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December 17th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 377, Tom Bukovac, “5:30AM Me”

00:00 - Strumming a calming tune
01:41 - Hello, friends! / Cold in the house
03:18 - Hornet nest comments about Paul Reed Smith
04:01 - NFL and gambling
04:57 - Level of player and gear
05:46 - Jack Nicklaus golf clubs joke
06:53 - Cocaine and whores joke
07:22 - Comments about 'Mall Jazz'
07:45 - Lesson: (F# walking it up) (“The Great Gear Trap”) / (Fmaj9/G -> Dmaj9/E) / Larry Carlton
09:25 - Modelers vs. real amps / "The audience doesn't know the difference"
11:31 - Bubba and pain pills
12:10 - Boone's Farm
13:03 - Producing / Tuning and finesse the strings
16:19 - What the fuck is Gibson making the nut out of?
17:32 - The Rolling Stones stay in tune? / Jim Dickinson
18:45 - Tuning, out-of-tune, and everyone good out-of-tune
19:42 - 12-string and math for a pleasant tuning / Evertune guitar

Still dark out and Larry is already up trying to deal with the VCB.
I thought i would use a cool clickbait thumbnail that has absolutely nothing to do with the video just to draw in unsuspecting viewers.

There’s 2 parts to this video…here is part 1

Watch both parts of this …fuckin fascinating

Especially when he talks about how the Stones refused to tune any of their instruments

December 16th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 376, Tom Bukovac, “The Great Gear Trap”

00:00 - Looping some 70s goodness
06:05 - Alright / Shitty kind of sound to sound good (poke)
07:15 - NFL
07:31 - Thanks for new camera view / Muscle memory
09:47 - Lonely Christmas and cheer
11:00 - Willie's 90th Birthday lookback / Benmont Tench, Gabe Witcher, Greg Leisz, Terence Higgins, Beck
13:25 - Drugs...never have done them...just a joke
14:10 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Jamie French
14:50 - Modeling and marketing / "Am I good enough for the gear" / Pool playing analogy
18:58 - New amp made by Paul Reed Smith / Jimi Hendrix & Duane Allman bullshit
21:35 - Cool outro

Uncle Larry glances off several cars in the VCB parking lot before finally crashing into the side of a building

December 15th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam “Audiophilia”

00:00 - Exploring the notes in between notes

Uncle Larry continues down the paths of the micro-tonal experiments he has been conducting over the past several years…

who says there are only 12 notes?
I’ll tell ya who says that…boring people….and piano players

December 14th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Back In Black”

00:00 - Blackface Twin Reverb history
05:25 - NFL Cards
06:07 - Hall of Fame of blocked YouTube users

Uncle Larry provides an extremely basic primer guide for the legendary blackface Fender amps that were built between 1964-67.

To say that these amps made a “significant impact” on many types of music would be a massive understatement.

The early ones that say “Fender Electric Instruments” (1964 through mid 65) under the model name on the front panel and have no metal Fender logo on the top left of the grille cloth are particularly desired by collectors and tube amp lovers.

I also take you on a tour of the “douchebag hall of fame”….a little stroll down memory lane of the legions of teddy boys that tried to disrupt your free music education

It was heartwarming for me to see all those names again …..nice work lads

December 13th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Mad Loop Friday”

00:00 - Playing bass to a loop
01:04 - Switching to overdub guitar
02:14 - Another overdub

Uncle Larry gives it to ya on a Friday night old school r&b style

A little thing I made up through a luscious old 64 electric instruments twin reverb

When I was a young man, you were TRULY SOMEBODY if you had yourself a twin reverb…it was a rite of passage…still is I suppose

December 11th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 375, Tom Bukovac, “Castles Made Of Salmon”

00:00 - Slow and steady Jimi-style?
05:41 - Hello, friends!
06:03 - Rickenbacker 360 / Rumble Seat / Playing
09:35 - Continuation
10:20 - New Novo guitar / Playing
15:25 - The Cliffs (Uncle Larry produced band) / Jed Hughes and Tom Bukovac opening
16:30 - Novo Guitars
17:12 - Playing: Jimi Hendrix - "Castles Made of Sand" (singing)
21:12 - Playing
23:13 - "Jive Bullshit" / Playing

