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November 30th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ “Goodbye CM”

00:00 - Melodies from a great musician

Thank you for the life changing music.

November 29th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ “Stream Of Unconsciousness Part 2”

00:00 - Mello meandering

improv meditation….after a long day’s work....

ya' gotta take the mind out for a walk once in a while....

thanks to all of you for watching and being so cool out there in Unclectric Larryland....

i hope the bass is punching through enough in this recording

November 29th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Pre-Internet Chords”

00:00 - Guess this song

Name this toon kids….

The quick B dom9 at the end of the chorus is fucking pure genius


November 29th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Long Form Session Update”

00:00 - Session recording

For the real Homeskoolin’ die hards….another one way headphone studio conversation....

What if you guys found out one day that all these “studio update videos” i have put up over the years was really just me by myself in some studio talking to myself and all along there was never anyone else there with me?

Man that would be weird….

Today's session

Jesse Key: artist
UL: guitar/producer
Mike Fahey: engineer
Zack Zinck: assistant engineer
Steve Mackey: bass
Jedd Hughes: guitar
Freddie Lee Eltringham: drums
David “Bird Dog” Dorn: keys

you guys can donate to Homeskoolin’ anytime you want…a good portion of the proceeds go to the fine people at Annheuser Busch LLC

Paypal is

Venmo is @Tom-Bukovac-1

...and did you guys know Larry made a solo album a while back?

it's called “Plexi Soul” and you can can find it right here:

...and did you know that Larry made an instrumental record with Dean Deleo from Stone Temple Pilots called "Trip The Witch"?

...and did you know that Trip The Witch merch is also available??

November 29th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus, “Cool Chord Party Volume 2”

00:00 - Lesson: Steely Dan organ playing

I know you guys are probably tired of all the endlessly clever chord progressions and harmonic voice leading genius that you hear in pop music today, but it should ALSO be noted there was some really clever stuff that people were writing way back in the 70’s.

The boys and i were on a nice sunday drive this afternoon and my youngest asked me “dad, what’s your alltime favorite song? Is it still “under pressure” by bowie/queen?” (which i have always told them it was)… and then i said “well, it might be this one actually” and then played “fire in the hole” from the first 1972 Steely Dan album.

Amazingly enough, i never learned it before…so of course when i got home i figured it out immediately.

If you’re a chord lover, fagen and becker never disappoint…they always find a way to twist something simple into something that makes you go “Why the hell have i never thought of that?” not to mention jeff baxter’s wickedly metallic sounding pedal steel solo…

When i met jeff about a year ago the first and only thing i asked him was “Man do you remember what kinda steel you played on “fire in the hole”?”

He said “im pretty sure it was an Emmons”

Of course it was a push/pull Emmons

If you guys don’t know this song, shame on you.

November 28th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Sunday Drive”

00:00 - John Denver - Country Roads loop and playing

When the boys and i were driving around on our little Sunday afternoon drive yesterday, we played a million songs. When i put "country roads" by John Denver on they literally went into a trance…and so did i….

I started thinking, what IS IT about this simple song that has such power over people???

I figured it out…it's the note choice of the high harmony part that the girl (Taffy Nivert, also one of the song writers) is singing.

Very odd non-traditional harmony note choices, but SOOOOOO cool and haunting....takes me to the same emotional place that the girls singing on "Revolution Comes With An Act Of Love" by Church Of The Cosmic Skull takes me.

If you took that high harmony part away, the song woulda never made the top 100 billboard charts...that's a guarantee.

The power of the sixth note people....

John Denver rules don't take my word for it....check it out

November 24th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus, “Foot Stompin’ Music”

00:00 - Country strumming
02:10 - Guitar artwork montage

Happy t day to all my dear Homeskoolers….

Here’s some fingerpickin’ homework for the weekend.

Artwork by Fernando All from Argentina.

November 23rd, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Special Brew…”Greg Voros”

00:00 - Greg Voros / Rex Brown bass / Pantera
03:10 - Covid and vintage guitar market
05:00 - YouTube and content
07:45 - Gruhns restructuring
11:10 - Greg Multiple Sclerosis health issues
16:32 - Coffee and non-profit
56:30 - Pantera Trivia Question

I know it’s a little long, but you’re gonna wanna watch this one all the way through kids….this one is special.

Pertinent links:

November 23rd, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Volume 176, Tom Bukovac, “81 Is The New 78”

00:00 - Country pickin'
02:01 - Intro
02:26 - Lesson: Picking fingers
03:08 - Lesson: Piano voicing / Deconstructing chord notes for picking
05:55 - Lesson: Angle of the pick
10:00 - Circle of 5ths vs. Circle of 4ths
11:34 - Santo and Johnny - Sleepwalk
12:15 - Twitch / Guthrie Trapp
13:45 - Lesson: F Chord progression / Playing

He just woke up and his hair is a mess, but Uncle Larry can still teach ya’ some redneck guitar licks while he is having his coffee.

Today’s tone courtesy of a lightly/tastefully chopped 54 esquire and a 59 tweed deluxe.

Probably around 6 tonite things are when things are gonna get cookin' on is the link

Ya' know, if anyone out there has some nice old 50's or 60's football cards they wanna sell or trade for guitars, please email me at

Uncle Larry's therapist suggested that maybe he should try getting his mind off music for a minute, and collecting old cards is the closest thing Larry has to a "non-music related hobby"....

November 22nd, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Volume 175, Tom Bukovac, “Transition Logo Blues”

00:00 - Pickin' and a playin'
03:17 - Hello, friends! / '66 Tele
03:57 - Dorian Crozier jam
05:10 - Lesson: Standard Country progression
06:03 - Lesson: Nirvana meets Jerry Garcia chord progression
06:42 - Lesson: Circle of 5ths (Steve Morse)
07:50 - Steve Morse story
09:00 - Allan Holdsworth

Uncle Larry goes a few rounds with a tricky little progression before going completely off the rails…this was his 2nd and final take…you gotta know when to walk away kids.

here is the link for tomorrow's twitch madness......