking for a mechanic
11:23 - Birthday gig Dec. 20th 3rd & Lindsley / Thanks
13:33 - NFL: Giants
18:53 - Playing: The Who - "Teenage Wasteland"
20:02 - Special 'Blues over Major' playing
21:35 - Strings stretching and changing intonation / Cutting the spring
24:54 - Lesson: Test chord (Bmaj/E) [0 14 16 16 16 0]

Uncle Larry tries to exhume a Senn Strat from a thick coated shell of acidic hand residue and waxes rhapsodic about ratchet shifters and the internet

November 26th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 364, Tom Bukovac, “Firebrand X”

00:00 - Rockin' the SG
08:49 - What's up? / Experimenting with beer
09:28 - '79 Gibson SG Firebrand X

Uncle Larry takes a stroll on a VERY affordable instrument from the dark days when Norlin The Magician ruled the world...

There is something just so inherently wrong about any guitar with a fret marker on the first fret …please forgive me

and you'll probably get a kick outta this friends...

Is Great Hair the Secret to YouTube G...

if you like what you are hearing and seeing please throw something in the offering plate

PayPal is tombukovac‪‬
Venmo is @Tom-Bukovac-1

November 23rd, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus, Tom Bukovac, “Hello Dolly”

00:00 - Dolly Parton - Hard Candy Christmas
04:52 - '44 Gibson J45 acoustic newly bought TR Crandle
06:57 - Hard Candy Christmas / Carol Hall / Artist making song their own
08:13 - Backing up Tommy Exley
08:41 - Thank you for New York / Birthday gig Dec. 20th 3rd & Lindsley

Just a little something to get all you Homeskoolers in the Christmas spirit…and a VERY special thank you to those who attended the NYC shows

November 18th, 2024

Homeskoolin' Volume 362, Tom Bukovac, "The Return Of The Click"

00:00 - Showing how to play a ES-335 - AMAZING
06:15 - What's up? / Tom Bukovac introduction
07:45 - Living off playing music / Playing
10:39 - ES-335 click
11:49 - Rehearsal / Nicky G
13:07 - Putting in energy / Giving a Fuck vs. Not giving a Fuck = Disgruntlement
14:06 - Dickhead comment on Guthrie channel / Lashing out
17:21 - Cheering you up for the win / Playing
18:13 - '63 Gibson ES-335 / Light bulb cherry
19:36 - NFL - Cowboys
21:22 - PAF pickup
21:50 - Lesson: Sexy slide

Uncle Larry rambles on about the mundane, the absurd and the magnificent....

If you like me, even though I'm pudgy, please throw something in the tip jar friends

Paypal is
Venmo is @Tom-Bukovac-1

November 17th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 361, Tom Bukovac, “The Downward Pull”

00:00 - Hello, friends...hello, friends...
01:22 - Changing strings
02:56 - "Downward pull"
05:24 - Mark Morton - Lamb of God story
14:40 - Less than 50 instruments
15:15 - Love YouTube comments
19:10 - Kick ass Electro-Harmonix pedals (Big Muffs, Ram's Head, Electric Mistress)
21:00 - Dead center on strings / Jeff Senn
23:03 - George Gruhn Versitar
23:37 - Gibson Les Paul TV Special
24:45 - NFL betting
25:50 - MXR Stereo Chorus / New York gig

Uncle Larry has a little chat with ya while changing the strings on one of his old mules.

Thanks for the continued support of the channel friends

November 16th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 360, Tom Bukovac, “The Pizza Guy”

00:00 - Singing and a playing
06:49 - Hello / Cleveland connection / Netflix - Mike Tyson & Jake Paul
10:30 - Rick Beato & Rick Waitman
11:51 - Session buddy story Martin D-28 busted headstock
16:18 - Discover a song randomly / Dismantling a song to assimilate it / Old Flame song
19:47 - Playing the piano / Arturia
21:55 - Thanks
22:28 - Beatles - "The Sun King" / What analog sounds like / Abbey Road

Uncle Larry reflects on the biggest money grab in recent memory, and tells a harrowing story of a pizza delivery gone terribly wrong

November 15th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “The Cutting Edge Of Technology”

00:00 - Gordon Mote update on special glasses that read for him

This is definitely not how Hank did it friends…

Our dear friend Gordon Mote amazes us once again, except this time with some crazy new gear, instead of the usual musical wizardry

November 15th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Sam Bettens”

00:00 - Sam Bettens

From yesterdays session, a couple versions of “5000 miles” by Sam Bettens, former lead singer of K’s Choice from Belgium

Sam’s new album will be coming shortly, we have 13 great tracks in the can, this one is one of my faves…this is a live recording friends

I was fortunate enough to work with an amazing band , Gordie Sampson on acoustic , Dave “Bird Dog” Dorn on keys, Steve Mackey on bass and Freddie Eltringham on drums….and the most important guy in the band, Zack Zinck running the PA

November 15th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Gordie Sampson”

00:00 - Gordie Sampson - Waves

This beautiful creature emerged from the most remote regions of Canada

I first met him 25 years ago actually, I have always been absolutely ENAMORED with his talent and he has been a dear friend all these years

He has written several number one songs, and just like all my other favorite musicians, he can play any instrument and produce records all day long

Before you comment about how he kind of sounds like John Mayer, Gordie wrote this song is in 1998 and he was doing this shit long before john Mayer was

“Waves” is the first song I ever saw him play…he has never recorded it.
This may be the only known recording of it