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October 4th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus, “Electric Spanish Larry”

00:00 - Playing the 335

Well guys, the late 62/ early 63 block marker 335 with unopened factory PAF’s that i ordered on approval showed up today.

I swear i could already tell from just the few scant photos i saw of it that it had somethin’ special, and dammit if i wasn’t dead right.

As usual, upon opening the shipping box and the case for the first time, thousands of infantessimal calculations and observations took place in my mind…and they were all giving me a real nice warm feeling.

Every old guitar tells you a story when you hold it in your hands for the first time.

I love the way this one explained its life to me…its obviously been very well cared for, but it also clearly has a slightly naughty side that is ready to throw down any time.

Absolutely PERFECT neck profile…all of those zillion little things you look for add up beautifully when you look closely at this one…the balance…the smell…the evenness of the wear…the sustain…the acoustic vibe…powerful pickups…everything is just right.

Special thank you to Charlie Gelber at OK Guitars in Kent CT for the smooth ride. Basically all he deals in are old 335’s…and he literally has them all.

September 30th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Uncle Larry's Spooky Fall Garage Sale”

00:00 - Beautiful playing
04:11 - Hello, Homeskoolers! / Greetings / Folkway Music
05:18 - '64 Firebird III / Chopper bridge
06:00 - Tour / Football / Gear / '63 Gibson 335
08:11 - Garage Sale

Many ideas went through my head about what to name this video……

“Evidence Of Autumn” (maybe a little too inside)
“Desert Sand Man” (cuz i can never resist any Pre-CBS related pun.....)

but anyhoo, email me at if you want any of this stuff. this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.....i have got WAY too much gear. Every few years I do a massive purge in an attempt to simplify my life...i'm sure some of you out there know the feeling and can relate.

PRS Cleveland one of a kind my knowledge the only single pickup PRS ever made...constructed of super lightweight Korina, with an old Dimarzio Super Distortion humbucker $5000.00

1978 BC Rich Super Eagle, you already know how hard these original ones are to find

1964 Vox AC30 JMI grey panel factory top boost with original trannies and silver dogs...the classic AC30 sound in spades $3500.00

1962 Fender Brown Deluxe recovered and regrilled…original trannies and a high dollar brand new Celestion Gold speaker ....this thing sounds really really good

1960 Fender Duo Sonic in desert sand finish

1966 Fender Duo Sonic II in dakota red

1957 Supro Ozark with sandwich pickup

1960’s Teisco TG-1 with built in amp

1) Buyer pays actual shipping
2) Sorry to all my beloved international Homeskoolers, but I'm only doing domestic U.S. shipping on these guitars

September 29th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Big Fish In A Big Pond”

00:00 - Recording pedal steel in the studio
06:47 - Drum playing and lesson

A brief chat with two of the baddest cats to ever put on a pair of headphones….Paul Franklin and Victor Indrizzo.

September 28th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Pedal Board Cam”

00:00 - Footage: Pedalboard cam
04:30 - Guitar playing / Heart - Even It Up
10:12 - Ann Wilson greetings / Ann Wilson - Black Wing
17:00 - Ann Wilson - Greed
20:30 - Heart - Magic Man
26:45 - Tom solo / Heart - Crazy On You
33:25 - The Who - Rain On Me
39:15 - Band intro / Heart - Barracuda
44:30 - Heart - Straight On
50:10 - Led Zeppelin - Black Dog

Ann Wilson live, Sunday September 25th in Houston Texas….opening for Jeff Beck and The ZZ Tops…

In case you were ever wondering what pedal changes Larry makes on what songs, here ya go As my dear friend Joe Vitale once said watching me on a session….”Buko, it looks like you’re trying to put out a fire”

Hope you enjoy

September 28th, 2022

Homeskoolin Road Update “Texas Heat”

00:00 - Playing without amp
00:45 - Hello, friends! / Tour update (Jeff Beck / ZZ Top)
01:30 - Back injury and gig
02:40 - David Grissom
02:55 - Jeff Beck / Noises (Eddie Van Halen)
03:55 - Fan shoutouts
04:42 - Footage: Stage tour
07:25 - Footage: Jeff Beck
08:23 - Chug challenge

Lord…picture old larry up on stage yesterday…blown lower back agony, pouring sweat in that special kind of Texas heat and strangling humidity…good times for sure.

