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May 21st, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “For Old Guitar Freaks Only” (must read video description for link)

00:00 - Quick look in a session at the White Falcon
00:30 - Hey, friends! / George Gruhn video

I think you vintage guitar freaks out there will greatly appreciate the SERIOUS wisdom George Gruhn is laying down in this video.

May 21st, 2023

Homeskoolin' Volume 220, Tom Bukovac, "Mountain Larry"

00:00 - Playing the ganjo...
00:40 - Ain't getting dolled up / Deering 6-String Banjo
02:30 - Firtst time heard one / Keith Urban
03:05 - Aftermath of contest / Glasses / McLeod thanks
04:42 - Background checks on people / Prostitution-like
06:25 - Lesson: Little plucking lick
06:50 - What if Milk didn't exist / "Viewer's pick" and "I, for one" / Twilight Zone
09:00 - Graciousness / YouTube channel existance when young
10:47 - Ashamed of the name Bukovac / Rock & Country names
12:15 - String benders need "King" in their name
12:45 - NFL Tops football cards / Why?
14:00 - Playing the ganjo
14:30 - Movies: Duel, Christine, and The Car
16:20 - Assigned Rock names
17:36 - Warren Haynes is cool
18:10 - Reality of stars and meeting fans
20:00 - One song to show off guitar prowess / Guitar center playing vs. Plugging into God's radio station / Being into song mode

Uncle Larry takes you way back deep in the Hollar...

Overview from by the way is one of the coolest websites ever.

The 1957 Topps Football card set is incredibly popular with collectors due to the fact that it is loaded with stars and rookies of future Hall of Fame players. Of the 154 total cards, 31 of the players on the checklist have been inducted into the Professional Football Hall of Fame.

Key 1957 Topps Football rookie cards are Bart Starr (#119), Johnny Unitas (#138) and Paul Hornung (#151). Other major players appearing for the first time include Dick "Night Train" Lane (#85), Tommy McDonald (#124), Raymond Berry (#94) and Earl Morrall (#104). Collectors often contemplate what this set might have been like had Topps used all of the eligible rookies who had been drafted in the fall of the previous year. Missing from the set are a handful of future Hall of Famers, most notably Len Dawson and Jim Brown.

Measuring, the now standard, 2-1/2 by 3-1/2 inches, the 1957 Topps Football card set was designed with a horizontal orientation. While far from being a new concept, it was the first time that the format had been used for an entire set. Divided into two sections, the front of the cards display two pictures of the player. On the left side is a head shot, while an action shot occupies the space on the right side. Both pictures are superimposed over solid background colors (different for each side), which are set according to the player's team. A box below the head shot lists the player's name, and another one under the action photo gives his position and team name. The back of the cards are similarly bisected. The left side consists of a red football that contains the card number, with the player's name printed beside it. Several lines of vital information follows, along with a brief, biographical write-up outlining the player's career. Where necessary, year and career stats are added at the bottom. The entire right side is devoted to a pair of cartoons that caption career highlights.

Printing and Distribution
Printed in two separate series, the first contains 88 cards, with the second series having 66. It is said that 22 cards in the second series were double-printed to fill out the printing page, one of those cards, number 138, is the rookie card of Johnny Unitas. Generally, high-number cards are a little harder to find than low numbers and, therefore, command a slight premium. 1957 Topps Football cards were originally available in three different package and price options. Single cards were available in a one-cent pack, which also contained a piece of gum. Five-cent packs had six cards and a stick of gum. Cello packs came with 12 cards.

Errors, Variations and Condition Issues
There was also a checklist card printed. It is found with two different color variations. One is red, yellow and blue. The other is red, white and blue. Neither variation is given a premium. Card #58 of Bill Sherman can also be found with the Rams name missing on the front, which is a scarce error card.

The cards were printed on a fairly durable card stock for the era, and as a result, while not easy, several high-grade example of stars and rookies can be found. However, as is to be expected, the first and last cards in the set, of Eddie LeBaron (#1) and Fred Morrison (#154) are more difficult to find in high-grade.

Considered one of the classic football card sets of all-time, 1957 Topps Football is a release that serves as the foundation for any great vintage gridiron collection.

