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September 15th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 341, Tom Bukovac, “1000 Rainy Days Since We First Met”

00:00 - Magic arrangements (Police, Sting, Every Little Thing She Does)
03:00 - Sting / NFL Betting
03:50 - Gear setup / Princeton Reverb / Gruhn Versitar guitar
04:44 - Back to magic playing / Picking vs finger picking
06:35 - Police - Bring on the Night vs Sting
07:45 - Gruhn video thanks
08:46 - Lesson: Own version of Sting song / Saddest chord of all time Amaj7/C#
10:00 - Lesson: Tune to frets [2 4 4 2 0 4] (F#min9sus)
11:09 - Greg Voros and PAFs in Dean guitar / "Joint on the lawn of a ZZ Top concert"
12:15 - Fender Twin Reverb
13:00 - "Mint" condition / 1957 Fender Telecaster brand new / Clean guitars
16:31 - JCM 800 and fact checking commentor
17:53 - Dear old friend getting wasted / Getting drunk
19:00 - Gruhn guitars

Larry gets down with Leslie

Thank you sincerely for the ongoing support of this channel my dear boys and girls

if you wanna throw a little something in the jar so we can put gas in the go cart go ahead friends...every little bit helps

my PayPal is
my venmo is @Tom-Bukovac-1

if any of you guys out there are looking for a REALLLLLLY special 335 you should just buy that clean ass '60 that was in the Gruhn's video yesterday.

I mean holy SHEEPSHIT that thing is killllllller....

Perfect neck....
you heard it.
it's 70K, which is a lot of dough....but you could potentially get it if you sold all your current guitars....
that would be a lot of work and a major pain in the ass...but trust me on this friends, if you actually DID it, it would be the smartest move you could ever possibly make....
this is the only guitar you would ever need or want to play.

i would buy it myself if i could swing it....i also really like that red '63 i currently have so it's not EATING at me....but i'm just telling you guys straight up, if you have been looking for a fucking MAGIC old guitar, there it is.

September 14th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Goes To Gruhn’s Episode 8

00:00 - Discussing life along with instruments
01:34 - Dean Guitars / Golden years
13:00 - Dean bridge pickup
16:48 - Burst bridge pickup
19:22 - Dean neck pickup / Comparison
24:24 - Discussion
34:00 - ES-335
36:35 - Burst
37:19 - ES-335 discussion
38:00 - Burst neck pickup
38:34 - ES-335 neck pickup
39:30 - ES-335
40:00 - '64 Gibson Firebird 3
41:29 - Firebird
42:48 - Conclusion

George Gruhn
Cory Terrell
Greg Voros
Nathan Golliher
and Peter

September 14th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 340, Tom Bukovac, “Camera Shy”

00:00 - Plucking those unusual chords beautifully
01:07 - Changing it up to an amazing progression
01:32 - Lesson: Dm - Gm - C - F - Ab/C - Caug - F (Etta James - At Last) / Best R&B Singer
03:21 - Gibson Les Paul Special from the '50s / What friends' guitars do you like?
05:27 - Greetings first (pet peeve) / Family
06:15 - The Doors - Love Me Two Times
07:35 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / "Sonically Pleasing Record?" AC/DC - Back in Black
08:50 - Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the Name Of (damn good sonic pleasing properties)
09:48 - Lesson: Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the Name Of
11:00 - Dodge Ram truck stereo with Zach Bryan music
11:43 - Forgotten how good records can sound
12:46 - Keith Urban
13:07 - V vs. Explorer
14:11 - "Has YouTube changed you?" / Ham in front of a camera now
16:30 - "Guilty pleasure album?" / CDs and multi-load CD player / Liz Phair
18:17 - Banding together in Nashville / Variety
19:48 - Bruce Springsteen concert best ever / Bad muther fucker
21:53 - "Good guitar sound live?" / Blackface Deluxe Reverb & Tweed Deluxe

Uncle Larry gets deep in the weeds early on a Saturday morning ….

What’s he building in there??

September 13th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Uncle Larry’s Grueling Upcoming Live Gig Schedule”

00:00 - Beatles and more montage
00:46 - Thank you care package / Calendar schedule update
04:12 - Epiphone Olympic / Excellent chopper guitar / "And then you'll be happy"
05:28 - Stone Temple Pilots - Big Bang Baby call out to Dean DeLeo how to play "Sour Girl" and "Interstate Love Song"
06:58 - Birthday gig

Lots of gigs comin up kids

Get your pencils out

9/19 at underdog for “guitar night”

10/4 at riverside revival guesting on a couple songs with Randall Bramlett

10/5 sitting in on a couple songs at underdog for “undie fest”

