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July 19th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Beet Smear”

00:00 - East Nashville eats

1) Well, as of today and yesterday, Guthrie Trapp and myself have 3 lovely sounding tracks in the can.
2) The Cafe Roze in east nashville in pretty amazing
3) Brett doesn’t eat the bun part of his burgers

July 17th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Volume 156, Tom Bukovac, “Seafood Green”

00:00 - Good, fun "Tequila" playing
00:41 - "A good lick"
01:03 - Friends! / Thanks for gifts / Kids
04:15 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin)
04:42 - Steel Panther gig?
05:12 - Headstock break? / Guitar problems cannot stand
08:27 - Guitar Player magazine
08:58 - Fender Duosonic
09:11 - "The Claw" finger playing lesson / Eric Johnson stealing
11:29 - Favorite Bukowski book?
11:38 - Locker & stolen Ann Wilson gear / Mexico
12:50 - '71 Les Paul Custom
13:17 - Miscellaneous comments / Phil Collins
16:25 - Thanks to all / Plexi Soul / Trip The Witch

I saw an ad for a Stratocaster on Reverb a couple days ago where a guy described the color as “seafood green”….oh man, that got me…

Anyway, here’s a 17 minute ramble from a guy who hasn’t been around many people any older than 9 years old in several days.

If anyone out there knows what issue of guitar player mag i got “writ up” in recently please tell me, cuz i can’t find the fucking who is on the cover?

totally unrelated, dig this crazy son watched this and all he said afterwards was "knuckleheads..." kinda under his breath......hahaaaaa, wonder where he got that?

Thanks for watching friends

Paypal tip jar is

Venmo tip jar is @Tom-Bukovac-1

July 14th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam “Remember When Songs Had One Chord?”

00:00 - Slow, soulful playing

Filmed late last night after getting home from a full day of sessioneering. Some of the harmonic possibilities available while just “pedaling” on a simple one chord motif. Also an example of the “claw”right hand technique we should all know, where you select only the strings you want to hear with your individual fingers.

Oh, and this is the best 70’s Les Paul i have personally ever seen…i usually do NOT go for any 70’s paul but this one has some magic. Picked it up in a trade recently…’71 custom, all there except for the hideous gold speed knobs that are currently on it..but don’t worry, there WILL be witch hats.

July 13th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Studio Tour

00:00 - Gear talk behind the scenes
02:47 - Studio control room equipment rundown
05:17 - Guitars

Heres a look at Addiction Studios in Nashville TN…inpromptu hosted by dearest Alberto Sewald….this studio is run by my dear old friend David Kalmusky, who’s father was Kenny Kalmusky, original bassist of Levon Helm and The Hawks…fuckin cool

July 12th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Eastlake Summer”

00:00 - Acoustic playing

A little N.E.O blues, with a little help from an old friend from Nazareth.


July 10th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam, “Velcro Blooze”

00:00 - Rockin' the double neck guitar

I should be sleepin’, but sometimes it’s hard to sleep with these old PAF’s around.

Thanks for watchin’ the Homeskoolin’ show lads and lasses.

July 8th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus…”Sentimental Larry”

00:00 - Post card rummage

All bullshit and corporate nonsense aside, i truly hope you guys know how much our little family of Bukovacs appreciate the sweet things you all sent….coolest viewers ever…i never knew the concept of teaching could be so fulfilling. Life is good friends…you guys are fuckin cool

Post Cards

July 8th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “The Sweet Sweet Fella Who Won The Duesenberg”

00:00 - Beautiful playing by the winner of the contest! / Thanks!

Luis “Nando” Puche from Hialeah FL….glad to see it went to a kind and worthy soul…what a sweet guy…and a beautiful player…you gotta stick to the end of this vid my dear homeskoolers….the sweetness of it all will just rip your heart out.

July 8th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Session Update “Everybody Loves Danny”

00:00 - Back stage gear tour
04:00 - Danny Dugmore

Day two of a three day odyssey….special guests, our beloved Bryan Sutton and the legendary Dan Dugmore…check out his credits on kids…a true session man.

July 6th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Special Treat…Bryan Sutton

00:00 - Bryan Sutton advice on acoustic guitars

What a special day kids….of the finest acoustic guitar players to ever breathe air joined us today… Bryan Sutton…what a bad ass…stick around all the way through. There is some absolutely RIPPIN’ guitar playing at the end and great wisdom throughout.

Thank you Bryan