September 13th, 2022
00:00 - Boogeying some old school guitar
04:28 - Rollin' Rock slide / Hello, class!
05:18 - Duggie Brown's Jazzmaster
05:43 - Vince Gill backup / Sting / Guitar journey meeting people
07:40 - Chris Stapleton / Earthquaker Dispatch Master
08:40 - Jaco
09:20 - Lesson: Appropriate fingering
12:04 - Lesson: Silly, hard lick to use all 4 fingers
14:07 - Lesson: "Tempest Fugit" lick
16:00 - Lesson: Taking apart chords for different voicings
16:50 - Kentucky Thunder Bluegrass bad asses / Bluegrass solos vs Rock19:23 - Brian Sutton lessons / Holding your body correctly
20:15 - Banjo, tempo, and effortless playing
21:50 - Guitar video jam
Little Tommy discusses proper fretboard fingering after a nice fall haircut….the little clip at the end is from the rehearsal yesterday when we were learning Sting’s tune that he was singing on the show.
Thanks for watching my little stream of consciousness rants people.