November 13th, 2022

00:00 - Empress ParaEQ Deluxe pedal showcase
Here’s a long form video strictly for the true tone freak weirdos out there.
Don’t even bother watching this if you are one of those guys that plays through a modeling amp instead of a real tube amp because it’s “good enough” and “no one can tell the difference anyway”
Taking you back to October 11 2022 here….the first time i ever heard the magical new Empress Para EQ pedal.
Picture me sitting in my kitchen late one night with a pretty stout buzz on, trying out a bunch of weird bass pedals with my buddy Renn (who has perfect hearing) tweaking the controls and Ford on the camera, when i said “hey dudes, we should check out this new empress pedal the guy sent me”
As you can see here we were all immediately taken by it’s expensive sound.
Through an iphone mic, you might need headphones to really hear the subtle differences this thing gives you, but trust me, in the room it is hardly subtle.
Thank you for all the kind words about the recent videos.
You guys are awesome