February 15th, 2024

00:00 - Remember when songs had chords
01:43 - Hello, friends! / Thanks
02:44 - '60s Gibson Firebird I
03:27 - Comparing acoustic sounds of guitars
03:45 - Clickbait is REAL, it's just fun
06:00 - Gwen and Blake
07:16 - Selling piles of stuff
08:14 - 10 thumbs down
08:45 - Making up your own questions
09:11 - Pitiful video about Rick Beato / Tuning vocals (pitch correction)
11:32 - Only in Nashville story - Amp left in the studio
04:00 - Music City Bridge on Gibson Theodore
14:26 - Acoustic test - Gibson Theodore, Gibson Firebirds
16:26 - Electrified test - Gibson Theodore, Gibson Firebirds
in this clip Uncle Larry weeds through some corporate VCB and waxes rhapsodic about the acoustic benefits and harmonic richness of the beloved Music City Bridge…
Here's that new Gwen and Blake single kids...fun little number just in time for spring.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46T0LDRsHCcand here's this ridiculous video where dude acts like putting some slight tuning on a lead vocal in 2024 is some sort of unspeakable act.
this is basically like saying that using your new GE dishwasher instead of hand washing your dishes is a sign of laziness and you should be absolutely embarrassed by it
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vpzmqgluc50&t=0sand....since we have a lot of new viewers coming along recently...
let me tell ya' how shit works around here...
first off, i NEVER ask anyone to subscribe or "smash that like button"....
if you do indeed learn some useful stuff from this channel and feel like it is indeed helping you as a player, all i ask is that you just throw a little something in the tip jar...especially since it's tax season ferchrissakes
You can make PayPal donations to this address:
You can make Venmo donations to this address:
AND...you can purchase a myriad of Homeskoolin' related merchandise..including several different T-shirts and some beautifully constructed coffee mugs for those afflicted with thin lips...
AND....believe it or not....i have a new website people....an actual proper website.
You can see all kinds of weird old photos there, you can also purchase a download of the live concert i did last December if you like.
A lot of these very same new viewers don't seem to know that Uncle Larry made a couple records that they could potentially listen to... one is an instrumental solo record called "Plexi Soul" that is available here:
another is an instrumental collaboration with his dear friend Dean Deleo (originally from the Stone Temple Pilots organization) that is available here: