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November 13th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 359, Tom Bukovac, “The Bitter End”

00:00 - Bluesy playing on the Strat
06:07 - What's up, friends! / Playing
07:38 - Some singing (Cops), called the "New York Blues"
10:25 - Name That Lead - $2 / Sam Bettens / Name That for a $1
12:00 - Update / Pontiac GTO / Gibson GA-83s
13:40 - Lesson: Key of E to the V
14:42 - Playing Layla (Rita Coolidge, Jim Gordon, Eric Clapton)
16:04 - Outro / Special Fuck-offs / Playing

Hey GT and Jedd-o…this sounds pretty damn New York-y to me…you fellas wanna play it at the show?

I can already picture it…

you guys…with your heads back and your feet up on the intermittent monitor wedges…lettin’ it eat while helpless droves of excitement drenched female onlookers with heavy Brooklyn accents swoon and sway….pointing your bolt on necks heavenward in the glowing red halo of a poorly aimed par can …

Here’s a link for the gig we have booked in Chicago in February for all you early bird

November 12th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Boner….uh sorry, I mean Bonus…”Goat Tone”

00:00 - Pontiac GTO walkaround

Gee, I hope this thing gets good gas mileage…I was looking for something economical…

51k original miles…I am the 4th owner

All numbers matching ….all the original paperwork including original window sticker

Includes the PHS paperwork

335 horse 400 cid motor

Automatic transmission

Power brakes

Spent most of its life around Ft Collins Colorado

Original owners name was Frank Musso

A true grade A chunk of metalpussy here boys….straight from the glory days of Detroit

November 11th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 358, Tom Bukovac, “The Death Of America’s Team”

00:00 - Taking that Gretsch higher
05:28 - Beatles - "The Sun King" (singing and playing)
07:24 - John Lennon bashes Rolling Stones and Mick Jagger
09:04 - Roland JC-120 (Jazz Chorus 120) / Blackface Twin Reverb
10:13 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin)
10:47 - Pontiac GTO delivery
11:29 - Sam Bettens
12:21 - Lesson: Raised 5th on minor
13:20 - Child rearing comments
14:10 - "Stupid Boy"?
15:35 - Twisters movie / Recycled stuff
16:26 - Originality / David Essex - Rock On / Herbie Flowers / John Deacon
18:51 - "You don't talk about women"? / Private life and class
19:56 - Otis Gibbs, Guthrie, Jedd
20:31 - NFL
23:05 - "Most amateurs get wrong"
24:58 - "Is tone in the hands?" / Nothing to do with gear
25:55 - Making up a Will and writing the letter

Uncle Larry covers a wide swath of VCB in one swell foop on this Veteran's Day holiday….
Everything from gettin’ laid to the Abbey Road medley.

here is that Lennon interview i mentioned
John Lennon vs Mick Jagger

If you are indeed getting something out of these real time journal entries , please visit the tip jar

PayPal is
Venmo is @Tom-Bukovac-1

November 10th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 357, Tom Bukovac, “The Art Wall”

00:00 - Some strumming
04:10 - Hello, friends! / Video games
05:50 - Dead strings / In tune
06:40 - Acid hands and strings
08:21 - Youtube videos about trips (Truck House Life)
09:26 - Negative visualization about life / Stay calm
12:55 - Comment about harsh child teaching / Understanding of life through kids / 100% selflessness
16:52 - "Life goes so fast"?
18:30 - Lesson: Fast scale
18:57 - Early Scorpions - Sails of Charon / Captain Beyond
21:00 - Lesson: "Snake Charmer Scale"
21:50 - Uli Roth at Wacken story (Playing Sails of Charon)
22:44 - Otis Gibbs (new YouTube channel) & Todd Sharp (Nashville Amp Repair)
23:42 - Rust Valley Restorers show
24:53 - Rolling Stones - Angie

Uncle Larry gives ya the REAL truth about having kids.....ya' know, all the stuff that's not in the brochure.
If any of you boys out there are on the fence regarding this particular subject, maybe this will give ya a either direction...

only slightly unrelated, dear Leo and I are very proud of the art wall we put up in the new house last night ...some of his finest works, new and old.
such a good boy, very creative soul.

on the subject of music, people will sometimes ask me things like
"uncle larry, what is your definition of REAL soul and feel on the guitar?..."

i ALWAYS respond the same way....i just say "watch THIS friends"

November 9th, 2024

Homeskoolin' "FINALLY, He Talks About Pedals!!!"