You can make PayPal donations to this address:
You can make Venmo donations to this address:

A lot of these very same new viewers don't seem to know that Uncle Larry made a couple records that they could potentially listen to...
one is an instrumental solo record called "Plexi Soul" that is available here:

another is an instrumental collaboration with his dear friend Dean Deleo (originally from the Stone Temple Pilots organization) that is available here:

and a LOT of people don't seem to know that they can go here to purchase a myriad of Homeskoolin' related merchandise..including several different T-shirts and some beautifully constructed coffee mugs for those afflicted with thin lips...

May 20th, 2023

Homeskoolin' Contest Results!! (for a little drama, don't read the video description this time)

00:00 - Zeppelin-esque strumming
01:10 - Beautiful People breakout / Big day for contest / "Fucking Contest Winner" song
03:31 - The Winner!  "Milk" (Video submission link) / Amazing
05:45 - Submission video
07:26 - Takes you to a different zone / Honorable mentions
14:10 - Comments and thanks on submitting videos and supporting channel

I can't imagine how many of you are skipping this intro....hahaaa

here is a link to all those mentioned, thanks to Homeskooler David Mcleod

winner: Drew "Milk"

honorable mentions (in no particular order):
Teemu Viinikainen (new assigned rock name "John Dust")
Trent Waterman
Jacob Van Noy
Stephen Cameron
Paul Chronopoulos
Zak Hobbs
Thomas Mireles
Michael Aadal
Dustin Hofsess
Slim Tannberg
Andy Casile
Bart Dietvorst (new assigned rock name, simply "Billy Blow")
Shane Tiller
Tanner Pirovolidis (new assigned rock name "Reek Havoc")
Zach Haney
Daniel Newell
Alex Farran
Paul Cook

May 19th, 2023

Homeskoolin' "The Greatest NFL Running Back Of All Time"

00:00 - Jim Brown tribute RIP

No one in their right mind would argue this fact.

12,312 yards rushing in 9 seasons

8 rushing titles in those 9 seasons

Never missed a game in those 9 seasons

4 of those 9 seasons they only played 12 games, the other 5 they only played 14...that's 118 total games that he played in.

Jim AVERAGED 5.2 yards per carry.....that is what he AVERAGED friends.

Sure Emmitt Smith broke Jim's alltime rushing record, but Emmitt also played in 226 total games (almost twice as many as Jim) and averaged 4.2 yards per carry.

This video is a chronology of Jim's NFL career in cards...starting with the 1958 Topps Rookie, straight through to his last card, from the 1966 Philadelphia Gum set.
For you diehard card collectors out there, yes i also have the four Fleer Jimmy Brown cards from 1960-1963, but I didn't want to dig them out.

You guys all clearly know he has always been my alltime favorite player.

I was lucky enough to stand right next to him for 45 minutes during a press conference a while back.

Another great one gone...he will be missed

May 19th, 2023

Homeskoolin' Volume 219, Tom Bukovac, "The Phases"

00:00 - Remember when songs had chords
01:24 - Hello, friends! / Talent show "Back In Black"
02:30 - Contest update / Strumming away
04:10 - Text thread
05:45 - Strymon Flint secret
06:40 - Magic setting (Give credits to Renn)
07:30 - Theory of phases of guitar player's life (Pedal Steel, Pawn Shop, Bass, Acoustic, No pedals, Princeton)
09:45 - Harmony, Kays, and pawn shop guitars
12:00 - Being a bass player / Most fun instrument
13:00 - Acoustic only / No pedals
14:36 - Friendly commentor saying something offensive / Messing with someone's business
16:20 - Sharkline / Things that don't fly in the bro code
18:06 - Photo montage

Strymon Flint are welcome.

Please give all the credit to dear Renn...I am only the messenger....i want you to SOLELY visualize Renn when you are taking care of business after your girlfriend/wife etc is instantly seduced by the tone you are conjuring with the "magic setting".
Here he is

a LOT of new viewers have recently asked "where is the tip jar?" when they felt led to contribute something after 219 free guitar lessons...despite Dominic Hudson's best efforts to deter them.

You can make PayPal donations to this address:
You can make Venmo donations to this address:

A lot of these very same new viewers don't seem to know that Uncle Larry made a couple records that they could potentially listen to...
one is an instrumental solo record called "Plexi Soul" that is available here:

another is an instrumental collaboration with his dear friend Dean Deleo (originally from the Stone Temple Pilots organization) that is available here:

and a LOT of people don't seem to know that they can go here to purchase a myriad of Homeskoolin' related merchandise..including several different T-shirts and some beautifully constructed coffee mugs for those afflicted with thin lips...