Fun show though, we really got that 50 minute long hit it and quit it opening act thing down.

Thank you for your continued patronage of the humble Homeskoolin’ channel. Go wolverines, (a 17 point favorite by the way)

September 21st, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “A Small Miracle”

00:00 - Session gear and Marshalls

When something virtually impossible happens to you, you just HAVE to share it with your friends right?

September 18th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “The Birdman”

00:00 - Funky little loop play through

Uncle Larry tries to make contact with all the dead satellites and other junk that travels through space.

September 18th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “B Roll From Giants Show”

00:00 - Footage of the rehearsal for "Giants"

Warning: this one here is ONLY for the real die hard Homeskoolers out there.

Damn near 30 minutes of rehearsal footage....i thought about chopping it up, but then decided to give it all to ya in one big long painful block, so you can feel the slog of a 10 hour rehearsal day just like we do haha.

disclaimer: i clearly realize that there are worse 10 hour work days.....

i'll tell ya' a job that would REALLY suck. top of my list of all-time nightmare be the guy that cleans and maintains a busy airport restroom....there's something about "international shit" that's even more horrifying than "domestic shit".... the worst job i ever had in my younger days was doing carpet and flooring with my older brother was great to hang out with him all day, but the job itself SUCKED.

i also did asphalt with my other brother Mike....a VERY small company in Cleveland called "Perfection Paving"...the only dump truck the company could afford was from the 40's and it wouldn't go over 35 MPH on the highway....which was a problem when you are carrying a hot load of asphalt long distances.

anyhoo....back to today's video...b roll rehearsal footage from the recently aired CMT show called "Giants" honoring Vince Gill.

Uncle Larry
Jedd Hughes
Paulie Franklin
Chris Stapleton
Jimmie Lee Sloas
Becky Fluke

September 17th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Saturday Night Bonus Jam “Point Of Contact”

00:00 - Playing the chopper

Hello friends…a while back my dear dear friend sweet Greggy Voros gifted me a wonderful old 54 Esquire chopper that i have been slowly but surely trying to turn into the monster that i absolutely know it can be.

From the start this guitar had a hell of a lot going for it (super lightweight and the neck is to die for) but it had a long way to go. It started with refretting, then trying to find the right pickups…i ended up finding some great pickups, an original bridge pickup from a 1960 tele custom was a nice addition.

The original bridge saddles were driving me insane, so i just had my dear old friend Phil Crabtree install a set of Callaham compensated steel saddles. I picked it up from him today, Philly works alongside Tom Murphy at the Gibson custom shop. He is one of the sweetest kindest souls that has ever walked this earth. Thats him pictured at the end of this video.

Lord did these saddles help a lot…a MAJOR step in the right direction. The intonation is sooo good now, the string spacing is perfect, and the thing is just ringing beautifully acoustically, great sustain.

I swear the older i get i am focusing more and more on what i have always called the “point of contact” in guitars.

The purity and trueness of the way fretted and open notes pop out of a guitar, whether its electric or acoustic. The way the notes ring and sustain without an amp.

It’s the first thing i look at when i am checking out any guitar I haven’t seen before. It’s amazing how many guitars there are out there, even “high end” instruments, that just have terrible “point of contact”.

Strangled sounding dead notes all over the guitar, which could be caused by many things….a shitty bridge, bad fretwork, a fingerboard that is separating slightly from the neck, a pinched nut slot, and the worst offender, just plain dead wood.

September 17th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Larry, Jedd and Paul, featuring Sting”

00:00 - Footage from Country Music Television's "Giants"

Hahaaa….just kiddin…i know the real billing order…it should be “Jedd, Paul and Tom, featuring Sting”

Heres an alternate take from the one that actually was on the show.

Hope you enjoy…i had a lonely princeton reverb backstage behind a wall, mic’ed up, and what you are hearing is through the wedge.

When you got your guitar sounding like this through a wedge, you KNOW its gonna be right out front.