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April 27th, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 16, Tom Bukovac, “Bon Temps Rouler”

00:00 - Loop intro
01:56 - Welcome / Contest Videos
02:48 - Viewer Comment Bin / Alternate picking
03:27 - Speed
05:26 - Alternate picking lick lesson
07:26 - Balance fatherhood and guitar playing
10:24 - John Oates and Fender amp
11:58 - Strong ear
13:56 - Lousiana groove lesson

A brief discussion on having children.... from the perspective of a lifelong guitar player.

April 25th, 2020

Homeskoolin Volume 15, Tom Bukovac, “Another Contest?”

00:00 - Intro jam
00:48 - Clavinet-like Strat / Buck Dharma
01:34 - Don't Fear the Reaper
01:56 - XTS Contest
02:44 - XTS Modded Tremolo
04:00 - XTS Contest cont.
06:04 - Steve Khan - Gamour Profession
07:50 - String bending
10:10 - Private chat

Contest Rules
1) you gotta use one of my loops, from any one of my videos....
2) no longer than a minute
3) video MUST be labeled “XTS Challenge” with your name, or it will automatically be can win the usual bragging rights AND a free pedal this time!! check out the website to browse pedals

April 24th, 2020

Homeskoolin' Volume 14, Tom Bukovac "Rolling Rock Memories"

00:00 - Gospel chord intro
01:59 - Welcome
02:40 - Viewer Comment Bin
02:55 - Basement vs stage
07:08 - Session isn't for me?
12:56 - Play with a Beatle
13:35 - Rita Wilson & Tom Hanks
16:00 - Chord progression lesson

A brief chat on tone, being a session man, Tom Hanks...and acknowledging the fact that Joe Walsh clearly knows a helluva lot more about playing in an arena than I do.

April 22nd, 2020

Homeskoolin' Volume 13, Tom Bukovac, "Dancin' Days & Open G"

00:00 - Thank you
02:07 - Coffee
02:59 - Favorite movies?
04:24 - Open tunings
07:18 - Guild Thunderbird
07:40 - Dancing Days lesson
12:38 - Rolling Stones lesson
12:55 - Cool stuff in open tuning

Thank you guys, I sincerely appreciate this little "Homeskoolin' family" more than you all know. Here's a brief chat on the classic open G tuning after a rough morning.... (from low to hi D,G,D,G,B,D)

April 21st, 2020

Homeskoolin' Volume 12, Tom Bukovac, "First Month's Free"

00:00 - Beatles intro / talk
02:14 - I would like to acknowledge
02:49 - Viewer Comment Bin
03:00 - Donations and thanks
05:06 - Guitar House / Rolling Rock
05:20 - Nashville number chart (vi IV I V )
08:43 - Learned from musicians in sessions
09:39 - "Because the song sucks"
10:56 - "Power of stupid"
13:20 - Certain devices in music
16:50 - Lesson: Beatles, I Want You (She’s So Heavy)

OK guys total honor system here....Paypal if you've gotten something useful out of all these pitiful videos and you wanna put something in the old beer money tip jar

April 20th, 2020

Homeskoolin Volume 11, Tom Bukovac, “The Power Of The 5 Minor”

00:00 - Intro sad jam
02:40 - Guitar House
03:00 - Coolest viewers
04:02 - Monty Python reference
05:15 - Gear talk
06:56 - How sessions work
10:45 - Make session magic
13:20 - Tom's material / lesson
14:42 - Blues over major: "I don't fuckin' like it at all"

A brief chat on the strange elusive power of the “Coldplay chord”

April 18th, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 10, Tom Bukovac, “Bed Heads & Rotors”

00:00 - Intro space jam
02:15 - Welcome
02:40 - Yamaha RA-200
06:52 - Shoegazer chords lesson
11:10 - Whammy bar pet peeve

A brief examination of my all time favorite piece of rare and esoteric musical equipment, the Yamaha RA-200

April 17th, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 9, Tom Bukovac, “Blues & Dank Nugs

00:00 - Intro jam loop
03:11 - Welcome the lovely day
04:11 - Viewer Comment Bin
04:30 - Talk about gear
05:26 - Billards / gear
06:11 - Love of the 335
08:27 - Replacement stoptail LP Special
10:25 - Sarah Buxton songs
11:21 - Stop gear buying?
12:35 - Hard-ass attitude
13:13 - Trust people / pain
14:08 - T-shirts
15:16 - Marijuana use
17:17 - Two chords lesson

Two chords and a brief chat on weed.

April 16th, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 8, Tom Bukovac, “Workingman’s Bread”

00:00 - Jerry Garcia intro riffage
01:51 - Magical properties / Dickie Betts
02:54 - New logo / Farmland
03:43 - Reader Comments
04:44 - Secret in 4th finger
06:27 - Not selling something
07:38 - Modeling amps and quitting
08:40 - Hard on oneself
10:32 - So much to learn / Ted Greene

A brief chat on human nature.

April 15th, 2020

Homeskoolin' Volume 7, Tom Bukovac, "An Old Southern Joke"

00:00 - Intro jam
01:47 - Reader Comments
02:43 - Don't rush things
03:53 - Music store / Southern joke
08:13 - Behind the pocket
09:20 - Role Model?
10:09 - Tom is my kittens
10:57 - Go For It
12:02 - Mean It / No Second Guessing
12:36 - Trivia
14:16 - Play like personalities

More than a joke really....actually an approach to life and some TRIVIA!! The very first Firebird ever made (no shit, prototype 1962) through a little tiny Gretsch shit box.