May 18th, 2023

Homeskoolin' Volume 218, Tom Bukovac, "The Bad News Vent"

00:00 - Intro playing
04:00 - Hello, friends! / Thanks / Taking kids to school
05:30 - Contest and the myriad of players, even weirdos
06:40 - "Can't stand looking at your mouth"
07:00 - Young gal from Jersey and a TV show
07:53 - Friend's Fender Stratocaster (Black?)
08:00 - Strung Out Repairs - Andy Jellison
10:00 - What kind of fuzz is that? / Can't tell you everything!
10:30 - Favorite comments -> Melodic pickups! :)
11:27 - Ann Wilson decision
12:33 - Producing credits, stepping on toes, and lucky to be here
14:30 - Can't tell a person, "that stove is hot!" / Got to learn firsthand experience
15:30 - Producing for people / Driving or guiding the project
16:50 - Father like son, telling people how to do their part
17:45 - Collaboration lights the fire
18:18 - Involuntary guitar face
19:25 - Bring string bending back / Bending in tune
19:50 - Being in the studio under a microscope / Exploiting weakness / Special person for session work
21:30 - Checking the phone
23:20 - Music style reflects society and how newer generation is growing up

Larry gets a little deeper here than he does on most Thursdays after a busy week of sessions.

a LOT of new viewers have recently asked "where is the tip jar?" when they felt led to contribute something after 218 free guitar lessons...despite Dominic Hudson's best efforts to deter them.

You can make PayPal donations to this address:

You can make Venmo donations to this address:

A lot of these very same new viewers don't seem to know that Uncle Larry made a couple records that they could potentially listen to...
one is an instrumental solo record called "Plexi Soul" that is available here:

another is an instrumental collaboration with his dear friend Dean Deleo (originally from the Stone Temple Pilots organization) that is available here:

and a LOT of people don't seem to know that they can go here to purchase a myriad of Homeskoolin' related merchandise..including several different T-shirts and some beautifully constructed coffee mugs for those afflicted with thin lips...

May 18th, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Studio B Roll, “Too Country?”

00:00 - Recording a rockin' track

Uncle Larry applies a thick coat of oil based rawk to a session yesterday at Oceanway Studio in Nashville TN

Engineer: Joe “The Goose” Baldridge (he gets a great loud)
Artist: Jewels Gold (actual name i'm told, no kidding)
Drummer: Jordan Perlson
Bass man: Mark Hill
Organ: David Crutcher

May 16th, 2023

Homeskoolin' Volume 217, Tom Bukovac, "Generational Boogie"

00:00 - Soft touch playing
04:26 - Hello, friends! / Loop and off the cuff playing
05:15 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Shit attitude
05:52 - Song stuck in the brain
06:24 - "Audio sounds better" free lessons
06:40 - "Murdering a whale" / Bending in tune
08:29 - Boomer bends
09:30 - Copies of a copy is far removed from Boogie origins
12:33 - Gov't Mule praise
12:55 - Blackbird Studio / Ever challenged on gigs?
14:25 - Downbeats and being exposed
19:20 - Lesson: Play along loop (D -> C, D -> C, G, C/Bb) / Fmaj scale to get back

Uncle Larry plays, talks, etc....
Thanks for getting involved in the contest friends..its fun to watch all the submissions.

May 16th, 2023

Homeskoolin’ “Through The Past Quickly” (Volume 1)

00:00 - Down-tuned strumming

Tune the whole guitar down a whole step


What’s even more amazing than these chords is the vocal melody written over them


May 15th, 2023

Homeskoolin’ XTS String Bending Contest

00:00 - Intro to contest
01:45 - String bending contest and rules

Hello lads...let's bring back the dying art of string bending....cuz it's the coolest shit ever.

The contest rules are pretty much laid out here in this video

The guy who is donating the signed Uncle Larry print is named Tony Branham…thanks for that Tony.

The boys in the back room at XTS are donating a pedal to be named later (even if I have to buy it from them haha)

The bending video of mine that you get extra points for copying (cuz it's fucking hard as hell to play) is called "Three Chords & The Truth & Some Bends"

Email me a link to your youtube video.

My email is

IMPORTANT: title your video "XTS String Bending Contest...(followed by your name)"

if you put "Bukovac" or "Homeskoolin" in the title you are disqualified.

Try to keep your submission under 2 minutes

Categories that will be harshly judged:
A) sexiness
B) tuning accuracy
C) creativity…or if you choose to copy mine, your overall accuracy of learning it