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March 25th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus…”Vintage Guitar Show Etiquette”

00:00 - Setting up vintage guitars for display in Franklin, Tennessee
04:02 - Etiquette advice
08:42 - What should customers stop doing? / Have a starting price
10:12 - Customer has a fake guitar?

The lovely and talented Drew Winn from Guitar House in Tulsa explains the do’s and dont’s of a typical vintage guitar show type scenario….with some prodding by yours truly.

March 22nd, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Studio Update…”Live Streaming??”

00:00 - Home studio tour and live streaming

Ok lads….if you wanna watch the session today go to:

We should be online within the next half hour

March 19th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Saturday Night Blast Off

00:00 - Country pickin' jam

Sorry guys, my kids are outta town for a week…i got too much time on my hands haha….

March 19th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “The Last One Holdin’ It”

00:00 - Gruhn Guitars Inc.
00:37 - Sprinkler system amp wrap
02:28 - George's overrated guitar? Gibson SG
08:36 - Greg's overrated guitar? Rickenbacker
09:46 - Les Paul and the SG
10:27 - Discovery of old guitars / Michael Bloomfield influence
13:24 - Tony Iommi's weren't Gibsons / Redesigning the SG
15:15 - Bloomfield influence cont.
16:56 - Les Paul
19:10 - Unbelievable guitars
25:10 - "Store's best customer" / Collection / Inspiration
28:41 - What guitar would you love to have?
31:39 - Guitar price "bubble"? / New generation of guitar buyers
36:05 - Heavy Metal / Women buyers / Inflation
38:18 - Guitar is a physical art you can feel, hear, and is alive
41:00 - Optimist vs. pessimist truth
42:42 - "Hot tip" of what is going to be valueable?
43:49 - 70's to present guitars
44:07 - 335 vs. Bursts prices
46:33 - "If there were a guitar...would be buying." / Guitars bought
47:49 - Not vintage guitar?
50:43 - Guitar to turn to crap? / Difficulty in supply / Bolt-on copies / Luthier
53:23 - New instruments from new builders and opinions
54:30 - 2 names of builders that are good?  Hugh Hansen, Paul Newson
57:19 - What are some of the things missing from builders who are missing the point?
61:52 - Best craftsmanship in guitar making?

Maaaaaaaaaany things to think about…..
George Gruhn
Greggy Voros
Joel Watrous
David Kreisel
and some sweet woman who’s name we don’t know (Cheryl)

Filmed on 3/19/22 on location in the infamous break room of the greatest guitar store in the world.

March 18th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus….”Old Pals

00:00 - Guitar playing and conversation with Jedd Hughes

Long form Friday night convo…Larry hangs out with one of his favorite humans and oldest friends on this earth….Jedd Hughes.

March 18th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Volume 134, Tom Bukovac, “N.E.O. Rust”

00:00 - Country/Blues pickin' with some sweet feedback
03:05 - Hello, friends! / Sending things in the mail
04:20 - Olds Cutlass / Cleveland rust
05:25 - String change / Life is hard enough
07:14 - Time enough to master/expert level 1 thing
08:39 - Harmony Meteor
09:40 - Coming out to Nashville? / Professional musician

I’m skipping Volume 133, since there were inadvertently two Volume 128’s…so if anyone ever tells you they have seen the “lost episode 133” you KNOW they are totally full of shit.

and...just for the memory books..the first video description from Corona Lessons Volume 1, back in March of 2020, that you guys probably didn't read.

"My attempt at lifting the spirits of my fellow man up a bit in this fucking crazy time of world crisis....stupid virus....and furthermore....

Even though i basically stay home and play the guitar all day anyway, I'm not comfortable with the fact that now i HAVE to stay home and play the guitar all day.

I hear all of you who suggested that I do "Skype" lessons or something...unfortunately this is the best I can do....until i learn what "Skype" means...

and also, for anyone that might be thinking to themselves "man, Tom Bukovac sure has been putting up a lot of youtube videos lately...who does he think he is...some kinda celebrity??" ....keep in mind that i participate in ABSOLUTELY ZERO social media of any kind. I have very strong beliefs that social media is the downfall of all mankind....

although it can be argued that youtube itself is a form of social media, i feel like it gets a pass because it can actually be "educational" ....and because it can actually be "cool"...and unlike the other forms of social media, it isn't a "total waste of time" solely invented to "feed the ego" while simultaneously robbing the world of any of the "beautiful mystery" it once had....

wow, lookie first RANT..."

March 14th, 2022

Uncle Larry’s Message To The World

00:00 - Issues with strings.

Can we PLEASE stop this horrible horrible plague that has become an epidemic in the world of guitar???


March 13th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam…ZZ Tom

00:00 - Rehearsing with the man himself, Billy Gibbons

A super rough rehearsal sketch from the moment when our little band was joined by the coolest guy that ever walked on this earth….as you all know Uncle Larry is a huge fan of the Reverend Billy G….I have been lucky enough to work with him a couple times in my humble career.

He is the NICEST guy you will ever meet.

Ol’ Larry rarely gets starstruck by anybody but i gotta admit it’s a very cool feeling being anywhere near Billy Gibbons.

I didn’t think he would remember me from the last time we jammed together, but when he walked up on stage at this rehearsal and looked right at me and yelled out “Mr. T” i gotta admit i was instantly 13 years old again sitting in my room listening to “It’s Only Love” off the Tejas album and staring at that amazing album sleeve. Such a genius, such a sweetheart and such a class act…and soooo cool and easy to work with.

If i could ever achieve just one percent of the coolness this man exudes in my own life i would be absolutely thrilled.

Credit to my dear 9 year old son Marshall for coming up with the title for this video….he’s great at coming up with cool names for stuff quickly haha.

March 12th, 2022

Homeskoolin Bonus, Collection

00:00 - Kenny Aronoff playing Ringo Starr's drum kit.

Just a small portion of the Jim Irsay collection of incredible memorabilia….featuring the tireless Kenny Aronoff.

March 12th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Pack, “Larry’s Blues”

00:00 - Rehearsal footage

In LA rehearsing with a great group of freakishly talented people you may recognize for a private gig…great fun