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September 6th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 335, Tom Bukovac, “Red Zone Blues”

00:00 - Pluckin the P90s
05:10 - Hey friends! / Bukovac birth (father rheumatic fever and heart attack)
07:10 - NFL game
08:52 - Tom Bukovac vinyls after 50 years old / Old friends catching up Mark Bright / Carrie Underwood
11:53 - '52 Gibson Les Paul / Show stopper / Neck pickup is amazing
15:02 - 50 watt tremolo plexi through Bogner 212
16:19 - That Fizz enemy
17:20 - '52 Les Paul / MojoAxe bridge
17:55 - "Wasn't sure at first" / Neumann u67 mic / Let the instrument teach you

No, I didn’t use a 335 for this episode…it was too cliche

September 5th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 334, Tom Bukovac, “The Arc Of Life”

00:00 - Some traditional guitar
03:25 - Hello, friends!
04:00 - '57 Gibson Les Paul / Mark Bright, Carrie Underwood connection
05:41 - Looking back on life ("Arc of Life")
09:19 - Black Keys stuff / Dan Auerbach & Pat Carney
09:38 - Creative studio vs Corporate studio / Music as a painting and delivering
13:47 - Randall Bramblett / Putting your hearts into it vs. time and budget radio play
14:52 - Playing the Goldtop / Good guitar gives you everything / Thanks
16:04 - Led Zeppelin stealing, but amazing / Blues

This is the tune I mentioned, but check out this whole record friends…
Randall Bramblett

September 4th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 333, Tom Bukovac, “Section By Section”

00:00 - Some sweet tunes on the Tele
04:56 - Hello, friends! / Nicknames
05:42 - Sentimental from old days at Rudy's butcher shop
09:09 - Nicky G grill / Black Keys stuff
09:55 - NFL football
10:22 - Lesson: Dropped D / Riff Rock / Learn by sections
12:58 - Selling guitars / Rickenbacker Capri
14:34 - Cutting the capacitor (cap) off / Fender amps also
15:10 - Tone control on a Strat / Overhaul Lake Placid Blue
16:45 - Lesson: Cool Dropped D lick
17:27 - Lesson: Led Zeppelin - Jimmy Page - Whole Lotta Love
18:42 - Small Faces - You Need Loving / Robert Plant stole Whole Lotta Love
19:15 - Undetected imitation and originality

If you do end up going to Rudy’s today, you might want to stop and have a quick gander at 441 east 319 st….

That’s where it all happened friends

August 29th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Silent Lakeplacidity”

00:00 - '65 Lake Placid Blue Stratocaster

Special thanks to Geoffrey Moore and Seth Cook for making this a reality.
I promise I will use it for good, not evil.

August 28th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 332, Tom Bukovac, “Reclaimed Youth”

00:00 - Just an intro tune
02:44 - What's up cats / Lennon's vocals on Sexy Sadie
03:21 - "One of the coolest piano sounds"
04:15 - Martin acoustic / "Everybody should have a Martin" / Playing
05:22 - Recapture youth
06:43 - First guitar Applause acoustic
07:49 - First electric Crestline SG copy
08:22 - Lesson: First lick Chuck Berry
08:45 - Arya / Gibson Les Paul / Fairweather band
10:21 - Fairweather story cont. / Jeffrey Moore guitar rig / '65 Lake Placid Blue Stratocaster
11:18 - 2 Deluxe Reverb amps facing each other
12:36 - "Still have that Strat?" / Worked out a deal for the guitar
14:53 - Thanks / Heated discussions / StringLocker cleaning the carcusses
15:38 - Update
16:45 - Lesson: Chord progression with DbMaj7 with the claw -> F#Maj7 -> BMaj7 -> EMaj7 (Cycle of 5ths)

Uncle Larry gets a bit sentimental on a Wednesday morning.

August 26th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 331, Tom Bukovac, “Royal Power Pop”

00:00 - Plucking out a song to a loop with a little Leslie in it
03:23 - Hello, friends! / Life update / NFL diddy
04:46 - Morgan Wallen session
05:58 - '79 Gibson Les Paul Deluxe / Playing
06:30 - Lesson: Blue Oyster Cult / 2 parts as one / Burnin' For You
07:30 - Blue Oyster Cult - Don't Fear the Reaper lyrics
09:00 - "Hardest thing about being a session man?"
11:00 - Numbnuts from Tulsa in the comments / "Jam off" / "Off his meds"
13:53 - The Gear Page Moderator and getting banned
14:45 - Lesson: Smear with hammer into bend / Pre-bend dead in tune
16:50 - Lesson: Bending strings / Tightly slammed fingers

Uncle Larry gets his English melody on.
God Save the Queen

so, do you think i even stand a chance in a "jam off" against this fella?

Early 70s Carvin AS50

August 25th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam “Let Us Not Forget”

00:00 - Some amazing 6 & 12 string sounds through Leslie

In a world of modeling amplifiers and boutique pedals that simulate everything, it may have been a minute since you plugged your axe into a real Leslie.
Ain’t nothin’ like it friends…

Well, I’m officially banned from the gear page friends…over the most innocuous little comment…I suppose it’s been building up over there.

The moderators hate me…they are are more sensitive than the gas pedal on a 70 Hemi Cuda…but deep down they know I’m right…

So now what am I gonna do with my life?
I’ve thought of gardening perhaps…

August 24th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “White Funk Railroad”

00:00 - Doing that funky playing with a loop

You can bust some shit up real good with just two chords…music is mostly about rhythm.
The rhythm and the phrasing of the notes gets noticed by the human ear more than the actual notes themselves get noticed

In this example it’s just the 1 to the 4 back and forth in the key of C

If you get bored by just two chords, keep in mind that this groove actually has one more chord than “chain of fools” by ‘Retha does

August 23rd, 2024

Uncle Larry’s Early Fall Garage Sale, “Utilitarian Edition”

00:00 - Uncle Larry's Garage Sale / Marshall Amp
01:23 - Marshall Cabs

Email me at if you want either of these items friends

Local pickup only

Once I deem you the first responder/buyer you can PayPal me an earnest money deposit to hold the items using the same email above, which is also my PayPal address

August 22nd, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 330, Tom Bukovac, “Idiometry”

00:00 - That Country type thing
07:57 - Uncle Larry hello/update (Morgan Wallen / Dan Auerbach) / Thanks
09:10 - '52 Gibson Les Paul
10:04 - Lesson: Staying withing idioms or it just sounds untrained
12:42 - Playing into singing
13:49 - Buying a Plexi / Update / Playing

Uncle Larry checks in in the middle of a long week of plunkin’ on guitars to pay the rent.

If you haven’t seen this yet, please do yourself a favor and watch this video friends

I interviewed legendary guitar player...

Please understand, my interest in this video has absolutely NOTHING to do with the fact that he mentions a couple things about uncle Larry here and there…what I TRULY LOVE about this video is how it so clearly showcases what a beautiful person Dann is and always has been

so sweet , so genuinely supremely talented….such a special guy