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November 21st, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus, “Shut Up & Play Your Beat Up Old Burst”

00:00 - '58 Gibson playing

Uncle Larry drinks an ice cold Yuengling and dreams up some crazy loop in front of God and Everybody...with TWO shots at different live solos...

All free, and all played through one of those cool 80’s Fender Super Champs that Paul Rivera made.

The 3rd and Lindsley show on Dec 20 is officially sold out...thanks to all who bought tickets.

A special fuck off to a talent free poser named "Pmann", who i had to block from the channel for being a total dick...I am ABSOLUTELY sure i am not the first person to block this kid from their channel.

November 21st, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “John Hancock Blues”

00:00 - Hello, friends! / Trip The Witch / Gibson Catalog / Sunn Amp

Hello friends…. the Trip The Witch signed posters and CD's are back!

and...before i change my mind, if you’re interested in the coolest Sunn amp of all time, i am asking 3800.00 cash money for the head and 4x10 cabinet....and of course it's straight as hell. email me at

Just FYI…the only other Sunn Coliseum PA head available at this moment on reverb is a clone….AND it’s 6k.

Or…i would consider a trade for THE RIGHT 1969-73 Hiwatt 100 watt head…but it has to be straight, monkey business...gotta have original trannies and all that shit….no late 70’s/ 80’s stuff....gotta be 69 thru 73 kids...unless you have one of those early script logo ones that are made of pure unobtainium.

As you know, Larry likes the old shit

November 17th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Volume 174, “Joey Moi & The Legend Of Kirt Weatherby”

00:00 - Interview with Joey Moi

A talk with legendary producer Joey Moi…just do a little googlin’ if you want to check out all the artists he has launched…and sold a SHIT TON of records.

November 13th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “The First Night We Fell In Love”

00:00 - Empress ParaEQ Deluxe pedal showcase

Here’s a long form video strictly for the true tone freak weirdos out there.

Don’t even bother watching this if you are one of those guys that plays through a modeling amp instead of a real tube amp because it’s “good enough” and “no one can tell the difference anyway”

Taking you back to October 11 2022 here….the first time i ever heard the magical new Empress Para EQ pedal.

Picture me sitting in my kitchen late one night with a pretty stout buzz on, trying out a bunch of weird bass pedals with my buddy Renn (who has perfect hearing) tweaking the controls and Ford on the camera, when i said “hey dudes, we should check out this new empress pedal the guy sent me”

As you can see here we were all immediately taken by it’s expensive sound.

Through an iphone mic, you might need headphones to really hear the subtle differences this thing gives you, but trust me, in the room it is hardly subtle.

Thank you for all the kind words about the recent videos.
You guys are awesome

November 12th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Special Edition, “Joe Vitale”

00:00 - Joe Vitale interview, drummer for Joe Walsh for 50 years

A chat with my dear old friend Joe “Joe Bob” Vitale.

Ever since I met this fella back in the mid 90’s he has brought nothing but joy and good vibes into my life, and I guarantee you I am not the only person who feels this way.

Sure he is a fantastic drummer, piano player, flautist, producer, song writer, and recording engineer, but he is even more of a fantastic person.

Love this dude so much, and I know you will too.

November 11th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Volume 173, Tom Bukovac, “Set Lists And Spinning Pickups”

00:00 - Joe Walsh Gear run through
09:48 - The man himself and some playing

11/11/22 Cool date right? See…cuz 11 plus 11 equals 22??…

Anyway, today’s video features Uncle Larry plundering and pillaging Columbus Ohio, as he rehearses with Joe Walsh for the big Vet’s Aid gig on Sunday.

Joe’s long time guitar tech Mark Reis walks us through all the gear….Mark is SUCH a sweet sweet soul…God i love that boy….fellow Clevelander too.

What a blast seeing all these sweethearts again….haven’t played with Joe or hung with any of this crew since the infamous last Tom Petty tour of 2017.

Today was also the first time I have ever played with dearest Nathan East…what a sweet cat.

The guy who made this crazy guitar with the spinning pickups is called Kyle Stanton.

November 10th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Volume 172, Tom Bukovac, “The Shingles”

00:00 - Down home playing on the 335
01:27 - Hello, Homeskoolers' / Joe Walsh
02:30 - Roofing guys / Boone Whitaker at Whitaker Roofing / Finding good people
04:30 - Strat magic stuff
05:00 - Gig announcement / Plexi Soul / Fronting own band
06:20 - Gibson 335 & '59 Fender Tweed Deluxe / Playing
08:12 - Oz Noy
08:50 - Gig

Write it down kids

Dec 20th 2022

3rd and Lindsley

Larry playing his own shit with a cookin' little combo

Any special guests?
yes, but i'm not allowed to tell you exactly who...however i can tell you that their initials are Jedd Hughes and Guthrie Trapp

If you ever need a roofer that is NOT a criminal trying to completely rip you off, then call this guy... Boone Whitaker at Whitaker Roofing in Murfreesboro TN 615-424-1622.... Tell him you are a Homeskooler…after that, everything is gonna be smoother than Telly Savales’s head...he's a good guy and they do excellent work.

November 9th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Double Manual Pt. 2”

00:00 - Playing and learning the organ

A full tour of how a B-3 REALLY works by David Crutcher.