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February 25th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Track “A Man From Nantucket”

00:00 - Beautiful playing

Filmed late last night…a brief look into an open relationship between two chords.


February 25th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Class Field Trip, “Uncle Larry At Work

00:00 - Cover of Fleetwood Mac "Dreams"

Well kids, after two days of rehearsal….this crack band of unstable musicians is ready to tackle the job of being the house band for a CRS (Country Radio Seminar) luncheon for all the high brow country music types….we are backing 8 different artists doing 2 songs each…Larry had to be at the venue at fucking 7:30am this morning friends…sweet Jesus.

The young lady singing in the first part of the video is Laci Kaye Booth...she won one of those TV singing shows...super nice gal, she told me she was from Texas, and she was aghast when i told her i was from Cleveland, like most people are.

February 21st, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Public Service Announcement

00:00 - Beatles acoustic playing
01:22 - Public Service Announcements / Lost merchandise

Hi guys…it’s Larry

February 18th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ “Morning Meditations With Larry”

00:00 - Soulful playing
03:51 - Hello, class / Thanks
04:28 - Humidifier / Mosquitos
05:45 - E Maj & C Maj / Jumping around fretboard in scale
07:30 - Learning guitar and empathizing (flip it over)

Part one of a series of unfortunate “morning meditations” you Homeskoolers might have to endure….Larry rambles on about nothing once again.

February 17th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Won’t You Pour Me A Cuban Breeze Gretchen?

00:00 - Cuban guitar playing

Silly Larry….

February 17th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Volume 129, Tom Bukovac, “Nantucket Hayride”

00:00 - Amazing playing w/ a little Nazareth
01:31 - Hello, class! / Kids
03:15 - 60's movie soundtrack sound
03:41 - 3rd person talking
04:10 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Rock n Roll heart
04:47 - Clarity of voice when playing
05:35 - Bringing out the sound / Voice leading
07:08 - Putting out a peaceful calm
08:21 - Hatemail / Captain Caveman
08:47 - Trip The Witch merch
09:31 - YouTube - Vice Grip Garage
13:08 - Ann Wilson day 2 / Paul Moak
14:04 - D Chord and "Smoke on the Water"

A brief chat about surf music and a look into the always fascinating viewer comment bin.

February 16th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Volume 128, Tom Bukovac, “Get Your Wings Son”

00:00 - Slow, beautiful playing
02:26 - Thumb recovery
02:50 - Ann Wilson rehearsal
03:32 - "Dream On" discussion / Chord progression lesson
07:00 - Steven Tyler story

Two real truths of life:

1) The human body desperately WANTS to go back to the way it was before we mangled it.
2) No matter how skinny we ever get, the human body ALWAYS remembers how fat we once were

disclaimer: gross misinformation at
06:50....i meant #4 major, not #5 major

February 15th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Update, “Man…Sessions Are Hard”

00:00 - Acoustic playing
00:38 - Good morning, Homeskooler's
00:54 - Session accident, thumb injury
03:58 - Super Bowl
04:34 - Accidents
05:22 - Selling something
05:39 - Responding to folks / Finding time
08:11 - Kay acoustic

Yet another installment in the ongoing “weird shit that happens to uncle larry” saga.

February 9th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Gut Bucket Blues

00:00 - Blues slide playing (Incredible as always)

Git dat pick out cho mouff boy…..

Well kids…back to work praise God…. I filmed this a couple days ago….i thought you might enjoy it’s sterile corporate attention to detail.

Thanks for watching the show people.

Thanks to Charlie from Furious Slides.

February 8th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Volume 128, Tom Bukovac, “Through The Past (not so) Darkly”

00:00 - Funky playing
01:38 - Hello, friends!
02:06 - Ricky Gervais podcast
03:19 - Jeff Senn Strat / Cancelled session
03:35 - Trip The Witch songs and lessons
04:19 - "Dressed to Kill Myself" listen

A not so brief reflection on making a record with one of the sweetest, coolest most talented people i have ever known.

here's a link to the record lads