11/6 & 7 with Jedd Hughes at the basement

11/13 with Joe Walsh at Vets Aid

11/19-21 at bitter end in NYC with Guthrie

12/20 my intimate birthday show at 3rd and lindsley

September 13th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 339, Tom Bukovac, “Solid Gold Party Rock Redeaux”

00:00 - Tele-craziness with a "annoying" loop
06:35 - Try not to rush tempo
07:30 - Lesson: Loop with crazy plucking tempo
08:35 - Hello, morning beer / Favorite coffee cup
09:07 - Thanks race car connections / John Oates honor / Guthrie Trapp
09:47 - Lesson: Last minute learning songs / Playlists
10:57 - Lesson: Good ole lick (hammering and plucking claw)
12:20 - Tele love / Rattle and clank
12:39 - Lesson: Loop and Good ole lick together / Mixing Major and minor 3rds
14:48 - Lesson: Whole tone scale
15:24 - Twightlight zone and tv montage
15:38 - Steve Gorman "latchkey kid" story
18:10 - Solid Gold Party rock commercial memorization
19:54 - Lesson: Method of practice
21:43 - Lesson: Notes and feel vs. note for note all the way to too professional
24:48 - Thanks and salutations / McLaren "cuntiest" comments / Auto hate showing off (old cars, guitar players, etc.)

Thank you guys sincerely for all the ongoing support of my pitiful little channel…I really truly appreciate it.
Sometimes I feel like I don’t tell you guys that enough.

It’s not you, it’s me I swear…

September 12th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “What A Weird Job”

00:00 - Commercial - behind the music

My favorite thing about the life of a session man …you just NEVER KNOW what you are gonna be doing from one day to the next …it’s literally impossible to predict….

Working on a new commercial for some heavy hitter race car folks …guitars on loan straight from the Gibson showroom…

I bet a lot of you guys don’t even realize that I grew up playing a Floyd ….


September 12th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Built For Speed”

00:00 - McLaren

Havin a little fun down at the Gibson Garage with a different kind of hot rod than those old Chevy’s I normally drive.

Special thanks to Julian Raymond, Erik Logan, Nolan Siegel, Erica Krusen, Scott Borchetta and Dave…

September 11th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 338, Tom Bukovac, “Menstrual In The Gallery”

00:00 - Struming along
00:30 - Lesson: Chord (G B D G B G) on piano (Root, 3rd, 5th)
02:10 - Fairview antique stores
02:43 - Steve Gorman
03:22 - Jethro Tull / Flute - Ian Anderson / Best acoustic guitar (Ian Anderson - My God)
05:45 - Music City Bridge for Gretsch
07:31 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Worst guitar sound (Randy Rhodes - Crazy Train)
08:58 - Guitar arrangement of classic songs
10:37 - Thanks
12:00 - Antique shopping and vinyl paradise

Uncle Larry giving it to ya Homeskoolin style on a fine Wednesday

Buy one of these friends…you will not regret it

Try to fathom for a second that this is a totally live performance ….no tracks, no bullshit..

Music is so much better now

September 10th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 337, Tom Bukovac, “Customer Service”

00:00 - Real nice tune on the Gretsch
02:55 - Eric Johnson harmonics / Hello, friends! / "Progrm", "Melk"
04:20 - Betting streak / Funny story with son and go cart
09:10 - Motorhead / T-shirtsRamones, Nirvana, Misfits, Pink Floyd
10:29 - Bro-code violations
12:12 - 'Old guitar consignment'
14:00 - 'On hold before sale'
15:09 - 'Dating ex-wife'
15:35 - '62 Gretsch White Falcon / Binding rotting
16:21 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Funny quote
16:42 - "Biggest flaws"? / Protecting Time

I like to put thumbnails on my videos that have absolutely nothing to do with the actual video

I hope you guys are truly getting as much outta these videos as you say you are.

Thank you guys for the continuing tips and donations

It helps a lot

My PayPal is
My Venmo is @Tom-Bukovac-1

September 9th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 336, Tom Bukovac, “How To Make A Loop Like Larry”

00:00 - Funking picking and hammering loop
05:18 - How to make a loop / Erase loop in time
06:19 - Struggling with loopers (internal rhythm) / Boss RC-1
07:00 - Lesson: Sportsbar Blues loop timing / Finger counting / Erasing on the fly
08:12 - Lesson: Funking picking and hammering lick / Internal click track
13:13 - Lesson: Using different sounds for contrast and make frequencies work together
14:22 - Lesson: Sharp vs. bassy tone / Frequency range (Bass: 100-200hz, Chunky guitars: 500-800hz, Tough mid-range guitars: 1K-2K, Vocal: 3K and up)
16:20 - Lesson: Tremolo on 1 track, not the other
20:30 - Lesson: Too much melody in the loop sucks / Melody holes

After eight million requests I figured it might be time to tackle this subject