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August 23rd, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 65, Tom Bukovac, “Cadillac Larry”

00:00 - Slow rock intro jam
03:01 - Hello, class!
04:25 - 80's Dean Cadillac
05:20 - Speight custom made baffle
05:52 - VCB / Everything going to be alright
06:27 - Chordal ideas and progressions?
08:12 - Greatest guitar tone? Rolling Stones - Can't You Hear Me Knocking
09:06 - Uncle Larry's Garage Sale / Gretsch 6150T
10:02 - Black Sabbath / Gothic progression lesson

Hey guys....thanks for reading this....ya know, the stuff i write in here in important to me. First caller wins the little Gretsch 6150T for 550 plus 100 shipping domestic US only....

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August 18th, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 64, Tom Bukovac, “The Bird Returns”

00:00 - Intro mellow, bluesy jam
02:25 - Howya doing, class!
03:21 - Viewer Comment Bin
03:29 - How long to come up with jams?
04:25 - Protecting Intellectual Property
05:23 - Gracious manner / Trolls
06:19 - Missing most in pre-Corona?
07:38 - Session, acheiving sound
09:44 - Amp and speaker?  Clear sounds, not too loud
11:21 - Gold mine of guitar secrets / Stealing material
14:22 - Thumb bass notes / Stretching jam lesson

Hey guys....please forgive the slight rattle in the low notes...must have been something on the old work bench/hi tech video production station.

August 17th, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 63, Tom Bukovac, “And Your Bird Is Red”

00:00 - Intro rockin' jam
02:16 - Hey, cats!
04:18 - Viewer Comment Bin / Rituals
06:41 - Copy right claim
08:04 - Humbuckers in Nashville
10:27 - Rock 'n' roll untamed lesson
11:42 - Speed picking / Thumb angle

See guys I’m still writing stuff in here...i thought about calling this video “My Red Bird Performs” but i thought that mighta been a little too inside for anyone who’s not from the UK...thanks for watching the show.

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T shirts and mugs available at

August 8th, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 62, Tom Bukovac, “Cop Show Music”

00:00 - Intro "cop show" jam
02:24 - Hello, class!
03:54 - VCB / Volume level?
04:04 - Fender Pro Reverb
04:44 - "Negative Ned Ryerson"
06:10 - Taylor or PRS? / "Not doing homework"
06:29 - Lots of t-shirts
07:00 - Amps / Dumble
08:18 - Pinky
09:06 - Steve Howe Guitar Player
09:38 - Ibanez Flaming Wah / No go
09:58 - Lesson: Chord, loop lesson
14:43 - '64 Gibson SG

See i still write stuff in here....stuff about the videos....remember Cannon? Kojack? Rockford Files? Columbo? Ok heres your trivia question...what was the name of the epic song from the Gaucho sessions that got accidentally erased by a bonehead engineer?

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T shirts and mugs available at

August 6th, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 61, Tom Bukovac, “The Smuggler”

00:00 - Rocking intro jam
02:23 - Hello, class!
03:12 - '67 Smuggler's Tele
03:51 - Vivid memories of songs played
04:57 - Few hours with living player?
06:37 - COTCS
07:47 - Guitar and women?
08:39 - Homeskoolin' merch / Design
09:20 - Christine / Darnell's Garage
09:55 - Guitar lesson

See I’m writing stuff in here again....just to see if you guys read it.

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T shirts and mugs available at

August 1st, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 60, Tom Bukovac “Full Rotor Jacket”

00:00 - Intro loop jam
03:16 - Hello, class!
05:30 - Video descriptions / Movie
06:49 - Session Man Sandwich
07:51 - Playing for emotion
10:27 - Leslie
11:04 - Uncle Larry's Garage Sale / Vintage Rat
12:28 - Guitar slide lesson

See? I write stuff in here.....stuff about the videos that you should consider reading before you ask me stuff .

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T shirts and mugs available at

July 30th, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 59, Tom Bukovac, “Cardboard Cut Outs In The Shade”

00:00 - Intro cosmic jam
03:37 - Hello, class!
04:52 - Viewer Comment Bin / AC
05:43 - Pedal steel?
07:03 - Wah wah?
08:08 - Complementing the singer
10:22 - Cardboard cutouts
10:52 - Blues with weird time signature
11:43 - Tonal shading lesson

A brief chat on tone and Covid era sports.

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July 26th, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 58, Tom Bukovac, “London Broil”

00:00 - Peter Green tribute intro jam
02:44 - Hello, class!
03:04 - Deliciously out-of-tune guitars
03:38 - Pawnshops / Cleared out
05:09 - Ebo Customs E-Verb / Demo
06:25 - Viewer Comment Bin / Recepticle
07:00 - Beginners? Intermediate and beyond
07:30 - Jump right in? Need experience
09:13 - Guitar man
09:50 - Shirts? / Wear own merch
10:29 - Quick goodbye / Keep 'em wanting
11:06 - Changing meter, groove song lesson

A brief discussion on blues and pawn shops.

PayPal tip jar is
T shirts and mugs available at

July 25th, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 57, Tom Bukovac, “Fade Into Cleveland”

00:00 - Island music intro
02:36 - Hello, class!
04:02 - RIP Peter Green
04:20 - VCB name / Reasonable man
05:24 - "A Good Friend of Mine"
06:00 - The Pretenders / Lesson
06:48 - String changing
07:28 - Mosrite Combo / Noisy
08:27 - Horizontal layout of chords

A brief chat family discussion about the VCB.

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Homeskoolin' merch available at

July 22nd, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 56, Tom Bukovac, “Simple Cleveland Man”

00:00 - Lynyrd Skynyrd - Simple Man Intro
01:07 - Hello, class!
02:20 - "VCB" - Viewer Comment Bin
02:56 -  Chord, melody tangents
06:46 - Live vs Studio playing
08:05 - Homeskoolin' song decisions
08:49 - Simple Man lesson (the lift)

A brief examination of an otherworldly occurrence that took place near Jacksonville Florida almost 50 years ago.

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