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April 25th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ PSA…”In Stereo”…releasing May 1st!

00:00 - Signing copies of new releases / Who did this confounded cover?

Thanks to my dear friend Stix Mchugh and Nick from Glasers for helping me sign 250 CDs today

May 1st my friends...all details here

April 20th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Quickie “Diablo”

00:00 - The Lin "Diablo" Pickup

Just a quickie to let you hear this bumpin’ Tele bridge pickup that my dear friend Lin Crowson from Gruhns made for me, per my request, for my 66 Tele.

I really like it a lot…hot broadcaster type balls. We call it the Diablo.

Lin is the guy that verifies the originality of all the guitars that come into gruhns…the boy definitely knows his shit.

Here’s his contact

April 19th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Back In Tweed Deluxe City”

00:00 - Playing the keys
00:48 - Amp play through set up and speakers (Scank "Uncle Larry" / '61 Tweed / '58 Tweed)
01:31 - Gibson SG Special (Secret treble bleed)
01:55 - Scank "Uncle Larry" play through
02:35 - '61 Tweed play through
03:25 - '58 Tweed play through
04:00 - New to the Tweed and Blues
04:10 - Scank "Uncle Larry"
04:35 - '61 Tweed
05:13 - Thanks to viewer Ron
05:25 - '58 Tweed
05:51 - Speaker differences
06:12 - Negative feedback / Scank "Uncle Larry"
07:10 - '61 Tweed
07:25 - '58 Tweed
08:11 - Turn it to 2 / Tuning them in
08:50 - Scank "Uncle Larry" / Putting a mic on them
09:16 - '61 Tweed
09:31 - '58 Tweed
10:06 - Tom Bukovac & Guthrie Trapp - In Stereo

Uncle Larry’s old pal Mike “Scank” Scaggs shows us some Tweed Deluxes....old and new.


The Guthrie record is gonna be out in less than two weeks....the sound quality of the CD is unreal....looking forward to seeing what all you audiophiles with 50K stereos say.
Mixes by Brandon Bell and mastering by Eric Conn

AND....i just re-loaded 300 more new "Plexi Soul" CD's at guitar house in Tulsa if anyone wants one...

if you wanna check out one of Scank's tweed deluxes go here:

April 18th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam “Earth Man”

00:00 - Challenging chord exploration

Uncle Larry explores the well known drop D tuning that they use in all those songs about trucks and drinkin’…but in a slightly different way…

disclaimer: this probably won't be of much interest to string locker and all you guys out there who wear les paul juniors down below your knees.

and....a serious gold star to any Homeskooler who can actually play this...difficulty level= 9.8/10


April 17th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam “Hey Man Nice Yacht”

00:00 - A tune that goes somewhere

Uncle Larry explores the deepest depths of the ocean with a dry old chunk of nicely bursted Kalamazoo...

and hey like rock and roll?


April 11th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam “Heartburn Highways”

00:00 - Masters playing

Little Tommy and Cousin Bryan get into some fretboard shenanigans on company time.

Cinematography by Jimmie Lee Sloas.

April 10th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “How To Properly Break In A New Gibson Guitar Case”

00:00 - Cutting the cloth

Part one of breaking in a new Gibson case to make it actually usable for a gigging musician.

Part two involves making some small “adjustments” to the center locking latch with a screwdriver

Hope you enjoy friends.

April 8th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 300, Tom Bukovac, “When Chairs Fly”

00:00 - The Black Keys - On The Game
01:18 - Hey, early morning Larry / 100,000 Subscribers plaque / Fishing
02:55 - "Eclipse Monday" / Homeskooler Tweed Deluxe buy
03:43 - The Black Keys
05:00 - '63 Gibson Southern Jumbo / Old Gibson beater, run of the mill acoustic
07:43 - "The booze guy" / Negative connotation and cannot conform to everyone
10:44 - Morgan Wallace "chair" incident
12:53 - "Kalamazoo Corral" Gibson shootout video comments
13:38 - "Which one do you like to play?" / Refretting the Goldtop
15:06 - '57 Gibson ES-175
16:00 - Signing out

Sorry I had to repost this as there was a problem with the first upload

Southern jumbos, eclipses, 300th episodes…you name it we got it in this video friends.
Thank you guys again for being so cool and supporting the cause to bring chords back to music throughout the last 4 years and throughout 300 episodes and 900 plus videos.

It truly means a lot to Larry.

Larry’s PayPal tip jar feed hose pipe is connected to this address
His Venmo is @Tom-Bukovac-1

April 7th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 299, Tom Bukovac, “Shootout At The Kalamazoo Corral”

00:00 - Hello, friends! / Shootout ('57 Goldtop, '59 Black Custom, '58 Burst, '69 Custom)
00:24 - Notice of the pitch angle
00:44 - Nice day fishing / Disclaimers
01:45 - Shootout setup (Big Jam Distortion, Vemuram Shanks, Princeton)
02:40 - '57 Goldtop Bridge
03:33 - '58 Burst Bridge ("Larryburst")
04:45 - '59 Custom Bridge ("Black Beauty")
05:58 - '69 Custom Bridge
07:03 - Blind test setup
07:48 - Exhibit A
08:20 - Exhibit B
08:56 - Exhibit C
09:34 - Exhibit D
10:16 - Lick A
10:45 - Lick B
11:18 - Lick C
11:48 - Lick D
12:31 - Acoustic A
12:56 - Acoustic B
13:19 - Acoustic C
13:46 - Acoustic D
14:13 - Closeout and VCB (Viewer Comment Bin)
14:35 - Recovering alcoholic viewer "The booze guy" / "Thinking abou it..."
16:12 - Q: Sessions sounding out of tune?  A: Takes a lot to build the song; Practicing...we know
17:55 - "Black Beauty" '59 Custom helps drives the player / Inspiration factor
19:34 - Happy fishing

Uncle Larry performs a friendly little bridge pickup only shootout on a few of the more noteworthy items that came from the Golden Age of the Greatest Guitar Company To Ever Exist on this beautiful planet of ours….and a 69 too

This video is for entertainment purposes only…no user serviceable parts inside

Directors note: the guitars were cycled through in the same order in each of the “blind tests”…results will be forthcoming for anyone that actually gives a fuck

Spoiler Alert! - Guitars

A - '58 Burst
B - '57 Goldtop
C - '69 Custom
D - '59 Black Custom

April 6th, 2024

Homeskoolin' Volume 298, Tom Bukovac, "Something Borrowed Something Black"

00:00 - Session take on the goldtop
01:45 - Playing some ZZ Top montage riffs into full rock n' roll into Joe Walsh on a black Gibson Les Paul Custom
08:58 - The 3 best guitars I've played but don't own (Dan Auerbach - '60 Tele Custom, Jim Bagget - '38 Martin D-18, Elliot Michael - '59 Gibson Les Paul Custom)
09:27 - '59 Gibson Les Paul Custom
10:23 - Acoustically played
10:50 - Bridge pickup
11:32 - Playing like Jimmy Page
11:58 - Out-of-phase bridge and middle pickup (shit sound)
12:24 - Neck pickup
13:10 - Trying to buy the guitar / Headstock repair, doesn't care

"well the bitter comes out better on a stolen guitar"...

The opening bit is one of Nicky G's soulful masterpieces...from the sessions we did this week.