August 12th, 2022

00:00 - Behind the scenes / Soundcheck
01:11 - "The offended language incident"
01:45 - Paul Moak pedalboard / Gear
02:48 - Tony's Bass
03:13 - AC30 / Gear cont.
07:45 - Drum insights
I thought you guys might appreciate this little illustration of exactly why most lifer musicians absolutely loathe soundchecks.
Soundchecks are always just a cacophonous labyrinth of disjointed rude sounds played by overtired people with bad attitudes and short tempers, whose only REAL concern is the catering.
But more importantly….please listen closely to what I’m about to say.
If there was ever any ONE LESSON that you all learn from any of these videos, let it be this my friends….
unless you are using Rockit Cargo or some other PROFESSIONAL gear transport company…do not EVER try to bring any of your own gear on an international trip….it is practically GUARANTEED to end in tears….and cost you a fortune while you’re at it.
We are just now getting Paul’s gear back from Germany…our poor manager Dave was stuck in Germany for 3-4 extra days trying to deal with the messy gear situation. They wouldn’t fly some of it back because the cases were oversized etc etc, which is strange considering they had no problem flying it INTO the country. As of tonight we are supposed to finally get most of it, but some of it is lost forever at this point.
The only real rule of flying gear international is that there are no rules….just rent whatever you can, and if you DO bring something make sure it’s something you don’t mind losing forever.
Special guest appearances in today’s vid by the crew guys
Steve (the drum tech)
Justin (Pauls keyboard and guitar tech)
Michael (our manager Dave’s son who runs the teleprompters
Matt (the amazing monitor guy)
Gary (the amazing front house guy)
Thank you for watching folks