00:00 - Some crazy pedal modulation and fuzz
01:30 - Collision Devices - Tars
02:14 - Reason son isn't on camera / Worst product ever
03:10 - Bare minimum pedalboard / Heavy and hard to carry
04:45 - Pedalboard look / Brigadier / Vintage pedals selloff?
07:50 - Son, Marshall playing
08:34 - Marshall's pedalboard

Uncle Larry gets into some pedal talk...because he knows you've been patiently waiting for it

November 8th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 356, Tom Bukovac, “Metric Modulation”

00:00 - Slow lullaby into pickin' madness
02:51 - Rare phone fall & restart / Hello / Guthrie & Jedd
03:53 - Jedd Hughes gig / Working together and not against
05:42 - Son's Chopped Les Paul
06:16 - John Fogerty series / Creedence Clearwater Revival - Lodi
07:26 - Groove on "Born on the Bayou"
09:23 - Airline amp
11:21 - Livestream / Big Apple vs. reclining / Big thanks to people all over
13:13 - CC Deville & Poison vs. Bob Dylan
14:01 - Lesson: 7/8 groove
15:25 - Playing the drums
15:57 - GTO
16:27 - Footage: Amazing drumming and groove / Guthrie show
18:37 - Snake man - George Gruhn

“Metric modulation” friends…the new hip phrase to replace that old fashioned “ hemiola” word we all grew up saying….(look that one up if you are not familiar)

Anyhoo, thanks for tuning in and supporting my pitiful little channel friends...sorry i'm a little out of tune today....i used to care

If anyone feels compelled to donate a little love to your socially challenged old uncle you can do so at these links

PayPal is
Venmo is @Tom-Bukovac-1

Here’s the link for the upcoming New York livestream people

Guess who the snake man at the end of this video is?

November 7th, 2024

Life Hacks with Uncle Larry (episode 1)

00:00 - T-Shirt hack

We all HATE IT when our phone falls down in between the car seat and the center console don’t we?

Lord I know I sure as hell do

Well friends, you don’t have to worry about that anymore

Uncle Larry gon’ fix it for ya’s


November 7th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 355, Tom Bukovac, “Build Sheet Blues”

00:00 - Getting those hard blues ZZ Top tones from Junior
06:16 - Hello, friends!
07:20 - Lesson: Ever heard of a 145?
08:37 - Pick / Jed Hughes show / Guthrie Trapp / Warm environment gig
09:50 - Kid Rock / Cigar smokin'
11:00 - Sons as music critics
11:40 - All The Young Dudes - Mott, Bowie, Ozzy
12:06 - Lesson: All The Young Dudes
14:17 - Western Swing Bumblebee type playing
14:46 - Lesson: Focus - Hocus Pocus (Am, Em7, Fmaj7, Bb, E7#9) -> (Am, Em7, D, B, E)
15:42 - Name that song / Sessions / Jed Hughes gig / Playing
16:32 - Lesson: Pull-offs
17:48 - "No politics/religion on this channel"
18:25 - Gibson Les Paul Junior - Tom Boots guitar
18:39 - Pontiac GTO / Fender Telecaster Blackguard sold / Playing and singing

Uncle Larry treats another old Gibson with very little respect, and checks the pulse of America a day or two after the keys to the Castle were given to the Orange Man…

Come out to the basement tonite and see Jedd…..damn he’s good

November 1st, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Nashville Guitar ER”

00:00 - Show off Lin Crowson shop

Lin Crowson fixes my chopper 63 Fender Azz Ass

You can reach Lin on instagram (i_got_broke_guitars) and Facebook

October 30th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 354, Tom Bukovac, “The Muse....(Gran Turismo Omologato)"

00:00 - Dancing on that Strat
05:40 - What's up!? / Scars on the face
07:00 - "The muse" is gone and waiting for it to come back
10:24 - Dan Huff new inspiration
12:00 - Real stringed instruments / Shelby Lynne
13:26 - Lake Placid Blue Fender Stratocaster (Jeffrey Moore)
13:43 - GTO / Do it while you can
15:55 - Dan Huff track

Uncle Larry discusses the delicate matter of burn out amongst lifer musicians with no hobbies.

as my dear old grandma used to always say "son, there ain't no better way to fight career burn out than buying the exact car you've been dreaming about since you were 15 years old...."

check out this rust bucket POS friends...