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August 5th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “The Hippie Strum”

00:00 - Vince Gill gig up-close footage strumming away

Here’s an inside look at what is REALLY happening in the rhythm guitar engine room on these Vince gigs at the Ryman.

My dear mate Jedd Hughes and I are trying to make some comfy beds for the boss man to do his thing over all night long

These are also both good examples of the “hippie strum” on a jangly electric that I have basically worked my entire life to try to perfect…

so much harder than it sounds to make the hippie strum feel legit with the exact amount of jangle and just the right shimmer tone.

I’ll let you know when I get there.

August 4th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Jobber”

00:00 - Mixture of style

Well I got home at 1am after night three of Vince Gill gigs at the Ryman

These are 4 hour gigs friends…play from 8pm to midnight…45 songs per night

But still after all that, the first thing I did when I got home was crack open a beer and bust some riffs on this sweet D28 I bought today

Ain’t nothin like playing an acoustic guitar


August 3rd, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Garage Sale with your host Peter Blacklarge

00:00 - '69 Gibson Les Paul Custom - Uncle Larry's Garage Sale

Thanks for tuning in friends

This is gonna be someone’s daily driver

Respond to for in person pickup

That white 63 sg special I have with the vibrato arm is about to get thrown on the launch pile

That thing is TOTALLY tricked out Larry style…

Accepting offers on that

August 1st, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Lord Loves A Workin’ Man”

00:00 - Building some Blues
01:56 - Hello dear friends! / Checking in / Hot outside
02:54 - Vince Gill gig at the Ryman
03:17 - Julian Raymon (producer) garage sale
04:21 - Nashville commute to Cleveland delivery driver
05:10 - '65 Gibson Firebird I
05:45 - Guitar vault cartage
05:58 - Signing vinyl records (Guthrie Trapp & Tom Bukovac)

I forgot to mention one thing on my housekeeping list…I’m currently searching for a bad ass bug guy in the south Nashville area.

we used to call them “exterminators” in the old days but we can’t use that word anymore because the insects thought it was “insensitive”

Anyway, I need a bug NINJA…not just some big corporate bullshit company that gives everyone the same bullshit corporate treatment…I want some PERSONALIZED service…a guy I can text or call directly …a guy who is PASSIONATE about killing bugs

If anyone out there has has a REALLY good experience with any exterminating company PLEASE let me know

July 31st, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Men At Work”

00:00 - Vince Gill rehearsal footage

Jimmie Lee Sloas and I are old war buddies…..we have been in the trenches together for decades…literally hundreds of sessions…everything from terrible demos to classic hit records…we have done it all together.

the love i have for this boy cannot be measured

Jimmie is “ordained” in Nashville…he is on a very very short list of people that you will NEVER EVER IN A MILLION YEARS hear anybody talk shit on…

and if you ever DID hear someone talk shit on him, you would IMMEDIATELY know that that person is a total asshole and cannot be trusted for anything

This is not my opinion friends…this is FACT

July 31st, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus, “Who’s On Burst?”

00:00 - 3 of the finest guitars on planet Earth.
01:14 - Vince Gill's 1959 Les Paul - Neck pickup
02:10 - Option B - Neck pickup
03:07 - Option C (1958) - Neck pickup
03:57 - Vince Gill's 1959 Les Paul - Neck pickup 2
04:42 - Option B (1959) - Neck pickup 2 (Lightest one in weight)
05:29 - Option C (1958) - Neck pickup 2
06:06 - Option C (1958) - Bridge pickup / B-string D note
07:22 - Option B (1959) - Bridge pickup
08:22 - Vince Gill's 1959 Les Paul - Bridge pickup
09:10 - "This shit makes me nervous" - Jedd Hughes / Second time around - Bridge pickups
09:52 - Option ? - Bridge pickup
10:46 - Option ? - Bridge pickup
11:25 - Neck shapes? / Bridge pickup
12:23 - Vince Gill's 1959 Les Paul - Bridge pickup
13:13 - Conclusion

