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September 16th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Target Shooting”

00:00 - Session footage

An excerpt from a little session i did today at Castle studio here in nashville.

It can be tedious at times, but a big part of being a session man is straight up what i’ve always referred to as “target shooting”. You gotta be able to quickly and cleanly execute fairly repetitive parts take after take and be dead in the pocket….and trust me on this friends, if you CAN’T do it, they will find someone who can.

I borrowed this Baxendale Sovereign from my buddy Kris Donegan, absolutely GREAT guitar. This was a double of a 6 string “ganjo” part i had previously played, but ill spare you that carnage haha.

Thanks for watching guys

September 16th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ PSA, “TV Time”

00:00 - Beautiful crunch playing
01:56 - Hello, class!
02:30 - Who carries Duesenberg model
03:55 - Vince Gill CMT Special "Giants"
04:20 - Rickenbacker 360 Bubbletop

Hi guys.....if you're bored tonite check out the show i played on called "Giants" honoring Vince Gill
on the CMT network
8pm central...y'all better hurry

Stores in the U.S. that carry the Duesenberg Session Man guitar:
The Guitar Sanctuary, TX
Palen Music Center, MO
Sound Pure, NC
N' Stuff Music, PA
Lark Guitars, TX
Huber & Breese Music, MI
Willcutt Guitar, KY
Boston Guitars, MA
Midwood Guitars, NC
Spicer Music, AL
Ye Olde Music, SC
Danville Music, CA
Music Villa. MT

Thank you to all of you guys for believing in the model!

September 15th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus…”The Drum Kit Of The Future?”

00:00 - Introduction to a good cause

So, i played this crazy gig tonight for my dear old friend Chris Donahoe (you may remember him from the “Community Of Tenderness” video i did a while back) at the Gibson Garage in Nashville…the local Gibson show room.

All i was told is that it was a charity gig for a foundation that used to be “Little Kids Rock” that has been renamed “Music Will”.

We rehearsed all morning, five songs, and then went to soundcheck... while we were all waiting around and hanging out after the soundcheck, our drummer, my dear old friend and legendary session drummer Chris “Stix” Mchugh (fellow Genesis fan who also happened to be the producer of my “Plexi Soul” record) started talking about this super cool prototype drum kit that he saw backstage…a great sounding little portable kit that you can pick up and carry around with one hand...and it all fits inside the plastic trash bucket that also doubles as the kick drum.

we were all totally blown away by it…especially Stix…. and we were all like “ok, so where can we buy one of these right now?”

but they are only in prototype stages at this point...apparently only 30 in existence at this point, according to the inventor Dave.

All i know is this... it’s a VERY rare moment when a bunch of jaded session players are totally blown away by ANY piece of gear enough to pull out their does not happen very often, trust me.

My first thought was “damn, whoever invented this little drum kit is about to make a fucking BOAT LOAD of cash".... But it turns out it’s much different than that....

The guy who invented it, Dave Wish, is somehow amazingly NOT trying to get rich off of this invention, he is actually ONLY interested in furnishing schools with thousands of these kits…and he needs help.

I’m not sure what this all means or how it could all play out, but maybe some of YOU guys will have some ideas

check it out...this is very cool my friends...

September 15th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Pulled Into Nazareth”

00:00 - Playing a good one

Ain’t NO damn acoustic guitar is worth 100K right?….until you hear the sound of that open G string…

I literally just pulled this thing outta the case, didn’t even tune it, and this is what it gives up…

Every single time i pick this guitar up i am amazed by it….i am so eternally thankful i found old 70253 in this life.


September 14th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Volume 165, Tom Bukovac, “Flutter And Wow”

00:00 - Hello, class! / Video intro about loop building lesson / '62 Strat
01:17 - Loop: Starting the loop
02:04 - Loop: Changing loops
04:02 - Get the bass / Tuning
05:38 - Lesson: Chords and progression
07:30 - Harmony H22 hollowbody bass
07:56 - Loop: Bass recording and play along
10:49 - Getting ready to solo / Looper
11:40 - Loop: Practice soloing
13:00 - Marshall 50-watt Combo Amp / Cleaning it up
13:45 - Loop: Restarting the loop for solo
16:35 - Tone (pickup, pedals)
17:34 - Loop: Take 1 soloing
20:33 - Summarizing

Uncle Larry takes the class along on a leisurely stroll to looptown….with a cameo appearance by his son’s old Harmony H-22 hollowbody bass.