Uncle Larry tries his hand on a couple fresh horses

Special thanks to sweet Doug Jarrell at Rumbleseat Music for bringing this neglected old heap of parts from the 60s into 2024

Go see them Cliffs at the Basement on Dec 18 friends

Congrats to the folks at Novo for building a new guitar that can actually keep up with the likes of a Duesenberg Session Man

Thank you for your continued support of the channel friends….it means a lot to old Uncle Larry

December 10th, 2024

Homeskoolin Bonus…”And The Winner Is…”

00:00 - Announcement of winner and videos
04:50 - Late 1960's Fender Telecasters - two!

Uncle Larry stops in to his favorite pedal store in Nashville…Guitar Effects Pedals Dot Com…after a day of sessioneering at Auerbach’s place finishing up dubs on new Black Keys record that I am very excited about

I thought that the pedal shop would be a lovely place to announce the winner(s) of the Uncle Larry impersonation contest

Thanks to all that participated…some gave all

If someone would be kind enough to post links to all four winners I win pin them for all to see…and then i would be happy

i also ask that the four winners please email me their mailing addresses at

I also want to tell you guys that that amazing young rock band from Bloomington that i produced a while back called Cliffs, is playing a gig at the Basement here in Nashville on Dec 18th.

Myselfeth and dearest Jeddeth Hugheseth are gonna do a quick little opener set

Please come down and show some support for these talented young lads…they are a great band and amazing young dudes


December 9th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Metallurgy”

00:00 - Intro - Lamb of God - "Laid to Rest" video / Mark Morton of Lamb of God / Lesson straight from the man
02:57 - Lesson: Mark Morton - Lamb of God - "Laid to Rest"

Sincere and heartfelt thanks to dear Mark Morton from The Lambs of The Gods for taking time out of his busy life to send these private instructional videos to my spoiled rotten son Marshy.

I suspected that Mark must have kids of his own to be so acutely aware of the impact that something like this can have on a young man...

It turns out he does…I KNEW it

Hope you metal heads enjoy

Mark is a sweet sweet guy....Lamb Of God is a fuckin' cool band...let's rock people.

December 8th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 374, Tom Bukovac, “The Song Remains Strikingly Similar”

00:00 - '63 Gibson ES-335 on the workbench

Uncle Larry does a bit of a deep dive on one of the most brilliantly designed guitars ever conceived by “mankind”…the Gibson ES-335 semi-hollowbody electric

To really understand the word “mankind” we must first break it down into two smaller words….

“mank” and “ind”

Birthed in 1958, a full decade before the author/director of this video, the es-335 (aka “the 335”) took the music world by storm with it’s exceptional tone, playability and versatility.

Special thanks to a particularly clever Homeskooler for today’s video title…I believe the fellas name was Chester…
nice one mate….i sometimes wish I was smart and funny enough to think of something that hilarious …I guess I’ll keep trying

Speaking of 335s, you may remember a cherry late 65 335 with bigsby holes that I sold on this channel several months back…it used to belong to my dear old friend Bubba….
Anyway, the guy that I sold it to recently contacted me saying that he wants to sell it ….
I think it’s 10k
If you want his email just ask and I’ll send it…all I ask is that you only do that if you are very serious about potentially buying it

It’s a good guitar

Also if anyone out there has a clean original case for my 63 that’s in this video please let me know …it would be black with yellow insides in 1963

I would pay handsomely if anyone has one that doesn’t smell like cat piss and mold

Over and out Homeskoolers

December 8th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 373, Tom Bukovac, “Eight Is Enough”

00:00 - '61 Gibson SG on the workbench

Larry is joined by his dear son Marshall, who just turned 12 a couple days ago for a Sunday restringing session of a 1961 Gibson SG/Les Paul….the guitar was purchased new in 1961 by a dear friend of mine’s ex father in law for 275.00 as you can see by looking at the thumb nail of this upload. The photo shows the original receipt surrounded by the second best pink in the world.