August 19th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Yet Another Sound Check Clip Of Us Playing Magic Man”

00:00 - 2nd part of soundcheck

Paul gettin’ is Ornette Coleman on….sound checks are a great time to “experiment”

Ya’ know, i noticed lately theres a lot of new viewers coming on this channel….do you think they know i made those two albums a while back?? Can someone post links to those and ill pin the comment?

August 19th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Road Life Bonus

00:00 - Room tour and road pictures

Casino gigs are not normally my idea of a good time….but just as a general life rule, when your hotel room has double doors, you know things are gonna be ok.

After a nightmarish 6 hour ride in a goddamned RV with no AC in the bunk area, and finally getting in to Tulsa at 4:30am last night, this fancy room was definitely a sight for sore eyes.

August 18th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Yet Another Soundcheck Bonus

00:00 - Prairieband Casino in KS soundcheck

Mayetta Kansas casino gig…..

August 16th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Road Bonus “Guinness Stew”

00:00 - Royal Mile Pub in Des Moines

Dear John Hickl from the Royal Mile pub in Des Moines….this place is awesome and the food is incredible….

Check it out on your next trip to the midwest friends.

Opening for ZZ tonite again…last time we did that the whole crowd just sat there the whole time with their arms crossed waiting for Billy to come on…i get that

August 15th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Learn-A-Song Quickie

00:00 - Lesson - School's Out play through

Well, i may be stuck in a hotel room on a day off with no amp….but that don’t mean we can’t learn a song.

As if we needed any more proof that even the most base rock hit of “the day” had more harmonic interest than most things we hear in all genres in 2022

August 15th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Abstract Vignette #2

00:00 - Piano busking / Interesting things in life

Be the ball Danny….be the ball…

August 14th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Volume 158, Tom Bukovac, “Damn I Wish I Had More Fingers”

00:00 - Plucking around in hotel room / Checking in
04:35 - VCB / "Dumbest things" (boomer bends, modeling, "she" guitars)
10:38 - Young guitar players (Seth Lee Jones)
10:51 - Lesson (guitar chords)

Some hot takes regarding guitar culture guaranteed to piss off at least 25% of my prescribers.

Come at me bro.

Dig this cat

August 13th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “An Important PSA From Tony Lucido”

00:00 - Tony apology

10 minutes before we went on tonite, Tony decided he wanted to do this public service announcement.

I thought for a minute he might reveal the name of his new forthcoming youtube show, but alas….he didn’t

but he did go to see whales today

August 13th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus…”Uhhh…Is it Saturday? “

00:00 - Tour update
05:45 - Chord lesson

It’s just uncle larry clarifying a few things that got a little sideways yesterday…and also getting into a little mild major brand defamation…

man, i’ll tell ya, when you are on the road and you start getting into time zones that have half hours involved, it’s kinda hard to tell what day it is. I am loving it up here in St John’s, I haven’t kissed any cods yet, but there were a few down in the hotel bar last night.

Ok. so the following is a private message to Ken, the guy who got totally bent outta shape about Tony’s comment.

So if you are NOT Ken then please stop reading right here…………..right at this line.

“Hey bro….bro bro….if we were all chillin in the bar together…me you and tony, i guarantee you would instantly be taken by his charismatic charm and natural ability to light up a room with his intense neuroses and tortured deep inner trauma that he wears on his sleeve in the most beautiful way. We wouldn’t have any problems. You would walk outta there saying “man, that tony, what a cool guy” You gotta trust me on this…i don’t hang around with idiots, even though i am one myself. I appreciate what you are saying Ken, but you just gotta shake the etch-a-sketch and take a new look at all this…put a new spin on it all in your mind. Tony IS gonna start his own channel…and you will watch it and you will laugh at it, because he is a fascinating guy…truly unique, one of a kind….and those folks don’t come around very often. The voting was almost unanimous (besides you) that we keep this ABSOLUTELY FREE channel raw and unfiltered, just like its always been. If the occasional thing comes along that gets stuck in your craw, please keep in mind….none of this cost you ANYTHING. We are all good bro….im cool with you if you are cool with me.”

Ok…carry on boys

August 12th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Abstract Vignette

00:00 - The Guess Who footage

St. Johns Newfoundland Canada


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