Ampluhmicatiun provided by a ‘78 Marshall JMP 50 watt 2x12” combo with master volume.

If you guys are indeed learning and enjoying these meager low cost tutorials…the tip jar is just a click away…and it’s TOTALLY on the honor system.

paypal is
venmo is @Tom-Bukovac-1

if you wanna buy some Homeskoolin merch go here...

if you wanna buy my album "Plexi Soul" go here...

if you wanna buy the album i made with Dean Deleo go here...

I GREATLY appreciate all the past donations my good people….a couple bucks here and there makes this all make sense, and it keeps the old fridge stocked.

Thank you for watching friends, i mean it

September 13th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Volume 164, Tom Bukovac, “With Synchronized Tremolo”

00:00 - Boogeying some old school guitar
04:28 - Rollin' Rock slide / Hello, class!
05:18 - Duggie Brown's Jazzmaster
05:43 - Vince Gill backup / Sting / Guitar journey meeting people
07:40 - Chris Stapleton / Earthquaker Dispatch Master
08:40 - Jaco Pastorius
09:20 - Lesson: Appropriate fingering
12:04 - Lesson: Silly, hard lick to use all 4 fingers
14:07 - Lesson: "Tempest Fugit" lick
16:00 - Lesson: Taking apart chords for different voicings
16:50 - Kentucky Thunder Bluegrass bad asses / Bluegrass solos vs Rock

19:23 - Brian Sutton lessons / Holding your body correctly
20:15 - Banjo, tempo, and effortless playing
21:50 - Guitar video jam

Little Tommy discusses proper fretboard fingering after a nice fall haircut….the little clip at the end is from the rehearsal yesterday when we were learning Sting’s tune that he was singing on the show.

Thanks for watching my little stream of consciousness rants people.

September 13th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus…”The Grass Is Always Bluer On The Other Side”

00:00 - Kentucky Thunder warming up some fierce Bluegrass Country

I played a crazy gig tonite kids….a tv show honoring Vince Gill called “Giants” on CMT network….it’s supposed to air on sept 16.

I was in the house band playing behind some real bad asses….like Sting, Chris Stapleton, Maren Morris, Carrie Underwood and many others…got to see a lot of cool people and re-connect with some dear old friends.

One of my very favorite parts of the whole gig was the fact that our band dressing room was right next to the Ricky Skaggs's band Kentucky Thunder's room, and we got to hear them warming up before the show….and they were kind enough to let me film a taste of it. i was quite surprised and honored to hear that a couple of the fellas are Homeskoolers.

Sweet guys and an absolutely INCREDIBLE sounding group of musicians….i sometimes try to imagine what it would be like to pick a banjo like this…must be a whole lotta fun

Jake Workman: acoustic guitar
Russ Carson: banjo
Gavin Kelso: upright bass
Mike Rogers; rhythm guitar
Dennis Parker: arch top guitar
Luke Bulla: fiddle

September 12th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Volume 163, Tom Bukovac, “Charcuterie & Crudite Blues”

00:00 - Raw pickin' and chuggin' intro
03:40 - Hello, class! / Being back home / Upcoming gigs and musicians
06:00 - Jim Irsay private plane and hotel
09:10 - Danny Nucci
10:00 - Buddy Guy encounter
12:08 - Harmony Silvertone Jupiter / h47 Stratotone guitar (1423)
15:00 - Lesson: Nastiest G Minor 6th chord (Bluesy Pentatonic)

A brief discussion on how once you fly private one time, you’re basically ruined for life. And….a look at how nasty a minor 6th can be.

September 12th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “The Choogler”

00:00 - The work that goes into a show

I’ve got hours of this crazy rehearsal shit on my phone….there are some gems hidden within i ain’t gonna lie.

September 9th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Delta Titanic”

00:00 - Billy Branch
00:54 - Danny Nucci

Billy Branch….he does two things, he drinks wine and he kicks ass on the harp…my kinda man.

Danny Nucci….very clean fella…sharp corners….with an absolute lovely warm spirit…and funny as hell….also my kinda man.