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May 29th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam “Know It? Hell I Wrote It”

00:00 - Plucking and playing with that slide

Uncle Larry gets nasty in a pair of non prescription readers early on a wednesday morning.

ya know friends, you don’t have to re-tune your whole guitar to get some cool slide shit cookin...

all you gotta do is lower your high E string down to D

just tuning that high string down a whole step conjures enough of the ghosts that haunt the standard "open G" tuning that we have all grown up on to get the point across

you guys sick of this loop yet?

May 28th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 314, Tom Bukovac, “Hellhound On My Facebook Message Inbox”

00:00 - Blooming that slide
01:14 - Playing Blues over Major (01:34 - Start playing)
02:35 - Would like to see Homeskoolers' and what they look like
03:15 - Let's talk about slide / Tom Britt lessons
06:26 - Lesson: Slide players, using fingers, muting
07:51 - Slide players and exact copies / Derek Trucks
09:09 - Lesson: Don't let slide cripple you
10:57 - Keeping in tune when using slide / Tendency to be sharp
12:32 - Playing without looking
13:03 - Buddy Emmons practiced in darkness

Uncle Larry explores the blues on a Tuesday just like any other Tuesday

May 27th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 313, Tom Bukovac, “Rumours”

00:00 - Playing some unique licks with an attenuator
00:25 - New upcomer and Heart - Barracuda
00:35 - Loop playing with soul
04:05 - Hello, friends! / Memorial Day tribute / Starbucks tangent
05:38 - Update / Vince Gill gig at Ryman
06:30 - Bukovac & Guthrie show w/ special guests
07:25 - Back to playing that beautiful music
08:35 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Attenuators?
09:35 - Do you use direct sounds? / Direct rack effects (TC 2290, etc.)
11:39 - Gibson SG Special and playing

Uncle Larry WILL indeed be playing with Vince Gill during his residency at the Ryman August 1 through 4…that gig is firm, officially "on the books" as they say in the biz....

...but this other thing that I overheard some weird drunk guy blabbing on and on about at the bar last night is definitely NOT confirmed by any stretch…

the guy was saying something about some gig by two Nashville guitar nerds who were all excited about some dumb instrumental record they made...i can't really remember the details because i wasn't really listening...

i do remember though that he kept saying that it’s ESPECIALLY NOT supposed to happen on those two calendar days that fall in between august 15 and 18...but thats about all i remember

and totally unrelated...
hey guys....if you DO like this channel and you ARE stealing all my free ideas, please visit the tip jar.
this shit doesn't grow on trees ya know

paypal is
venmo is @Tom-Bukovac-1

thank you friends

May 25th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 312, Tom Bukovac, “Negative Intelligence”

00:00 - Slow melody into the Blues
02:07 - Good morning! / "Homeschooling" name
02:48 - Duesenberg Session Man / Heartwarming stories / Piezo / Buying Duesenberg
08:28 - Dark side of life / The Gear Page / Sticking to guns when off-track
10:18 - The Gear Page thread / Guitar faces / partytrain / Some "real sweethearts" on The Gear Page
13:21 - Back to the Blues playing and imitating the slide
14:00 - Lesson: Using the pinky / Injury to the middle finger
15:58 - Seinfeld bit - "Maximum Strength" / Call your Mom!

Uncle Larry gives us a heartwarming human interest story and then encourages 100k people to sign up to be part of the problem, not the cure….

May 24th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Lesson “How To Rock”

00:00 - Rock n' Roll
02:21 - Hey, friends / Ibanez 2350, bolt on neck, knobs
03:55 - K's Choice & Sam Bettens / Dan Auerbach
05:07 - Lesson: Power chord and different hammer-ons
05:50 - Lesson: Chuck Berry Rock hammer
06:08 - Lesson: Sus it hammer
06:18 - Lesson: Old Stones thing hammer (06:39 - Cont.)
07:13 - Lesson: Getting real cool hammer
08:00 - Lesson: IV chord over the I hammer (in B)
08:54 - Lesson: Fake open G tuning hammer
09:30 - Mess of intonation
10:15 - Lesson: Creepy hammer
10:37 - Getting Guthrie CDs

Uncle Larry discusses a little talked about but absolutely necessary element of rock guitar playing on a cheapo guitar

May 23rd, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 311, Tom Bukovac, “Uncle Larry’s Lawn Care Service”

00:00 - Morning music from Uncle Larry
01:49 - Matty Alger studio and Trip The Witch resurrection Dean DeLeo
03:12 - Lesson: Expensive chords
03:33 - Producing K's Choice
04:18 - Creative fervor and no more mowing lawns
05:01 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Playing scales and putting them in a blender
06:55 - Piano playing and an amazing player
07:22 - '63 Strat is kinda cool with sex appeal
08:09 - Acoustic album? / Instrumental music and album / Baggage attached to singers
11:00 - Do you get a lot of emails?
11:58 - Doing the Uncle Larry thing and the 2AM Me
12:52 - Guthrie gig amp and experience
14:15 - Sojourns out West and gigs back then
16:13 - Lesson: Learn scales and jumble them up

Family owned and operated since 1968....we charge extra for bush trimming

check this shit....this gal is a bad motherfucker
Giant Steps...But It's Played by 8 Legendary Jazz Pianists

May 21st, 2024

Homeskoolin' Volume 310, Tom Bukovac, "The Dining Dead"

00:00 - Plugging the Blues
01:29 - Hello, friends. / Over 900 videos / At least 18,000 hrs. / Getting better is a journey
05:20 - Sometimes just not the right guy (movie score job)
06:47 - Guitar playing is a lifestyle (Clint Strong, Tommy Immanuel) / Nobody is good at everything
09:47 - Jeff Senn Strat / Ilitch switch
11:18 - '63 Fender Stratocaster
12:52 - Jeff Senn Strat bridge
13:26 - Thank you for Guthrie gig / Cell phone videos / Brett Papa camera
15:21 - Completely on the fly and improv
16:39 - '63 Fender Strat neck

Uncle Larry stars in this exclusive Netfux reality based mini series about the ups and downs of a life in music

May 20th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam “At The Hop”

00:00 - Picking technique

So, i’m working on this reallllly fucking hard picking technique that kinda simulates a fast slapback delay pedal but with no effects…

For God’s sake people…do not attempt this at home without adult supervision.

May 20th, 2024

Owners Manual for Uncle Larry’s Sleepy Time Calm Relaxation Elixir

00:00 - Good morning / "Fresh outta bed", dick comment
00:43 - Thanks and bringing a lesson
01:14 - Lesson 1: Rhythm aerobic exercise / Mute
03:18 - Lesson 2: Hybrid picking
04:09 - Lesson 3: Bob Britt cut-off picking
05:17 - Lesson 4: Chromatic bridge to rhythm
06:27 - Lesson 5: Inversion chromatic from Bb
06:46 - Lesson 6: All-time favorite lick back to whole
07:50 - Lesson 7: Dmaj pull down to IV chord unison bend into the ending
09:00 -Ending comments

Just some old barrel house rock and roll rhythm guitar that doesn’t like that terribly difficult…until you try it

May 19th, 2024

Uncle Larry’s Sleepy Time Calm Relaxation Elixir

00:00 - Lighting that Firebird on fire

This one goes out to String Locker and all the other Homeskoolers who hate Steely Dan and reverb pedals.

Played on Fred Flintstone's 63 Firebird I....