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May 20th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Volume 145, Tom Bukovac, “Deep Early Morning Thoughts”

00:00 - Playing through with Mother Of Violence
03:16 - Peter Gabriel talk
05:08 - Letterman show and Sid McGinnis
06:18 - Sting / Songs in original Key
08:32 - Great idea for contest
10:24 - Song lesson

Uncle Larry waxing rhapsodic after just rolling outta bed, about some of the coolest music ever written/recorded…in his humble opinion.

send your postcard to
Duesenberg USA
Uncle Larry
PO Box 857
Fullerton CA 92836

you guys don't have to send a utility bill with the postcard....i'm just saying...when i pick a winner i'm gonna make whoever won email me a utility bill to prove they actually live there before i send the guitar. ya dig? also....everyone can enter, i don't care what country you live in....but i secretly hope i pick a domestic US winner cuz i fucking hate shipping international.

Peter Gabriel “Mother Of Violence”

“Walking the street with her naked feet So full of rhythm but I can't find the beat Snapping her heels clicking her toes Everybody knows just where she goes Ah fear, fear, she's the mother of violence Making me tense to watch the way she breed Fear, she's the mother of violence You know self-defense is all you need It's getting hard to breathe It's getting so hard to believe To believe in anything at all Mouth all dry eyes, blood shot Data stored in microdot Kicking the cloud with my moccasin shoes T.v. Dinner, T.V. News Ah 'cause fear Fear, she's the mother of violence Don't make any sense to watch the way she breed Fear, she's the mother of violence Making me tense to watch the way she feed The only way you know she's there Is the subtle flavor in the air Getting hard to breathe Hard to believe in anything at all But fear”

May 19th, 2022

Tom Bukovac, “I’ve Always Pictured You Wearing Pants (part 8)”

00:00 - Ethereal playing

Guitar is cool

May 18th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Volume 144, Tom Bukovac, “Uncle Larry’s Garage Sale (High Roller Edition)”

00:00 - Playing and singing / Gibson ES-335
14:20 - Contest

Hello friends…just Larry takin’ a ride on a particularly friendly lightweight chunk of firewood from 225 Parsons St. in Kalamazoo Michigan.

If you wanna taste the rainbow on this one contact Gruhn Guitars at 615-256-2033 and when someone answers just say “yes, uh, i’d like to buy that bad ass 335 you guys have”

May 17th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Volume 143 Part 2, “The Freaks That Carry Your Luggage”

00:00 - Music City Bridge Saavy install and testing
04:30 - Giveaway
05:12 - Comment section / Thanks
07:12 - Epiphone "Melody Maker"
08:30 - Playing / Kelly Clarkson show
09:22 - Lesson: Hammering 2nd onto the 3rd while holding root and 5th
10:17 - Favorite chord (F#m7b6)
12:36 - Lesson: Bouncing bass notes to self-mute
13:20 - Touch and Dynamics / Another special "Fuck-Off"

Part two of a two part saga showing the eternal happiness that a Music City Bridge product can bring into a person’s life…

and dig this classic:

May 17th, 2022

Homeskoolin Volume 143 Part 1, “The Freaks That Carry Your Luggage”

00:00 - Music City Bridge Saavy

Part one of a two part saga showing the eternal happiness that a Music City Bridge product can bring into a person’s

and dig this classic:

May 16th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Volume 142, Tom Bukovac, “Guitar Is Cool

00:00 - Great playing with a little raunch
03:43 - Lost note / Hello, friends!
04:05 - Tube Echoplex
05:06 - Preamp control
06:30 - Demo without
07:24 - Demo with
08:23 - Comparison talk
09:09 - "Smell" pedal / Candles
10:17 - Volume control on guitar / Fuzz magic
14:07 - Holding guitar neck for sustain
15:20 - Herco pick / Back on the road / Twanging notes on a Tele

A brief look at “sustain” and “gain structure” and “scented candles for guitar nerds”….

“I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And i can picture us attacking that world because they’d never expect it”

Thanks for watching the channel kids

May 15th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Silent Lake Placidity

00:00 - Again, beautiful mixture of playing

A little "live practicing" after i put my sweet sweet boys to bed on a borrowed 64 lpb jag…wow, cool guitar.

May 14th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus, Tom Bukovac, “OK Card”

00:00 - Emotionally beautiful playing

Another Ambienscape brought to you by Larry…i wish someone could hear all the notes going on in my head that my fingers cannot possibly reach while all this madness is going on.

Thanks for watching the channel…you guys are cool.

This one goes out to my old buddy World's Best Wanker.....i hope he finds what he is looking for in that dark lonely basement of his Dear Ol' Mum's house.

May 13th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ rare gear review, “Tough Guy Delay

00:00 - RE-202 demo
00:58 - Friends! / Gear reviews and demo pedals
01:57 - Roland Space Echo pedal review
02:37 - First impressions
03:57 - Look and features
05:00 - Demo
06:14 - EQ controls / Gain
07:43 - Reverb
09:03 - Tap tempo
09:58 - Saturation
10:44 - Mode selector

A rare gear review from Larry….filled to the brim with brutal honesty, laughter and tears.

Special thank you to dearest James Hatem and the fine people at Roland for letting me try this cool new pedal…the RE-202.

Please note, this device has far more to offer than i glanced upon in this precursory perfunctory analysis, including a “warp” freak out mode that happens when you hold down the pedal, but i wasn’t emotionally ready to delve into all that in this video.

totally unrelated, these rug cleaning vids have at least temporarily taken the place of old NFL films in Larry's current youtube watch list

If you like this channel and the weird guy who talks on it, you can throw something in the tip jar via paypal

May 12th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Volume 141, Tom Bukovac, “Every One’s A Prototype”

00:00 - Intro playing
01:51 - Hello, friends! / Tour
04:00 - Rental gear
04:31 - In Ears vs. monitors
05:00 - Thanks
05:35 - Herco / John Shanks / Gretsch guitars
08:32 - Cmaj7 chord lesson
09:00 - Let notes ring out
09:30 - Em and stacked minor 3rds / Diminished
11:11 - Special "Fuck-Offs" / World's Best Watcher & Arthur Gains (Comments section last 2 episodes)

Hello friends….ol’ Larry back in the deep south, fresh in from the city of angels. A tour recap and some hot takes regarding crumbling binding.

Paypal tip jar is

totally unrelated....this is the coolest video ever