Killin time at rehearsal with some golden age Kalamazoo…talent by Jedd Hughes

Lets hear your thoughts on favorite neck pickup and favorite bridge pickup…cuz we sure as hell can’t say

July 30th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Short, “Office Space”

00:00 - Behind the scenes at Vince Gill gig

Uncle Larry’s cubicle

July 29th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 328, Tom Bukovac, “Old Dog New Guts”

00:00 - Some wizardry coming out them speakers
02:50 - Damn noisy go carts! / Hi friends! Lawrence
03:52 - Vince Gill and the Ryman and many, many musicians
06:40 - Party host / Contentment with the new house
08:57 - Restringing instruments
09:44 - '62 Gibson SG with Gretsch amp
10:43 - The Gear Page / "pottytrain" / Comments on video channels and handling it
13:05 - Learning a lot from people in Commentland / Grown ups / Teddy Boy / Stringlocker
14:53 - Good band when looking forward to going / 6th Sense

Uncle Larry gets perhaps a little TOO sexy with all his alternate flat picked quintuplets at 230 beats per minute….

…and have I told you lately that I FUCKING LOVE D’Addario strings?

i swear people, i am not just saying this because they were kind enough to endorse me…I was buying D’Addario strings with my hard earned cash long BEFORE they endorsed me ….


because in the end when all the dust settles, they are the ONLY strings out there that matter

July 26th, 2024

Homeskoolin' Volume 327, Tom Bukovac, "Viewer Poll Results"

00:00 - Giddy up! / What's up, friends! / Dave Cohen & Elle King / Overdubs
02:05 - Vinyl records update / Thank you's!
03:15 - "Junk Food" and The Gear Page results / British cunt
04:05 - Lesson: Chords
08:14 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / New channel room versus kitchen / Yuengling oldest beer in America
09:14 - Calm speaking voice (Bob Ross)
09:47 - '63 Gibson SJ with ceramic "plastic" bridge
12:00 - AC30 Trapezoidal head / Silverdog speakers
12:37 - Being in a cover band & Van Halen / Douche
14:57 - Signing records & Vince Gill rehearsals

Uncle Larry answers some VCB and shows the Homeskoolers the chords to his last video “Junk Food Larry”…



They showed up at Baked Alaska Distribution headquarters this afternoon friends..

oh, and the viewer poll results are officially in regarding our friend Sean from the Gearpage…

July 25th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 326, Tom Bukovac, “Junk Food Larry"

00:00 - Nice calming vibrations
02:56 - What's up, friends! / Intro / Nashville guitar day / Fretboard Journal call
04:56 - "Insufferable" Larry in the studio / Visions
05:55 - Guthrie Trapp & Tom Bukovac - In Stereo vinyl final product
06:42 - Gruhn's, Guitar Magazine, Eric "Ebo" Borash
08:09 - Album thanks
08:28 - The Gear Page guy equates videos to "junk food"
09:57 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Cast of characters
12:21 - Les Paul measuring tool for the safe
12:34 - "Need to see curled lip"
13:05 - Guthrie Trapp New York trip and gigs in November
14:30 - Joe's Shanghai, Blue Ribbon Sushi / Drinking beer from glass
15:00 - "Guitar players mostly playing for other guitar players?"
16:12 - Musicians that constantly use the volume and tone / Nuances in tone
17:58 - Compression (compressor / 1176) / Darkening the tone
18:45 - Football season
19:23 - Sessionman get paid? / Never ask someone about finances / Unspoken bro code
20:33 -'57 Les Paul Gibson getting refretted at Gruhn's

Uncle Larry strums a little tune for ya' on a chunky old Gibson with “double grams" as they say in the biz...

can you play like this?.....yeah me neither...

so let's say you feel like you are indeed learning a lot from these silly videos i make...and maybe you are starting to feel a liiiiiiiiittttle bit guilty that you haven't thrown something in the tip jar to help with my personal one man crusade to bring chords back to music...well friends, you can fix that today....

my PayPal is
venmo is @Tom-Bukovac-1